英语人>词典>汉英 : 执行层 的英文翻译,例句
执行层 的英文翻译、例句


executive level
更多网络例句与执行层相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secondly, commencing with the human error theory, the author traces human errors back to their cultural root in the complex socio-technical system, as thus establishes the assessment system of enterprise safety culture and its conceptual model, in which decision level, management level, and execution level are principal parts, which is studied from two aspects of macroscopic and microscopic, which is described from two perspectives of period and time point, and which is discussed in two environments of external and interior.


The high speed advantage of FPGA's operation is made hard to demonstrate for the inconsequence in structural arrangement. The pipeline technology had well solved this problem. We presents a new pipeline optimization technology of inventer's control system based on FPGA,and completed the optimization design of the inventer controller. Analyzed the design process in detail and offered a kind of thought for the people who devoted to FPGA's application in power electronic field.


This invention discloses a user data process method, which contains 1, judging each data package in IP data steam sent form high layer of empty command protocol stack, if the received IP data package is TCP ACK data package, then executing step 2, if the received data package is not TCP ACK, then executing step 3, 2, making PDCP layer function process to IP data package and ending current process, 3, making flow control to IP data package and then executing 2,, said invention can precedential send TCP ACK data package to opposite part in preserving original TCP/IP and universal mobile telecommunication system data transmission system base, to reduce data package reversion time delay and keep stable data transmission rate.


Manufacturing Execution System is the execution system connecting plan management in enterprise level and industry control in understratum.


In order to overcome the difficulty in estimating the ripple component on dc-side capacitor reference voltage, the modified control algorithm is proposed by ignoring the ripple component. Furthermore, the relation between control performance and damping coefficient is researched. In addition, the reasons of voltage source converter inner-loop control overmodulation are also analyzed. Based on the relation between control performance and VSC inner-loop input saturation, damping coefficient is adjusted on-line by fuzzy logic reasoning so that the trade-off between control accuracy and limitation of VSC inner-loop control overmodulation is solved preferably.


Do you see how it unwinds and goes down the layers until at the very bottom, it has the call that you would have originally had to make if this feature did not exist yet?


Each Department has a level of Ministry Headquarters assigned to it, although Law Enforcement has not only level two but also the courtrooms of level ten.


As a matter of fact, how the executors operate the projects has great influence on the effect.


The Adversary System in the American Judicial Process The law of procedure is the body of rules that governs or provides the frame-work of the judicial process.


The implementation layer and the separation of the decision-making level, to speed up the development of the modern enterprise system.


更多网络解释与执行层相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adaptation layer:顺应层

actuator travel characteristic 执行机构行程特征 | adaptation layer 顺应层 | adaptive control (自)顺应节制

adaptation layer:适应层 PVc中国学习动力网

actuator travel characteristic,执行机构行程特性 PVc中国学习动力网 | adaptation layer,适应层 PVc中国学习动力网 | adaptive control,(自)适应控制 PVc中国学习动力网

Process Control System:过程控制系统

流程工业中已由美国普渡大学的PURDUE企业参政体系的五层结构经营决策层、企业管理层、生产调度层、过程优化层(过程监控层)、过程控制层过渡为三层结构(见图1),即BPS经营计划系统(Business Planning System)、MES制执行系统(Manufacturing Execution System)、PCS过程控制系统(Process Control System).

Flatten Image:合并所有层

第5步:执行"图层"(layer)-"合并所有层"(Flatten Image)将所有的层合并. 第6步:选取一块完整的图案,执行"编辑"(Edit)-定义图案"(Define Pattern)将选取范围内的图像定义成一个图案. 第7步:新建一个图层,执行"编辑"(Edit)-"填充"(Fill)命令,

Layer Properties:层属性

使用"层树"(Layer Tree) 工具栏中的快捷按钮,鼠标右键单击"层树"中列出的项目或以下下拉菜单以执行与层相关的功能:层 (Layer) - 使用"层属性"(Layer Properties) 对话框来创建新层、设置规则或编辑属性.

drop shadow:投影

这个命在PSD文字层上双击调出图层样式面板,并在图层样式面板中选择"投影"(Drop Shadow). 这次,让我们来生成一个更大更强的投影. 之后,在图层的层样式效果上右键单击,执行"建立图层"(Create Layer)命令. 这个命令将会生成一个只有投影的图层.

Plastic Wrap:塑料包

8.现在开始在图层一上加效果执行滤镜(Filter)菜单下艺术效果(Artistic)中的海绵(Sponge),在弹出的对话框中设置(如下图),再执行滤镜(Filter)菜单下艺术效果(Artistic)中塑料包(Plastic Wrap)具体设置如下图,执行滤镜(Filter)菜单下变形(Distort)中的波纹(Ocean Ripple),


20世纪90年代美国先进制造研究机构提出了"制造执行系统"(MES)概念,并将MES定位于重点解决车间生产管理问题. 美国先进制造研究机构AMR将MES定义为"位于上层的计划管理系统与底层的工业控制之间的面向车间层的管理信息系统".


你还可以在DRC prevent 方式下,通过连击鼠标执行完成(Complete)命令,完下定义不同的平面层(Plane)网络(Nets)安全间距(Clearance)规则,它们具有10 m il平面层(Plane)网络的布线对于典型的PCB,它们具有嵌入的平面层(Planes)和表面元件安装层,

Physical medium sublayer:物理媒体子层

其结构如下图所示物理层又从下到上分为物理媒体子层(Physical Medium Sublayer)和传输汇聚子层(Transmission Convergence). 在物理媒体子层中执行与物理媒体相关的功能,例如包括比特对齐、线编码(line coding)和光电转换等的比特传输能力.