英语人>词典>汉英 : 抓钩 的英文翻译,例句
抓钩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

dog hook · bunter dog
更多网络例句与抓钩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The weapon slides through flesh like a hot wire in foam, and is a grappling hook as well as a garrote ? great for getting across chasms and up cliffs.


There's a hole you can grapple into.


The work and tools of the rigger, grappler, sail-maker, block-maker


There's a very high wall grate that you can pull open and grapple into.


A larger version of the longship, able to carry more men as well as grappling hooks for boarding actions.


"Reticule color identifies targets: red for guns, blue for grapple, gray for out-of-range."


These boats carry ballista for firing grappling hooks to pull enemy ships into contact, enabling boarding actions.


You can use it to climb onto objects that are out of reach for other soldiers to gain excellent outflanking positions.


In today's highly automatic manufacturing systems, computer-controlled hoists affect directly the productivity of the systems.


The manipulator of whole metal structure includes link arm and grab, the link arm is two planar four-link mechanisms and the grab includes arm with guide mechanism, grabbing hook and hook opening and closing mechanism comprising bent link rod, pull-push flexible shaft and electric cylinder.


更多网络解释与抓钩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2000 Golden升级:AU P2K Golden PP7:AU PP7抓钩(Grapple)升级:LIFTOFF雷射升级:PHOTON电击器升级:ZAP麻醉箭升级:SLEEPY跑车飞弹升级:LAUNCH所有多人模式选项:GAMEROOM所有多人模式角色:PARTY解开各别的多人模式选项:前为密码,

timber grapple:木材抓钩

221 蝶形螺钉 thumb screw | 222 木材抓钩 timber grapple | 223 摆动时间 time of oscillation


grapple 抓住;用锚将船固定住;抓爪 | grappler 脚扣抓钩 | grapplers 脚扣

grappling iron:抓钩

grappling iron 四爪小锚 | grappling iron 抓钩 | grappling iron 抓钩四爪小锚

grappling iron:抓钩四爪小锚

grappling iron 抓钩 | grappling iron 抓钩四爪小锚 | grappling-iron 小艇锚

Grappling hook:抓钩

相信你很快就会喜欢上游戏中的这些新环境,设计者们专门为特种部队设计了飞索(zip line)及抓钩(grappling hook). 飞索能射出最远约75米,利用它你能迅速地从高处(如旅馆的屋顶)下到地面,也能快速地从地面到达高处.

overshot grab:抓钩打捞筒

overshoot clipper 过冲限制器 | overshot grab 抓钩打捞筒 | overshot tubing seal divider 打捞筒油管密封分压器

grapple skidder:抓钩集材拖拉机

钢丝绳集材拖拉机 cable skidder | 抓钩集材拖拉机 grapple skidder | 自装集材拖拉机 self-loading skidder

dog hook:抓钩,带钩撑杆

dog hole ==> 液流洞,联络巷道 | dog hook ==> 抓钩,带钩撑杆 | dog house arch ==> 投料口旋拱

grapple fork:抓钩叉子

grapple equiped crane ==> 锚固式起重机 | grapple fork ==> 抓钩叉子 | grapple hook ==> 抓升钩