英语人>词典>汉英 : 拿手 的英文翻译,例句
拿手 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与拿手相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be adept at/in...


Please describe one of the most adept to do your meals.


That's right down my alley.


Now let them to perform their skillful aria respectively.


Ariza is best known for his athleticism and defensive skills.


It's my mother's favorite recipe for barbecue .


As for Linda Watson, fresh from her Bayreuth debut in the role this summer, she carried all before her, and rightly received an ovation at the end of Walküre, as did Hale – although this was partly, perhaps, in gratitude for their presence in Taipei's youthful venture.


You might be quite good at it.


Jason Bourne is good at what he does ...deadly good.

Jason Bourne对他的专业非常的拿手。。。

Whether making balloon art or using slapstick comedy to draw a crowd, the Busker is a unique performer that has been part of human culture for centuries.


更多网络解释与拿手相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Big Dipper:北斗

7尺1寸的(2.16米)身高,让威尔特.张伯伦最引以为豪,他逢人便称自己身高达到7尺2寸(2.19米). 绰号"大北斗"(Big Dipper)的威尔特除了场上耀武扬威外,在场外自吹自擂也是他的拿手本事,

Spaghetti bolognese:意大利肉酱面

随便炒了个意大利肉酱面(Spaghetti Bolognese)和墨西哥什锦菜(Fajita). 一个是学西餐时的拿手菜,一个是超市里买来半现成的. 半个多小时后,拿出3个透明玻璃杯洗净,测试开始!如果用冰淇淋作比,那"Pils"是"光明","Mrzen Export"是"和路雪",

my mom made her cherry pie:我妈做了拿手的樱桃派

00:01:15 然后用过甜点告诉他们 and we'll tell them after dessert. | 00:01:16 我妈做了拿手的樱桃派 my mom made her cherry pie. | 00:01:18 其实我不爱吃派 you know, i actually don't like pie.

cycle grenades:拿手榴弹

select sniper rifle 拿狙击枪 | cycle grenades 拿手榴弹 | select LAW 拿火箭筒

Cantonese soups:拿手菜

最讨厌的人: mpolte | 拿手菜: Cantonese soups | 性格大表白:Easy-lazy-yuppe

maggie with eggs and hotdogs *winks:最拿手的菜

最尊敬的人: mum | 最喜欢吃的菜:salmon sashimi | 最拿手的菜:maggie with eggs and hotdogs *winks*

thats right down my alley:那是我最拿手的

Thats nothing. 不要紧;小意思 | Thats right down my alley. 那是我最拿手的. | Thats runs my electric bill up. 使电费增加.

That's right down my alley:那是我最拿手的

That's nothing. 不要紧;小意思 | That's right down my alley. 那是我最拿手的. | That's runs my electric bill up. 使电费增加.

Hey, hey, hey. Abel's famous cornbread:嗨 嗨 嗨 亚伯拿手的玉米面包来了

- Yes, it's very comforting.|- Annabelle, you leaving?|- 是啊 太大的安慰了|- 亚伯... | Hey, hey, hey. Abel's famous cornbread.|嗨 嗨 嗨 亚伯拿手的玉米面包来了 | Where's Celia and Marcus?|西利亚和马库斯...

You must be good at something. No:那你肯定有拿手的绝活吧 没有

Well, what do you like? Nothing in particular.|那你喜欢什么呢? 没啥特... | You must be good at something. No.|那你肯定有拿手的绝活吧 没有 | Well, I think you're special. Special how?|你还真是特别 怎么个...