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扑 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
snap  ·  snapped  ·  snaps

throw oneself on · dedicate all one's energies to a cause
更多网络例句与扑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Product topology and box topology are two methods for introducing topologies in general Cartesian product,both of them are generalization of the concept of finite product topology.


This article focuses on the line-line, line-region and region-region topological relations algorithm, which come down to the same question: whether there are intersections between line and line. The sweep-line algorithm was studied by many people, but has some deficiencies to be improved, in order to handle some special cases and increase program efficiency. My works as follows: rectangular envelope to reduce executive times , vector cross multiplication to determine intersection between line and line, coordinates and slope method to deal with some special cases. C program examples are showed together.(5) Finally, to prove capability and efficiency of the model and calculation method, some test systems are developed. For example, complex spatial topological relation query, parcels' exact area with the area of linear object reduced in land use, quality inspection to cadastral data according to topological rule, spatio-temporal change query of cadastral data.


Chapter 3, in the above system, gives out the definitions of topological new transitivity, topological transitivity, topological strong transitivity and topological conjugate of a sequence of maps, studies basic properties of the above topological conjugate, and obtains some main results, proves topological new transitivity and topological transitivity are equivalent u-under a compact metric space, a sequence of full maps and interchangeable with each other, and that some conclusions associated with topological conjugate.


For the network topology found in a study of the key issues of network topology display of the contents of a summary, from the perspective of the agreement into several of the current network topology display technology research methods, each method on the realization of the mechanism discussed at the same time Each method and the use of the lack of final display of the network topology to the development trend of the future topological study of possible applications direction summarized.


In the last chapter, on the basis of theories in paper [4, 5], the notions of strong mixing, weak mixing, generator and expansion of the variable-parametric dynamical system are introduced, it turns out that in variable-parametric dynamical system strong mixing implies weak mixing and then implies transitivity; it is proved that if and both are variable-parametric dynamical system, F conjugates with G , the members of F are communicate with each other and the members of G are also communicate with each other, what's more, they are both homeomorphism, then F is strong mixing implies G has the same properties; futhermore, we prove that F is strong mixing implies F Devaney chaos in the sense of modification in variable-parametric dynamical system and that F Devaney chaos in the sense of modification if and only if G Devaney chaos in the sense of modification when semi-conjugate with and they both are communicate and homeomorphism; at last, we illustrate that F has generator if and only if it has weak generator, and we also prove that if F is expansion, then F has generator.


After analyzing the merit and lack of 9I model, the main idea is proposed: to distill some basic topological relations from 9I model, of which the composite topological relations of complex objects are made up. In detail, the composite topological relationships between region and region, line and line, line and region are particularly discussed;(2)Analyze the characteristics and inner relations of cadastral features. According to the expressional model of complex topological relations, the author discovers the possible topological relations between parcels, parcel lines and parcel points. In addition, sum up the general topological relationship rules of cadastral data.(3) Then the topological relations model is extended to the spatio-temporal data. Time in cadastral database and change semantic are discussed. It's redefined that spatio-temporal topological relations is composed of time, location, status and event relation. Spatio-temporal topological relationships can be represented by extended 4I model. Taking cadastral parcels as example, there are different possible spatio-temporal topological relationships between parcels when they are extended, shrunken, split, merged or others. Thus, some deductions are drawn that, for example, if parcels have be coexisting for some time they are impossible to be overlapped. Furthermore, the parents of parcels alternated and their possible change types can be detected by their spatio-temporal topological relationships.(4) Before carrying out the experiment, the calculation method must be designed.


Thus, a topological rubber glove is ofsuch a structure that is topological achiral and has topological point group 〓 in 〓space.


Primarily, the thesis assays the condition of network framework, the network was divided into three levels in terms of network management in order to establish the distributed method ,and still pointing out the intention and denotation of studying the Topology Discovery.Next, the thesis analyzes SNMP protocol minutely, including its development, principle, and the Network Management system that established on the SNMP protocol. Have analysed MIB in detail and the application way of MIB in network management .The thesis also assays the ICMP protocol, describing its working principle and the format of datagram minutely , and describing two important tools of ICMP- Ping and TraceRoute in detail. On the base of upper analysis, the thesis expounds a kind of distributed Topology Discovery project, and book it in one autonomy system. Topology Discovery was divided into two levels in terms of network management, and analyses the way of linking up between the two level. The thesis minutely assays Router-Level Topology Discovery technology basing on SNMP and Subnet-Level Topology Discovery technology basing on ARP and ICMP. According to these analyses, the thesis explores the specific methodology and the technology of XML data object which using the WinSNMP API to achieve topology discovering system on the development platform of Visual C++, and also analyses the technology of topology analysis and topology graph minutely. Moreover, the thesis assays the technology of basic firewall and Topology Discovery response strategy. Finally, the thesis analyses the underlying blind problem of the topology finding, and also analyses the reason that the blind problem produced and the way that reduced. The distributed algorithm that this paper puts forward has a certain directive significance in wireless network or other fields.

本文首先分析了网络结构状况,将网络从网络管理的角度划分为三个层次,为分布式的方法奠定了基础,同时还指出拓发现研究的目的及意义;接着本文分析了SNMP协议,详细分析了SNMP协议的发展状况,协议的工作原理,以及由SNMP协议基础上建立的SNMP网络管理体系,详细分析了MIB,以及MIB在网络管理上的应用方式;本文又分析了ICMP协议,详细描述了ICMP的工作原理和数据报格式,并详细描述了ICMP的两个重要工具-Ping 和TraceRoute;然后本文在结合上述分析的基础上,提出了一种分布式的拓发现方案,将拓发现拟订在一个自治系统内,将拓发现从网络管理角度划分为路由器级和子网级两个层次,分析了两个层次之间的衔接方式,同时从拓地域的角度将拓发现过程分布化,分析了分布式算法的具体方法和分布式结点之间的数据通讯方法,本文详细分析了基于SNMP的路由器级拓发现技术和基于ARP和ICMP的子网级拓发现技术;根据这些分析,本文利用XML数据对象作为分布式算法中的数据对象,分析了XML的技术,本文使用Visual C++开发平台实现网络拓发现系统,详细分析了使用WinSNMP API实现基于SNMP的路由器级拓发现和基于ARP的子网级拓发现,分析了使用Winsock编程实现基于ICMP的子网级拓发现,本文还对拓分析和拓图的绘制技术作了较细致的分析;本文最后还分析了基本防火墙技术,分析了几种类型的防火墙对拓发现带来的影响,以及在拓发现时的应对策略,本文还分析了拓发现中可能产生的盲点问题,分析了盲点产生的原因以及拓发现中减少盲点的方法。

In order to solve the topology discovery problems in autonomous territory of IPv6 network, the already existing topology discovery algorithms of IPv6 have been analyzed after introducing the interrelated technologies in the paper. Then our own topology discovery algorithm is proposed combining the characteristic of military application. Employing the lamination thought, topology discovery in autonomous territory of IPv6 is divided into two parts--dendriform topology discovery and retiform topology discovery.


Dawn盼到easy, immediate or黄澄澄of a平沙, covered with a layer of gray mist扑扑road Where is it?


更多网络解释与扑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

topological abelian group:拓扑阿贝耳群

topological 拓的 | topological abelian group 拓阿贝耳群 | topological algebra 拓代数

topological abelian group:拓扑阿贝尔群

[学]|topology | 拓阿贝尔群|topological Abelian group | 拓变换群|topological transformation group


3 多巴胺受体激动剂 阿吗啡(Apomorphine)是D1/D2受体激动剂,目前认为阿吗啡诱导勃起是通过骶副交感神经丛扩张阴茎海绵体动脉引起. 以往的观点是阿吗啡几乎对不同程度的ED病人都有效,但是最近Maclennan等[25]在英国做的一项随机临床试验(RCT)研究(11185例,

Chipper:起扑杆 球杆杆面较垂直用以从果岭边击出低的起扑球

Chip 起 这是低的带跑球,通常从果岭边击向旗杆洞口. | Chipper 起杆 球杆杆面较垂直用以从果岭边击出低的起球 | Claim 抗议(比赛中对方违反规则所提出的意见)

network topology:网络拓扑

网络拓(Network Topology)是特定的物理,逻辑或虚拟网络部件和设备(节点)的排列网络拓仅被在节点之间的连接配置决定节点之间的距离,物理互连,传输率,和/或信号类型不作用在一个网络拓中网络的"拓结构"是指网络的几何连接形状,

Topological Sorting:拓扑排序

根据任务的有向图建立拓序列的过程称为拓排序(topological sorting). 图1 - 4的任务有向图有多种拓序列,其中的三种为1 2 3 4 5 6,1 3 2 4 5 6和2 1 5 3 4 6,序列1 4 2 3 5 6就不是拓序列,因为在这个序列中任务4在3的前面,

Topological Sorting:拓扑排序,拓扑分类

topological sort program 拓分类程序 | topological sorting 拓排序,拓分类 | topological sorting algorithm 拓排序算法,拓分类算法


9、"拓"(Topology)一词来源于希腊文,它的原意是"形状的研究". 拓学是几何学的一个分支,它研究在拓变换下能够保持不变的几何属性--拓属性(拓属性:一个点在一个弧段的端点,一个点在一个区域的边界上;非拓属性:两点之间的距离,


robotics机学 机工程学 | robotization机化 | robotizedcell机加工单元


计算机网络的[[网络拓|拓]] (Topologies)结构可分为:计算机网络的[[网络拓|拓]] (Topologies)结构可分为: