英语人>词典>汉英 : 批准 的英文翻译,例句
批准 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
approval  ·  approve  ·  authorise  ·  authorize  ·  confirm  ·  confirmation  ·  O.K.  ·  okay  ·  pass  ·  passes  ·  ratification  ·  ratified  ·  ratify  ·  seal  ·  seals  ·  validation  ·  warrant  ·  warranted  ·  approbate  ·  confirming  ·  authorisation  ·  O.K.'d  ·  O.K.'ing  ·  approbated  ·  approbates  ·  approbating  ·  approves  ·  authorizes  ·  confirms  ·  okayed  ·  okaying  ·  ratifies  ·  ratifying  ·  warranting  ·  OK  ·  approvals

set one's hand to
更多网络例句与批准相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any amendment to an approved plan shall be subject to the approval of the original approving organ.


During the legislative ordinary session, the National Assembly shall hold a sitting only in such cases as prescribed in Chapter 2 or in cases of the consideration of bills or organic law bills, the approval of an Emergency Decree, the approval of the declaration of war, the hearing and approval of a treaty, the election or approval of a person for holding office, the removal of a person from office, the interpellation and the amendment of the Constitution, unless the National Assembly has passed a resolution, by the votes of more than one-half of the total number of the existing members of both Houses, for considering other matters.


M The reversal or modification on appeal of an authorization under subsection or of this section of a sale or lease of property does not affect the validity of a sale or lease under such authorization to an entity that purchased or leased such property in good faith, whether or not such entity knew of the pendency of the appeal, unless such authorization and such sale or lease were stayed pending appeal.


But if it's granted (批准, it could allow prosecutors to refile the charges at a later date.


Article 78 Approving the occupation of land without the power of approval, beyond the term of reference, or not according to the purposes defined in the general plans for the utilization of land or approving the occupation or expropriating of land in violation of the legal procedures, the documents of approval shall be invalid and the persons in charge and personnel directly responsible for illegal expropriation or use of land shall be given administrative punishments.


Article 78 Approving the occupation of land without the power of approval, beyond the term of reference, or not according to the purposes defined in the general plans for the utilization of land or approving the occupation or requisitioning of land in violation of the legal procedures, the documents of approval shall be invalid and the persons in charge and personnel directly responsible for illegal requisition or use of land shall be given administrative punishments.


Article 78 Approving the occupation of land without the power of approval, beyond the term of reference, or not according to the purposes defined in the general plans for the utilization of land or approving the occupation or requisitioning of land in violation of the legal procedures, the documents of approval shall be invalid and the persons in charge and personnel directly responsible for illegal requisition or use of land shall be given administrative punishments. Whereas the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed. The land illegally approved and used shall be recovered.


An officer at the level of deputy division commander to be promoted to Senior Colonel, or a specialized technical officer to be promoted to Senior Colonel, Major General or Lieutenant General shall be approved by the Chairman of the Central Military Commission


In the case of a contractwhich, according to the laws or administrative regulations of the Peop leps Republic of China, is to be formed with the app roval of the state, the assignment of the contractual rights and obligations sha ll be subject to the app roval of the authority which app roved the contract, unless otherwise stipulated in the app roved contract.


The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of the majority of the signatories, including the ratifications of Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States, have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications.


更多网络解释与批准相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

approval procedure:批准程序,审核手续

approval authority 核准权,批准权;批准机关 | approval procedure 批准程序,审核手续 | approve v. 批准;核准;许可,赞同,同意

approval authority:核准权,批准权;批准机关

approval n. 认可,赞同;核准,批准,许可 | approval authority 核准权,批准权;批准机关 | approval procedure 批准程序,审核手续

approval authority:批准机关

批准 (-:-) approve, approval | 批准机关 (-:-) approval authority | 批准文号 (-:-) registered number of approval

motion granted:动议被批准 动议被批准

motion denied 动议被否决 动议被否决 | motion granted 动议被批准 动议被批准 | motive 动机 动机


ratificationofagent'scontract批准代理人签订的合同 追认代理人所订合同 | ratified批准 | ratify批准


ratification 批准 | ratifier 批准者 | ratify 批准

ratifier:批准者; 认可者 (名)

ratification 批准; 承认 (名) | ratifier 批准者; 认可者 (名) | ratify 批准; 认可 (动)

sanctified:神圣化的; 批准的; 认可的 (形)

sanctification 神圣化; 认可; 灵化; 批准 (名) | sanctified 神圣化的; 批准的; 认可的 (形) | sanctifier 净化者; 批准者; 认可者 (名)


为了约束(restrict)复杂概念的构成,GALEN只是对那些有语义意义的概念提供了"规则"和"批准"(sanction),它们指出对那些概念那些规则是可能合法采用的. "批准"是GALEN独特的机制,这个哲理是不允许"合成物",除非它是明白地被批准的.

Authorized Unpriced Work:批准的未定价工作

Authorize 批准 | Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作 | Authorized Work 批准的工作