英语人>词典>汉英 : 打字机 的英文翻译,例句
打字机 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
typewriter  ·  dactylograph  ·  typewriters

type-writer · marking machine
更多网络例句与打字机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was therefore ironic that his most famous achievement was to build a typewriter at the request of the defence lawyers for Alger Hiss, who was accused in 1948 of spying for the Soviet Union.

因此,极具讽刺意味的是,泰特尔最著名的成就是应Alger Hiss的辩护律师的请求制造一台打字机。1948年,Alger Hiss被指控是苏联的间谍,他的律师想证明打字机能够被制造的非常相像,用以诽谤某人。

Any of the pegs on the platen of a printer,which engage holes at the edges of paper.


An ad printed in a Victorian publication dating 1893 called The Manufacturer and Builder apparently promoted this 'new portable typewriter that can readily be used on the lap, on the desk, on the train- in short anywhere'.


He was two months behind with his type-writer, and the agency was clamoring for payment or for the return of the machine.


To write with a typewriter; typewrite.


Series of "FeiTeng" Brand typewriter have the usage of typing English, spain, Filipin, German, French, Turkish, Thai, Portuguese and Arabic.


QWERTY was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1872, that is 4 years after he patented Typewriter .

QWERTY这东东,大概是在1872年被Christopher Latham Sholes发明的,即是在打字机於1868 年被他注册为专利发明后四年,在第一部实际可用的打字机於1873被Remington公司推出市面之前被开发出来的。

HAD it not been for the humble typewriter, Austin might have been all politics and football, and no venture capital. In 1967 IBM opened a plant in the city to make Selectric typewriters. It then moved on to mainframe circuit-boards and terminals and eventually to personal computers.

要不是因为不起眼的打字机,奥斯汀市恐怕就只剩下政治和橄榄球了,根本不会吸引到创业资本。1967年, IBM 在这里开办了一家工厂制造电动打字机,之后发展到生产主机板和终端机,直至个人电脑。

In 1924 the Teletype Corp. introduced a series of teletypewriters so popular that the name Teletype became synonymous with teleprinters in the U.S.


In 1924 the Teletype Corp. introduced a series of teletype writers so popular that the name Teletype became synonymous with teleprinters in the U.S.


更多网络解释与打字机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

portable typewriter:便携式打字机,手提式打字机

portable type gynecological table 妇科轻便诊查床 | portable typewriter 便携式打字机,手提式打字机 | portable ultrasonic diagnostic scanner 便携式超声诊断扫描仪

teleprinter exchange:电传打字电报交换机,电传打字机交换

电传打字机电码 teleprinter code | 电传打字电报交换机,电传打字机交换 teleprinter exchange | 机载电传打字机 teleprinter set, airborne

teletype printer:电传打字机

teletype 电传打字机 | teletype printer 电传打字机 | teletypewriter 电传打字机


teletypewriter 电传打字机 | teletypewriter 电传打字机电报打字机 | teleview 电视

radio teletypewriter:电传打字机无线电电传打字机

radio teletype-writer 无线电传打字机 | radio teletypewriter 电传打字机无线电电传打字机 | radio teletypewriter 无线电传打字机

teletypewriter grade:电传打字机等级

teletype code 电传打字机码 | teletypewriter grade 电传打字机等级 | teletypewriter KSR 电传打字机键盘发送单元

typewrite:打字 用打字机打

typewheeltypewriter 轮式打字机 轮型打字机 | typewrite 打字 用打字机打 | typewriter 打字机

electric typewriter:电动打字机电传打字机

electric typewriter 电动打字机 | electric typewriter 电动打字机电传打字机 | electric undertaking 电业

typewriter with exchangeable type elements:打印部件可换式打字机,打印头可更换的打字机

typewriter with constant pitch ==> 固定间距打... | typewriter with exchangeable type elements ==> 打印部件可换式打字机,打印头可更换的打字机 | typewriter with fixed type elements ==> 打印部件固定式打字机...

typewriter with carbon ribbon:复写带打字机

typewriter utility program ==> 打字机实用程序 | typewriter with carbon ribbon ==> 复写带打字机 | typewriter with constant pitch ==> 固定间距打字机,等间距打字机