英语人>词典>汉英 : 扔石头 的英文翻译,例句
扔石头 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
peck  ·  pecked  ·  pecking  ·  pecks

更多网络例句与扔石头相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The boy was chucking stones at passing cars.


My client, an innately bashful man, would be the last man in the world to do anything ungentlemanly which injured modesty could object to or cast a stone at a girl who took the wrong turning when some dastard, responsible for her condition, had worked his own sweet will on her.


Till old Hays went to throwing rocks at me and says ' Dern that cat!


Last time, you kep' me a-meowing around till old Hays went to throwing rocks at me and says 'Dern that cat!


It is said that Deucalion and Pyrrha (9) created men by throwing stones over their heads behind them


For example, stone-throwing, arm pull must be backward, then forward throw, will throw farther; Another example: standing long jump, he must bend over, and then further on a jump, only jump far.


Mr Romney will see a lot of stones whizzing his way in the coming months, and the people throwing them will not be little boys.


Before the 30 years , open happened because the subjective wish humored the external situation 's by force . The arrogant and self-contemptuous mentality must worry about mazing self because vest in handhold to others in the open course .


Youths hurled firebombs and rocks at police, who responded with tear gas. Rioters set fires and smashed storefronts and bank outlets.


Glasshouses People who live in glasshouses should not throw stones .


更多网络解释与扔石头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


8.到Vista Point,有3个沟渠(Canal)及3个炮口,此时的目的是要令石头(Rock)进入3个不同的炮口--拿起石头扔进右边的沟渠(Canal of Right Side);再拿起石头扔进中间的沟渠(Canal of Middle);最后一个有点麻烦,

change from Saul to Paul:从扫罗变为保罗;彻底改变观念和思想

cast / throw the first stone 扔第一块石头;首先攻击;带头谴责. | change from Saul to Paul 从扫罗变为保罗;彻底改变观念和思想. | Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing. 妩媚是虚幻,美丽转眼空.

Pride comes/goes before a fall:骄者必败,骄兵必败

Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗 | Pride comes/goes before a fall.骄者必败,骄兵必败 | People who live in glass houses should throw stones.住在玻璃房的人,不要往外人扔石头(自己有错就不能批评...

road map:道路图

10 他努力把愤怒压了下去,从而避免(avoid)了一场打斗. 11 工作中我们还面临不少问题. 要实现我们的目标我们必须努力解决(solve)这些问题. 9 能告诉我在哪里能买到这个城市的道路图(road map)吗?5 这群调皮的(naughty)小孩子在向一辆汽车扔石头.

Please stop pelting me and|my ridiculous hat with rocks:别向我和我可笑的帽子扔石头

That's French for,|法国名言 | "Please stop pelting me and|my ridiculous hat with rocks. "|"别向我和我可笑的帽子扔石头" | Hey, Igor where's our gift for Eva?|Igor 我们送给Eva的礼物呢?

Force shites upon reason's back:暴力在道理背上拉屎

如果你自家的窗户是玻璃的,就不要向邻居扔石头. Don't throw stones at your neighbours, if y... | 暴力在道理背上拉屎. Force shites upon Reason's Back. | 债主的记忆力比债户强. Creditors have better memori...

to pitch a stone:扔一块石头

扔一块石头 to pitch a stone | 侵犯我的隐私 to infringe on my privacy | 感谢你的支持 to appreciate your supports

eg: Who threw a stone over the fence:是谁把块石头扔过篱笆的

throw v.扔,抛,投,摔,掷,丢 | eg: Who threw a stone over the fence 是谁把块石头扔过篱笆的 | At last I threw Tony to the ground. 我终于把汤尼摔倒在地上.

She threw the bottle into the sea:此后她就再没去想那只瓶子

She threw the bottle into the sea.此后她就再没去想那只瓶子. | throw v.扔,抛,投,摔,掷,丢 | eg: Who threw a stone over the fence 是谁把块石头扔过篱笆的

law enforcement:法律执行

出现的伤害也是法律执行(law enforcement)行动中不小心发生的. 在行动中,,面对学生们的扔过来的瓶子、石头、砖块,警察是克制再克制. 开枪也是很不情愿的,因为屋顶上有人向警察扔钢筋. 有128个人被允许去地区医院治疗皮外伤、霰弹枪伤和其他在法律执行运动中受到的严重伤害.