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抗石的 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与抗石的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This research wants to understand for slag additament to restrain of ocean-sand concrete shall be getting worse. To separate river-sand and ocean-sand made fine aggregate, by means of slag additament be able to substitute for cement 20%~40%, and be able to set W/C=0.385、0.485 and 0.585 to make compressive、tensile and bending motor test sample, and shall be curing 3、7、28 and 56 days to search for relation of slag be able to substitute for cement、W/C、curing time and strength.


The experiment results show the viscosity of polymer solution confected by Ag~+ antibiosis zeolite processed produced water is higher than that of not pro...


When the slip-form paver is used in curbstone concrete spreading construction,because the grade of designed curbstone concrete is comparatively superior and its thickness is comparatively thin,the crack resistance and the construction workability of concrete are usually bad in construction.


It is ultra-fine powder of antibacterial effect with high quality synthetic zeolite catalyst, with silver antibacterial effect of zinc and other metal ions to form a uniform dispersion stability to the frame structure of zeolite.


The major results obtained are: PCR-RFLP method is suitable for molecular identification of Shihu; 205 compounds were isolated from 10 species of Dendrobium, including 21 new compounds, and 28 compounds isolated from genus Dendrobium for the first time. Each of the extracts and compounds were screened for anticoagulant and antitumour activities separately. The results indicated that the ethyl acetate extract from Dendrobium chrysanthun has significant anticoagulant function; the antitumour function of the 4 bibenzyl components from Dendrobium chrysotoxum is stronger than that of phenanthrene, of which the erianin has significant anti-angiogenic effect both in vivo and in vitro; components with moderate or stronger antitumour activities were found in the extracts of D. thyrsiflorum, D. chrysanthun and D. trigonopus; quality standard for 5 species of Dendrobium was drawn up use active or indicative components as control.


Sn with the content of 0.004% in the lithosphere is almost in presence of cassiterite and little in presence of Sn-contained sulfide. Since 1980s, the anticancer active study on organic complex compounds has attracted considerable attentions, it becomes another hot issue after the study on Pt. When time up to the year 1989, the anticancer active measurement of more than 2000 kinds of Sn-contained complex compounds have been carried out by Cancer Academy, U.S, with the results showing half of these Sn-contained complex compounds posses antileucocythemia(P388) activity. Thereafter, Sn-contained complex compounds synthesized by hydrothermal reaction also become a hot issue people focus on.


This paper gives mechanical testing results of sand-gravel materials in the Liangcha river that show good compaction, high shear strength and low compression behavior. The materials in both panical grades and engineering, behaviors can meet the requirements of different parts of the dam body. And it also discribes a stlbzone in the dam body, design specification, construCtion parameters as well as embankment, slope comp...


According the analyse of orthogonal experiment content of fiber brucite and ratio of water/plaster will affect plaster mould"s most wetness break intension markedness and content of fiber brucite is mostly complication while ratio of water/plaster is subordination complication ;In the precondition of better fluidity , plaster mould"s most wetness break intension is on that content of fiber brucite is 3.6% ratio of water/plaster is 0.65,it become 2.96 Mpa which is increase 54.17% to no fiber brucite plaster moulds


The antibacterial properties of antibacterial zeolites were also studied.


San-Huang, so called Mesima in Japan and Korea, has been considered to be a traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine that was reported to be used as a stypti, both internally and externally, for treating uterine bleeding, and for blood in the urine. The modern researches proved that it is also an effective emmenogogue for amenorrhea and for treating leukorrhea. Extracts from hot water have been experimented to have antitumor and inhibit Sacroma 180 cancer cell abilities. The powdered fruiting body is taken in liquid or in pill form, and preparations can also be applied externally for pains in the abdominal region.

在传统的药用真菌中,桑黄在明代李时珍的「本草纲目」即有记载,性寒,味微苦,能利五脏,宣肠气,排毒气,压丹石,人热发,止血等,在中国及日本有长久的使用历史,现代化科学研究证实桑黄的热水抽出物具有抑制老鼠Sacroma 180肿瘤细胞及一般抗肿瘤的功能,治妇女月经不顺,提高免疫机能及强化T细胞能力,对癌症肿瘤切除后化疗的患者具有相乘的功效且长期服用并不会有任何副作用及毒性产生,这些证据显示「桑黄」确实具有开发潜力。

更多网络解释与抗石的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hexagonal system:六方晶系

;石英普遍存在于各种石矿中,主要由SiO2所组成,结构为六方晶系(Hexagonal System)结构的架状为硅酸盐类,它具有高硬度、耐磨性及抗风化性等特性,一般为透明或乳白色,或因各种杂元素污染而呈现多色性(灰或黑色).

iron oxide:氧化铁

"天石"文化石是通过精选优质硅酸盐(Portland cement)轻骨料(light weight Aggregate)氧化铁(Iron oxide)等原材料,用美国进口设备混合加工,倒模而成. 然后通过在恒温室进行养护、硬化,增强它的强度和抗冻性能. 所有产品都依据欧洲标准执行生产、检测,

Fire Mastery:(女巫的火系掌握技能)

fire golem(男巫的火焰石魔技能,简称fg) | fire mastery(女巫的火系掌握技能) | fire resistance(抗火)


>(Obsidian)又称为抗魔石,色泽:深黑如炭但却如玻璃般光滑. 是一种极为稀有,价值连城的矿石. 据说对魔法抗性极高,所以广泛受到法师或术士等职业的欢迎,实际用途不明. 半人族(Half-ling)是大陆上普遍的种族之一,

Gmelina arborea:云南石梓

velutina)、云南石梓(Gmelina arborea)、山白兰(Paramicheiia baillonii)等笔直、坚硬、抗虫蛀的木料. 佛寺里各种木雕菩萨、神兽、神器都要选用不变形、不翘不裂的柚木、云南石梓、树菠萝(Artocarpus heterophylla)等的木材.

Gmelina arborea:石梓

velutina)、云南石梓(Gmelina arborea)和山白兰(Paramichelia baillonii)等笔直、坚硬、抗虫蛀的木料. 佛寺里的各种木雕菩萨、神兽、神器都要选用不变形、不翘不裂的柚木、云南石梓和树菠萝(Artocarpus heterophylla)等的木材.


中医治疗细菌性痢疾、阿米巴痢疾及多种感染性炎症,其抗菌有效成分,可能是多种鞣酸的复合物. 根皮驱除绦虫有效,主要由于所含异石榴皮碱(isopelletierine) 等的作用. 白石榴花治久痢、便血,但石榴根皮毒性较大,现已被其他更好药物所替代.

total alkaloids:生物碱

本实验通过体外培养晶状体,对金钗石斛(Dendrobium nobile Lindl.)的粗提物总生物碱(total alkaloids)和粗多糖(polysaccharides)抗白内障作用进行了探讨,现报道如下.


抗肿瘤坏死因子抗体对小鼠急性肺损伤的保护作用 中华结核和呼吸感染1998年第2期第0卷论著摘要 作者:周宏宇 石玉枝 孙慧明 单位:114002哈尔滨医科大学第一临床医学院(周宏宇,现在辽宁鞍钢铁东医院内科) 成人呼吸窘迫综合症(ARDS)发病机制复杂,近年