英语人>词典>汉英 : 执行 的英文翻译,例句
执行 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
administer  ·  enforce  ·  enforcement  ·  EXC  ·  exec  ·  execute  ·  execution  ·  implement  ·  implemented  ·  implementing  ·  implements  ·  officiate  ·  perform  ·  performance  ·  prosecute  ·  prosecuted  ·  render  ·  executed  ·  administered  ·  administering  ·  administers  ·  enforces  ·  enforcing  ·  executes  ·  executing  ·  officiated  ·  officiates  ·  officiating  ·  performed  ·  performs  ·  prosecutes  ·  renders  ·  executions  ·  fulfills  ·  fulfils  ·  EXEC

carry out · follow out · run-time · carrying out
更多网络例句与执行相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Complex civil execution procedures such as assessment, clientage and auction are used in China's civil execution procedures without distinguishing property values and nature, which often has a long cycle and high cost.

摘 要:我国现行的民事执行程序在处理被执行财产过程中,过分强调国家对当事人意志的干涉,在没有区分财产价值范围和性质的情况下,一般都采用评估、委托拍卖等复杂程序进行执行执行周期长,执行成本高。

Complex civil execution procedures such as assessment, clientage and auction are used in China s civil execution procedures without distinguishing property values and nature, which often has a long cycle and high cost.


Civil execution auction is a kind of auction during civil execution procedure, which means the execution organization implement auction of seizure, distrait property to realize the property realization according to effective legal writ.


An '''edge-triggered interrupt''' is a class of interrupts that are signalled by a level transition on the interrupt line, either a

在计算机信息处理技术中,中断是指在程序执行期间,系统内发生了非寻常的或非预期的急需处理的事件,使得 CPU 暂时中断当前正在执行的程序而转去执行相应的事件处理程序,待处理完毕后又返回原来被中断处继续执行或调度新的进程执行的过程。

"Computers do not solve problems, they 执行 solutions"- Laurent Gasser

计算机并不解决问题,它们只是执行解决方案。--Laurent Gasser

Programmers and consultants. Anyone with the technical skills to solve the problem is now in high demand. Y2K guru『导师』Peter de Jager identifies『鉴定;确定』a wide variety of consultants ready to provide services, including planning consultants for tools assessment『估价;估计』, testing consultants,contract service consultants to estimate the costs and plan and implement『执行;履行』the code redesign『重新设计』, legal consultants, and recovery consultants.


This invention relates to television human interface generation method, which comprises the following steps: receiving user order by remoter and sending it to the television for its CPU to receive the order and to inform the OSD module to relative OSD process and display by the keys and the executing the relative operation according to the above order; the OSD module dispatching Plash memory pre-stored pictures and processing the relative OSD signals and displaying the OSD content onto screen, wherein the content comprises main menu, sub menu and relative content; during relative operation by television, OSD module dispatching multi-picture stored in the Flash memory to execute cartoon display; after the relative operations by television, the OSD module stopping the display.

要約 一种电视机人性化交互界面的产生方法,其特征在于它包括以下步骤:由遥控器接收用户指令,并将该指令发送到电视机;电视机中的CPU接收上述指令,并通知OSD模块,以便按照所按按键对应的功能执行相应的OSD处理和显示,同时电视机按照上述指令执行相应的操作;OSD模块调用Flash存储器中预先存储的图片并进行相应的OSD信号处理后,将OSD内容显示到屏幕上,所述OSD内容可同时包括主菜单、子菜单以及相应的子菜单内容;在电视机执行所述相应操作的同时,OSD模块调用Flash存储器中存储的多幅动画图片来执行动画显示;在电视机完成所述相应操作后,OSD模块停止执行所述动画显示。

From the view of history and comparison, the author finds that the functions and the value of the civil enforcement system are affected and can not be completely displayed as a result of many disadvantageous factors, such as the setting-up of the enforcement system that can not be carried out smoothly, the existence of the preceding procedure for notice before enforcement, the imperfect enforcement relief system, and the unreasonable enforcement regulations for prestation by act.


This article analyses the unsoundness of the provision on civil ution and the existing problems such as the difficulty and confusion in the civil ution,then argues that it is necessary and feasible for prosecutorial organization to supervise the civil ution, and clarifies that the significance of such supervision.


However,in actual judicial pratice, it is in vogue because of the regional protectionism and the branch protectionism,which makes the faultily of the managemeng system,low quality of carrying out personnel business,difficult to look for the operator and to search for property."Difficult enforcement of judgments"includes seeking and carrying out the underlying asset and difficult to assist an operator.


更多网络解释与执行相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

executable file:可执行文件

执行文件 可执行文件 (executable file) 可移植可执行 (PE) 文件格式的文件,它可以加载到内存中,并由操作系统加载程序执行. 它可以是 .exe 或 .dll 文件. COM、BAT也都是可执行文件! 如记事本程序 notepad.exe ,这类程序通常用来处理或者辅助处理其它文件.


用高级语言书写的程序不可能直接地在计算机上执行,要在计算机上执行高级语言书写的程序,有两种基本方法: 编译(Compilation)执行:这种方法是设法把高级语言程序(也称为"源程序")转换成为机器语言的可以由计算机直接执行的程序,即转变为"可执行(Executable)程序".

executable program:可执行程序; 执行程序

executable array statement 可执行数组语句 | executable program 可执行程序,执行程序 | executable program unit 可执行程序单元

executable content:可执行内容 可执行内容

exclusive mode 互斥模式 互斥模式 | executable content 可执行内容 可执行内容 | execution 执行 执行

execution order of node:节点执行次序

execution of order 执行订单 | execution order of node 节点执行次序 | execution priority 执行优先级,执行优先权

Run to Line:(执行至指定行,可在没有设定断点之处暂停执行)

Run Last Launched External Tool (执行前一次启动的外部工具) | Run to Line (执行至指定行,可在没有设定断点之处暂停执行) : Ctrl+R | Skip All Breakpoints (在不清除断点的情况下,执行时跳过所有的断点)

l UserTime:执行绪在使用者模式下所消耗的C P U时间

l KernelTime:执行绪在核心模式下所消耗的C P U时间. | l UserTime:执行绪在使用者模式下所消耗的C P U时间. | l AccessKey:显示目前执行绪的存取键,对正在执行执行绪此域无效.


executed 已生效已执行执行的 | executed 已执行 | execution command 执行指令

n Runnable:执行绪可以执行

n Running:执行绪正在执行. | n Runnable:执行绪可以执行. | n Blockd:执行绪被堵塞.

REZ RestructureEXtendedeXecutorlanguage:重构的扩充执行程序,更改结构扩充式执行程序(语言),扩充重结构化执行程序语言

RCP RestorationControlPoint ... | REZ RestructureEXtendedeXecutorlanguage 重构的扩充执行程序,更改结构扩充式执行程序(语言),扩充重结构化执行程序语言 | RCPT RetailContractandPricingAdministrationSystem 零...