英语人>词典>汉英 : 拥有土地的 的英文翻译,例句
拥有土地的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
landed  ·  landowning

更多网络例句与拥有土地的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If a man holds Crown land by fee-farm , by socage , or by burgage , and also holds land of another lord for knight's service , we will not have (by reason of that fee-farm, socage, or burgage) the wardship of his heir or of such land he holds of the other lord's fief .

如果一个人拥有官地的收费农场,由socage ,或由burgage ,还拥有土地的另一主奈特的服务,我们将不会有(因该费用的农场, socage ,或burgage )的看管的他的继承人,或对这种土地的他拥有的其他主的封地。

The legal tenure by which a villein held land.


Most landowners along the river were given life tenancies; they couldn't sell the land to anyone but the government in their lifetimes, and when they died only the government could buy it.


Rekha Mehra says the right to own land will lead to greater investment in the land.

Rekha Mehra 说拥有土地的权力将导致对土地的更大的投资。

Rekha Mehra says the right to own land will lead to greater investment in the land.

Rekha Mehra说拥有土地的权利将会导致在土地上的更大的投资。

Rekha Mehra says the right to own land will lead to greater investment in the land.

Rekha Mehra 说,拥有土地的权利会导致在土地的更大的投资。

Rekha Mehra says the right to own land will lead to greater investment in the land.

Rekha Mehra 说拥有土地的权利将带来在土地上更大的投资。

Rekha Mehra says the right to own land will lead to greater investment in the land.


Eho Meho says the right to on land will lead to great er investment in the land.

M 说拥有土地的权利将领导更多的投资在土地中。

Feudalism in Europe was mainly a system of land holding-a system of holding land in exchange for military service.


更多网络解释与拥有土地的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Landed aristocracy:擁有土地的貴族階級

Land use 土地利用 | Landed aristocracy 拥有土地的贵族阶级 | Landowners 地主


landed 拥有土地的 | landed 有田地的 | lander 著陆器

landholding company:拥有土地的公司

landed cost抵岸价格;卸岸成本 | landholding company拥有土地的公司 | Laspeyres index formula拉斯佩尔指数公式


我们有必要谨慎使用"有势力的"(powerful)这一词语,因为在日本长久以来名义上的权力(权威)与实权之间有区别. 首都的大贵族家庭可能有足够财富与"权力"动员资源垦地,但这不意味着他们有实权维持土地的实际控制. 实权较有可能由地方小贵族拥有,

set unowned to rights:让不属于自己的地变成有权购买的地

all types inverted 所有土地拥有权都改变 | set unowned to rights 让不属于自己的地变成有权购买的地 | own all land 拥有全部土地(可拥有边界土地)


domanial 领域的 | domanial 拥有领土的 | domanialearth'spraedialterritorial 土地的


dom /加于天主教修道僧的姓名前的尊称/ | domanial /拥有领土的/领域的/土地的/ | domes /拱形结构/


landowner 地主 | landowning 拥有土地的 | landplane 陆上飞机

jump a claim:[美]占有别人的所有物,强占别人土地的采矿权

hold down a claim 在某一地区居住一段时间以便要求拥有土地所有权 | jump a claim [美]占有别人的所有物, 强占别人土地的采矿权 | lay claim to 表示自己有权利去获得, 提出主权要求, 认领(某物)


Landed aristocracy 拥有土地的贵族阶级 | Landowners 地主 | Land-use controls 土地使用管制