英语人>词典>汉英 : 才笔 的英文翻译,例句
才笔 的英文翻译、例句


literary talent
更多网络例句与才笔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From then on I did not earn a centavo except with the typewriter, and this seems more meritorious to me than one might think, because the first royalties that allowed me to live on my stories and novels were paid to me when I was in my forties, after I had published four books with the most abject earnings.


The road of life is a piece of blank sheet of paper which has no word, descending what kind of pen, walk what kind of road, have to investigate hard and delicately, would write a writing of daintiness so, draw a picture of beauty.


The frustrate is a wealth of life.


The seller told the crown before a record day of 10 pen, I have also a half-crown of it, Hehe.


My invitations started arriving long after the parade had passed by, always asking me to pay serious money to hobnob with ... people like me.


It cost me two years to maturate this artistic creation, including the colors, the strokes, and the technique of expression_r_r, which puzzled my brain quite a lot.


Cuss you, I can see now why you was so anxious to make up the deffisit -- you wanted to get what money I'd got out of the Nonesuch and one thing or another, and scoop it ALL!


In the past, resource for text book edition is limited to the classical literature works of the great writers as we believe only these works can represent standard and unadulterated language, the language we aim to master.


The easiest form of map to design in this way is a purely mirrored one, this means that both teams get an equal number of command/ perimeter points that are closer to their deployment area than the deployment area of the opposing team.


It is precisely because there is always a light heart, Edison's failure to appear in 1000 after many tireless search for lamp filament material; It is precisely because you want to find the truth of science and explore the mysteries of the universe, Einstein was will neither eat nor sleep, hard work; it is precisely because of the backwardness and ignorance of the sad, Lu Xun will pick up the sharp pen, awaken the sleeping China.


更多网络解释与才笔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cashier's check:银行本票

"银行本票"(cashier's check)是你的银行开给你的支票. 你给银行一笔钱(或者从你的帐户里取出一笔钱),银行职员就给你开一张银行本票,收取一小笔服务费. 在一般情况下,大笔款项从一个地方转拨到另一个地方,才开银行本票. 银行本票要比私人支票更容易兑现,


他留了一笔钱给一个专门替死者念犹太祈祷文(kaddish)的机构,须要一连祈祷十一个月,之后逢年过节也不能拉下. 格林布拉特那时才知道犹太人没有所谓的弥撒教堂(chantry),他为了搞明白为何犹太人要为死者祈祷,专门研究了犹太教的地狱和礼拜仪式.

Domine Jesu:主耶稣

女高音以渐强的音量表现永恒安息到来之前的悲痛之情,也就是在这段音乐中莫扎特永远停下了他的笔,这段>才是莫扎特自己真正的安魂弥撒曲. 下面的篇章是>,两段经文分别是>(Domine Jesu)与>(Hostias).


社会科学资讯网以蜘蛛机或机械人之类的收割机(harvester)软体, 在网路上巡游, 取得五万多笔社会科学相关网页, 做为搜寻引擎的资料库. 葡萄籐(Grapevine)是社会科学的生涯规画站, 提供各种在职训练课程与求才求职机会,


件,如超越、设计者(Designer)、奥姆尼斯(Omnis)等,这才使这种一度用光笔(stylus)书写的手稿,能增加在现场工作的人的生产率. 盖茨说,盖茨的远景展望还包括一种多媒体(Multimedia)系统. 这种产品在微

The Wedding March:(婚礼进行曲)

如果把婚戒放入中间那个类似于投币口的地方(找到了老公),时钟会停止,胸罩将奏响门德尔松的>(The Wedding March). 旁边的小口袋里放着在登记结婚时使用才用的笔和印章.

Risk premium:风险保费

而拒绝个体的投保. 进一步,我们可以证明风险厌恶的保险人会选择的保险费率条件是p>. 也就是说,风险厌恶的保险人只有在得到一笔正的风险保费(risk premium)时才会提供保险契约.