英语人>词典>汉英 : 报国 的英文翻译,例句
报国 的英文翻译、例句


dedicate oneself to the service of one's country · serve the country worthily
更多网络例句与报国相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The purpose of this was to enable Diego to resign his bishopric that he might devote himself to the conversion of unbelievers in distant lands.

这项议案的目的是让迭戈辞去bishopric ,他可能在立志报国的转化信的,在遥远的国度。

Upon approval, the aforesaid intellectual property office shall report the shut-down or cancellation to the State Intellectual Property Office for archival purposes, and a copy shall be reported to the intellectual property office of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government at the locality of the patent agency.


It has multiterm production lines including coccidium vaccine production line, Herbal extract production line, API synthesis production line, powder production line, premix production line, Small volume injection production line, oral liquid production line and disinfectants production line, and so on. It has more than 100 products of 8 Series. We ivested eight million yuan to build a new live coccidium vaccine production workshop in 2008. The new live coccidium vaccine has been declared to national new veterinary medicine Evaluation center and in clinical trial stage.


Mao Zedong's patriotism in early time that originated from individual spirit values has five links:worried thoughts about motherland,the ambition of serving motherland,the road to save motherland,the design for building country and cosmopolitism.


Certificates of grade Ⅱ secrecy of our nation and of navy armament manufacture have been issued to the Co., and also it is well-known for its creditableness and high civilization.


Implementation of Dedicator's Project


The main Chinese partner shall submit the documents as provided for in Article 12 to the administration for industry and commerce competent for reviewing and approving the registration of foreign-invested enterprises in the place where it is located, and the latter shall give an opinion on the preliminary review, and then submit the aforesaid documents to the administration for industry and commerce at provincial level authorized by the SAIC for approval, or to the SAIC for approval via the administration for industry and commerce of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government or separately planning city after its review.

第六条 设立中外合营广告企业,按下列程序办理:由中方主要合营者,向其所在地有外商投资企业核准登记权的工商行政管理局呈报第十二条规定的文件,由其提出初审意见,报国家工商行政管理总局授权的省级工商行政管理局审定,或经省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市工商行政管理局核转,报国家工商行政管理总局审定。

The main Chinese partner shall submit the documents as listed in Article 12 to the local administration for industry and commerce competent for examining and approving the registration of foreign-funded enterprises, who shall give an opinion on the preliminary examination, then submit the aforesaid documents to the administration for industry and commerce of the provincial level authorized by the SAIC for examination and approval, or submit them to the SAIC for examination and approval via the administration for industry and commerce of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government or city directly under State planning upon examination and approval.


Da Gong Bao originates the writer to publish a newspaper discusses the politics, the opinion serves the country, is manifesting which in the modern times the country national bourgeoisie intellectual patriotically serves the country.


If the units to be investigated lie within the jurisdiction of the department that works out the item, the item shall be submitted to the NBS for filing; if the units to be investigated lie beyond the jurisdiction of the department that works out the item, the item shall be summated to the NBS for examination and approval.


更多网络解释与报国相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sacrifice, bravery:确立必胜信念

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implementation of Dedicator Project:报国计划的实施

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implementation of Dedicator's:报国计划的实施

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implementation of Dedicator's Project:报国规划的实施

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implementation of Dedicator's Project:报国计划的实

保值储??inflation-proof bank savings | 报国计划的实??implementation of Dedicator's Project | 北欧投资银行 Nordic Investment Bank

implementation of Dedicators Project:报国计划的实施

保值储蓄inflation-proof bank savings | 报国计划的实施implementation of Dedicators Project | 北欧投资银行Nordic Investment Bank