英语人>词典>汉英 : 报导者 的英文翻译,例句
报导者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与报导者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

HSY and Nestle SA, have been mentioned so often that this arbitrager called the pairing 'like reports of unsafe salad bars on the nightly news - they pop up every three months.


Patients undergoing CEA regional had an incidenceof cognitive dysfunction which was not different than patientshaving CEA general as previously published and compared witha contemporaneously enrolled group.

在区域麻醉下接受 CEA 术的患者有发生术后认知功能障碍的可能,其几率与以往报导过的全麻下 CEA 术者没有明显差别。

He is represented by the media as a dangerous firebrand.


He is represented by the media as a dangerous firebrand .


Some kids have and some kids don't And some of us are wondering why Mom won't watch the news at night There's too much stuff that's making her cry We need some help Down here on earth A thousand prayers, a million words But one voice was heard A house, a yard, a neighborhood Where you can ride your new bike to school A perfect world where mom and dad Still believe the golden rule Life's not that simple Down here on earth A thousand prayers, a million words But one voice was heard One voice, one simple word Hearts know what to say One dream can change the world Keep believing till you find your way Yesterday while walking home I saw some kid on Newbury Bridge He had a pistol from his bag And tossed it in the river below Thanks for the help Down here on earth A thousand prayers, a million words One voice was heard One voice was heard One voice was heard


Skirmishes between rival party workers at one polling booth left one dead in West Bengal, while another was killed when police opened fire on a mob outside a ballot booth in Rajasthan, according to media reports.


In addition, the Evening News reported that experts warned that the prevalence of diabetes has been much earlier age, 30 to 40-year-old man,"potbellied" those most vulnerable to disease.


It appeared in the passive role of Vina who was reported and named in the press, too.

本研究发现侠事件中,移住家庭监护工Vina 的国族形象於冠有「外」佣、「外籍」看护监护工、「印」佣的称谓,也出现在被报导者、被命名者的被动角色中。

In addition, the report cites: several agents who reported instances of beatings, 30 agents who reported witnessing prolonged shackling of detainees in stress positions, 70 agents who reported detainees being subjected to sleep deprivation, 29 agents who had information on the use of extreme temperatures in order to "break the detainees' resolve to resist cooperating" and 50 agents reporting the use of extended isolation to wear down a detainee's resistance.

&此外,该报告列举了:几个代理商谁报的实例殴打, 30代理商谁报导,目睹了长期shackling被拘留者在强调的立场, 70代理商谁报导,被拘留者受到剥夺睡眠, 29代理商谁曾使用情况的资料极端温度在以&打破被拘留者的决心,以抵制合作&和50个代理商报告使用更广泛的孤立&拖垮被拘留者的阻力。

By overlapping media coverage, collaboration with governmental agencies, fabricated statistics and equivocal wording, the Taiwanese media construct the "foreign brides" phenomenon as a social problem. The brides are portrayed either as passive victims or materialist blood-suckers, and prone to committing crimes, while the bridegrooms are portrayed as the "socially undesirable," that is, physically or mentally disabled, and deceivers and sexists.


更多网络解释与报导者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


communally /公有地/社区内地/ | communicable /可传达的/会传染的/爱说话的/ | communicant /领圣餐的人/报导者/通知者/传达消息的/


communicabletaking 会传染的 | communicant 领圣餐的人 | communicant 报导者


communicant 报导者 | communicant 传达消息的 | communicantinformer 通知者


communicant /领圣餐的人/报导者/通知者/传达消息的/ | communization /共有化/共产化/ | communize /使共有/使共产化/


远在1992年,他在埃尔顿(Elton)镇筹办了晚生鸽的拍卖会. 报导上说,参加此次拍卖会的鸽友人数是绝无仅有的热烈. 当时他的每羽晚生鸽平均以美金500元售出,刷新了记录. 请注意:这个价格并不是夏拉肯所订出,而是枪标者兢相喊价而来的.


half-timer 作半工者 | half-track 半履带车 | half-truth 不可全信的报导

Harding University:哈定大学

(中央社记者周盈成日内瓦二十九日专电)国际棒球总会(IBAF)今天否认日前台湾媒体所报导「中华得第五」的「世界棒球排名」是该会所做,并表示该会现也没有计画从事类似排名. 文章中说明,这是BaseballdeWorld 做的排名,实际编纂者则为哈定大学(Harding University)体育资讯主任古德,只纳入IBAF支持办理的赛事为评比依据.


视台报导,琳赛罗涵(Lindsay Lohan)的律师Alfred Gerisch於上周末提出诉书,以支持日前这位女星对2005年10月车祸案所有或部分诉讼所提出的驳回要求,在诉书中律师Gerish宣称Raymundo Ortega(与琳赛罗涵发生车祸者)谎称车祸当时琳赛是酒醉状态:「如同连续敲打的打桩机一样,


在整个过程中,媒介所扮演的角色可以概括为故事讲述者 ( narrator )、公共舞台 ( public stage ) 和议程建构者 ( agenda-builder ) . 媒介首先是一个故事的讲述 者,当代中国的传媒在报导消费者运动时,并没有仅仅局限于对官方运动组织所开展的活动的报导,

More reports just in confirm that in all cases the attackers seem slow and shambolic:刚刚证实了更多则报导 所有的攻击者行动迟缓、怪异

- For God's sake! He's got an arm ... | 'More reports just in confirm that in all cases the attackers seem slow and shambolic...'|刚刚证实了更多则报导 所有的攻击者行动迟缓、怪异... | I'm gonna shut the ...