英语人>词典>汉英 : 抗生素蛋白 的英文翻译,例句
抗生素蛋白 的英文翻译、例句


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The best way is to develop multiple-antibiotic-resistance regulon counteractant and efflux pump inhibitor, or to increase the expression of efflux pump.


The loss or diminishment of OprD2 was the main reason for the imipenem resistance of P.aeruginosa in our hospital, but its effect on meropenem resistance deserved further study.


objective:to investigate the present situation and features of infection of incisional wound after sesarean section,so as to find the best method in the diagnosis and prevention of incisional infection.methods:the patients undergoing cesarean section were investigated retrospectively for studying the basic features of incisional infection after operation.results:of 13798 investigated parturients after cesarean section,96 were found with the infection of incisional wound accounting for 0.7%.the main symptom was distending pain or jumping pain on the site of incision,the emergence time of symptom in major cases(78.13%) was 4 to 7 days after operation.the local therapy including drainage,ultraviolet rays or infrared rays irradiation and ultrashort wave therapy was the main method in concert with antibiotic treatment and support therapy.the antibiotic therapy was changeable,and albumin intromission was the main method in the general support therapy.

目的:了解剖宫产手术切口感染的现状特点,分析其感染原因,便于临床上更好的诊断和预防切口感染。方法:采用回顾性调查方法,研究剖宫产切口感染的基本特征。结果:调查产妇13 798例,其中切口感染96例,感染率0.7%,症状主要表现为切口胀痛、跳痛,78.13%出现在术后4~7天,57例产妇伴有发热,占59.38%;感染后治疗主要是局部治疗配合抗生素治疗、支持治疗,局部治疗以引流、紫外线或红外线照射、超短波疗法为主,抗生素的使用比较混乱,全身支持治疗以输入白蛋白为主。

Now we don't know how aminoglycoside antibiotics damages hair cells, but there are some theories about it, such as:(1)AmAn affects the transformation among phosphoinositoln, inositol- 3-phophate and glycerine-2-acyl, also, it can cause the change of Ca2+ concentration in endocellular.

氨基糖甙类抗生素(aminoglycoside antibiotics, AmAn)损伤毛细胞的机制尚不清楚,但有以下几种学说:(1)影响了磷酸肌醇、三磷酸肌醇、二脂酰甘油间转化从而导致细胞内钙离子浓度的变化;(2)抑制G蛋白和鸟氨酸脱羧酶活性;(3)氨基糖甙类抗生素能引起内耳毛细胞的凋亡。

Drug sensitive test and three-dimensional test220 strains of Pa were isolated from hospitalized patients between 2003 and 2007. K-B method was used to tested the susceptibility of 10 different antibiotics. IRPa was screened by testing the minimal inhibitory concentration of imipemem by using agar diluiion method.The susceptibility of these IRPa to the antibiotics was analysised. Three-dimensional test was used to identify the different kinds of beta lactamases from 220 strains of Pa.2.Carbarpenems hydrolytic enzyme genes and oprD2 gene were detectedamong the selected IRPa strains, PCR method was performed to detect carbapenemase genes which included GES、KPC、SPM、VIM、IMP、GIM gene and the oprD2 gene;Multiplex PCR were used to detect OXA genes and plasmid-mediated AmpC beta lactamase genes; The expression of the chromosomal AmpC beta lactamases and oprD2 genes in IRPa strains were analyzed by Real-time PCR.3.Identification and characterization of integronsIntegrase gene was detected by PCR, and the classification of integrons was performed by using restriction fragment length polymorphism.PCR was performed to detect the qacE△1-sull gene,and the gene cassetes which are located at variable region of integrons in the strains were detected to be positive.

方法1、药敏实验和三维实验收集2003~2007年临床分离的220株Pa,对这些菌株采用K-B法测定10种临床常用抗生素的药敏情况,同时采用琼脂稀释法检测亚胺培南的最低抑菌浓度(Minimal inhibitory concentration,MIC),筛选出对亚胺培南耐药的铜绿假单胞菌,并分析其对其它抗生素的药物敏感率;采用三维实验的方法分析220株Pa产β内酰胺酶的类型。2、碳青霉烯类水解酶和oprD2蛋白的检测针对鉴定的IRPa菌株,采用普通PCR方法检测具有碳青霉烯水解作用的β内酰胺酶耐药基因(GES、KPC、SPM、VIM、IMP、GIM基因)和oprD2基因,采用多重PCR的方法检测OXA型基因和质粒携带的AmpC酶基因,用荧光定量RT-PCR方法检测oprD2蛋白基因表达情况;同时对产AmpC酶的Pa(25株,含IMP耐药和敏感株)用RT-PCR方法检测AmpC酶基因的表达量情况。3。

Results The high risk factors of nosocomial infections in this group included rejection,leucocytopenia,hypoalbuninemia,cyclos porin A poisoning,hepatic dysfunction and infections of nursing family members ...


Maize syrup, a kind of brown sticky liquid is concentrated from the retted mixture. Its main contents are soluble protein, peptide and amino-acid etc., which is very nourishing. It can be used for producing antibiotic, gourment powder, yeast, inositol and etc.. So the maize syrup is a very important valuable by-product .


Symbiotics Lactoferrin-Colostrum Plus comes from USDA Grade A dairies that are hormone, pesticide, antibiotic and rBST free.


The biologic feedstuff is made from corn straw , putamina of peanuts, potato vines by the way of ferment, and contains substances easy to be digested and absorbed, such as monosaccharide, dipeptide sugar and amino acids etc.


In the method, the polyclonal antibodies are obtained by utilizing syntactic quinoxalone antibiotics multi-cluster antigen immunization; the coupling compound of the half antigen of the quinoxalone antibiotics and an egg-white protein OVA is taken as an envelope antigen; the quinoxalone antibiotics is taken as a standard; the indirect competitive enzyme-linked immune detection method for the quinoxalone antibiotics in animal food is established; a rapid and high efficient detection means is provided for the residues of the quinoxalone antibiotics in the animal food; because the polyclonal antibodies are adopted, the cost is low, and the stability and the repeatability are good; the detection limit (IC is smaller than 90) is 0.0126 ng/ml, the median inhibitory dose (IC is smaller than 50) is 0.52 ng/ml, and the detection range (IC is smaller than 20 to 80) is 0.04467 to 14 ng/ml.

本发明利用合成的喹诺酮类抗生素多簇抗原免疫得到多克隆抗体,以喹诺酮类抗生素半抗原与卵清蛋白OVA的偶联物作为包被抗原,以喹诺酮类抗生素为标准品,建立动物性食品中的喹诺酮类抗生素的间接竞争酶联免疫检测方法;为喹诺酮类抗生素在动物性食品中的残留检测提供了快速高效的检测手段,由于采用的是多克隆抗体,费用较低并且稳定性和重复性较好,检测限(IC 90 )为0.0126ng/ml、半数抑制量(IC 50 )为0.54ng/ml和检测范围(IC 20 ~IC 80 )为0.04467~14ng/ml。

更多网络解释与抗生素蛋白相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

actinomycin D:放线菌素

(3)黏膜细胞上司控运输携带者的可能程度. (4)组织接受胺基酸之速度. (5)胺基酸的吸收,可能被一些抗生素所抑制,如:放线菌素(Actinomycin D),嘌呤霉素(Puromycin),因其抑制输送蛋白的合成. 在某些情形下,完整的蛋白质可经由细胞嗜吸作用而被吸收.


ii 0.5%金霉素(aureomycin)眼膏:抗菌谱与青霉素相同,尤其对耐青霉素和四环素的葡萄球菌有效,日2~3次. 2)抗革兰阴性:主要抗结核杆菌,绿脓杆菌,大肠杆菌和变形杆菌等. 羟基糖甙类抗生素,有杀菌功能,并有不可逆转地阻断细菌蛋白合成和核糖体的功能.


avidin 抗生素蛋白 | avidity 热望 | avidly 贪心地


当肉毒杆菌蛋白注射在腓肠肌 (Gastrocnemius) 或咀嚼肌 (Masseter),肌肉会被暂时瘫痪,引发肌肉萎缩,达致瘦小腿及瘦面的效果. 患有肌肉系统疾病、神经系统疾病,或正在接受氨基糖甙类抗生素 (Aminoglycoside antibiotics) 人士都不应接受注射.

antisense strand:反意义链

有意义链(sense strand)与反意义链(antisense strand)Tac启动子,IPTG诱导,SD序列下游是谷胱苷肽巯基转移酶基因,外源片段与之相连. 用凝血酶(thrombin)可把GST和表达蛋白切开. 新霉素是细菌抗生素,干扰原核生物核糖体,使其蛋白合成不能进行,


药物方面较常见的有抗生素,如盘尼西林(penicillins)类、磺胺(Sulfa)类,消炎药如阿斯匹林(aspirin)、非类固醇抗发炎药(NSAID)类. 而食物方面较常见的有有壳海鲜(虾、蟹、蛤等)、坚果类(花生、核仁)、牛奶、蛋白、食物添加物等.

per centage concentration:百分浓度

白蛋白微球制剂 al bumin microballoons | 百分浓度 per centage concentration | 半合成抗生素 sem isynthetic antibiotics


生物素(biotin)可以和抗生素蛋白(avidin)发生不可逆反应而紧密结合在一起. 首先加入生物素标记的二抗,在加入耦联有酶或荧光集团的 avidin、ExtrAvidin或streptavidin,后者能够结合于二抗表面的多个位点上,从而极大的放大检测信号.

grams stain:革兰氏染色

有人氨基苯修改了一大批中文译名,例如将本 - 周氏蛋白( bence-jones protein )改为凝溶蛋白;将革兰氏染色( grams stain )改为固紫染色;将抗生素改为抗菌素等等.


Streptoduocin 链双霉素[抗生素类药] | Streptokinase 链激酶[蛋白分解酶] | Streptomycin 链霉素[抗生素类药]