英语人>词典>汉英 : 拷打 的英文翻译,例句
拷打 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
torture  ·  tortured  ·  tortures

更多网络例句与拷打相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dynamo members were later arrested. One died of torture and 3 more were killed near the Babi Yar ravine.


Years later,she discovered that the man who had ordered her torture, a notorious Dergfunctionary called Kelbessa Negewo, had emigrated to the United States and was working as a bellhop at ahotel in Atlanta, Georgia.

多年后,她发现那个下令拷打她的人,一个臭名昭著的Derg官员叫Kelbessa Negewo的,已经移民到美国并正在乔治亚州亚特兰大的一家旅馆充当待者。

Or how about this: What if you got blowback from torturing the sorcerer?


The sole admitted instance of torture was said to have resulted in a court-martial.


Hamas says he was tortured and killed in a Fatah prison in the West Bank.


If the sovereign were now to immure a subject in defiance of the writ of Habeas Corpus, or to put a conspirator to the torture,the whole nation would be instantly electrified by the news.


Lord Voldemort accepts no liability for any pain/suffering/torture/impalement/loss of limbs/grievous bodily harm/disintegration/insanity/imprisonment/loss of soul/death which you may experience while in his service.


If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of


He kissed the ground in face of the enemy's torture.


Some were tortured and put to death in an inhumane manner.


更多网络解释与拷打相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

stimulate and abett:推波助澜

deride or belittle嘲笑或轻视 | stimulate and abett推波助澜 | sweet and mug严刑拷打疲劳审讯


[巧 记]兔子(to)被人(r)的拷打真的(ture)使它受尽折磨. [巧 记]离开(leave)的时候,我把l编织成w. [巧 记]更好的(better)电池组是把e型变成a型,再加个尾巴(y). 前缀(Prefixes)一般不造成词类的转变,而只是引起意思上的变化


cruciform 十字架形的 | excruciate 使受酷刑,拷打,折磨 | localism 地方主义,方言,土语


120Dogpile围扑RAV | 121Excruciator拷打者RAV | 122Fiery Conclusion暴烈终局RAV

Excruciator e:拷打者

死靈原漿 Necroplasm sc*1 10 | 拷打者 Excruciator e*1 5 | 遭緝巨魔 Hunted Troll e*1 5

He kissed the ground in face of the enemy's torture:他在敌人的拷打面前屈服了

At the station they kissed each oth... | He kissed the ground in face of the enemy's torture. 他在敌人的拷打面前屈服了. | "Another of the bad guys has kissed the dust!" cried the little boy as he watc...


那些被以方安全机构调查过的巴勒斯坦人,称自己在审讯过程中受到了"拷打" (torture);而以方的说法是使用了"适度的肉体压力"(moderatephysicalpressure),而 且都是在不得不使用的时候.

torturer:拷打者; 虐待者 (名)

torture 拷问, 折磨, 曲解 (动) | torturer 拷打者; 虐待者 (名) | torturous 拷问的; 痛苦的 (形)

Rough justice meted out:受过严刑拷打

In the bad old days, would that be? Noriega's time?|她是不是在 诺瑞耶加时代吃过苦? | Rough justice meted out?|受过严刑拷打? | - Lf you'd care to take a seat, sir. - Thank you.|-请坐,先生 -谢谢

Guns, bombs, mines and tortures:枪声、炮声、地雷声和拷打声

A Poem For Peace 和平之诗 | Guns, bombs, mines and tortures 枪声、炮声、地雷声和拷打声 | Form its massive sound 都来自这巨大的声响.