英语人>词典>汉英 : 投资过剩 的英文翻译,例句
投资过剩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Monetary easing--even unorthodox--is like pushing on a string when (1) the problems of the economy are of insolvency/credit rather than just illiquidity;(2) there is a global glut of capacity (housing, autos and consumer durables and massive excess capacity, because of years of overinvestment by China, Asia and other emerging markets), while strapped firms and households don't react to lower interest rates, as it takes years to work out this glut;(3) deflation keeps real policy rates high and rising while nominal policy rates are close to zero; and (4) high yield spreads are still 2,000 basis points relative to safe Treasuries in spite of zero policy rates.


This unbalanced situation resulted in Japanese deindustrialization such as surplus investment in facility, the lost of workers, and domestic demand deflation.


The exterior unbalance expression of Chinese economy is in " exit - investment " depend on model the favourable balance of a huge sum below economic growth pattern and the foreign exchange reserve that increase considerably, in-house unbalance expression is in " tall deposit "," high investment " with " low spending " the yield below the loop inside system can be superfluous cause constant deflationary pressure.


The hyperbola discount model is utilized to introduce the theory of cognitive bias into the study of the problem. From the perspective of microcosmic, the economic entity enterprises are analyzed. The conclusion is drawn that the enterprises will invest with the impulse when the economics is prosperity, and procrastinate investment lingeringly when the economics is at a low ebb because of the cognitive bias β.


Sub-stock inventory of consumer goods and raw materials inventory, a huge economic stimulus plan on the production of consumer goods companies may be more indirect role in stimulating, over-investment may be even out of private consumption and investment in the future could lead to overcapacity.


You need to live on less than you make and invest the surplus well.


This is not to deny that China has seen overinvestment in some sectors, such as steel and cars.


Chronic overinvestment has, it is argued, resulted in vast excess capacity and falling returns on capital.


During 2009, new investment in industries with overcapacity was relatively modest; most money went into infrastructure.


The cure for excessive investment is the exit of capital from what my former colleague Steve Galbraith calls the 'capital pigs'- overcapitalized industries - and the redeployment of that capital into new products and new industries that can use it productively.


更多网络解释与投资过剩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Marketing Director:营销总监

日本Techno System Research公司营销总监(Marketing Director)林秀介指出,对于面板厂商来说,单元形式的销售有望缓和销售的季节性变化、削减设备投资、避免生产能力的过剩、简化物流.


overcapitalization 投资过度 资本过剩 | overcapitalize 投资过度 | overcarburization 渗碳过量

overheated economy:经济过热

经济过热(Overheated Economy) 什么是经济过热 当经历了长时期的良好的经济增长及经济活动后,消费者增加的财富所带来的高通货膨胀水平和过度的无效投资造成生产能力过剩,最终阻碍经济的增长,并导致经济衰退.

overheated economy:过热

经济过热(Overheated Economy) 什么是经济过热 当经历了长时期的良好的经济增长及经济活动后,消费者增加的财富所带来的高通货膨胀水平和过度的无效投资造成生产能力过剩,最终阻碍经济的增长,并导致经济衰退.

tidal wave:浪潮

全球过剩流动性的周期性浪潮(tidal wave)实际正处于增长阶段,这是对格林斯潘胆怯的货币"紧缩"政策的一种嘲弄. 这是在刺激投机性投资的增长--对冲基金正带领其他投资者向更高风险的冒险冲锋.


overinsurance 超额保险 | overinvestment 投资过剩 | overinvestment 投资过剩