英语人>词典>汉英 : 手术癖 的英文翻译,例句
手术癖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ergomania  ·  tomomania

operandi cacoethes
更多网络例句与手术癖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There remained the generic conditions imposed by natural, as distinct from human law, as integral parts of the human whole: the necessity of destruction to procure alimentary sustenance: the painful character of the ultimate functions of separate existence, the agonies of birth and death: the monotonous menstruation of simian and human females extending from the age of puberty to the menopause: inevitable accidents at sea, in mines and factories: certain very painful maladies and their resultant surgical operations, innate lunacy and congenital criminality, decimating epidemics: catastrophic cataclysms which make terror the basis of human mentality: seismic upheavals the epicentres of which are located in densely populated regions: the fact of vital growth, through convulsions of metamorphosis, from infancy through maturity to decay.


Poland okays forcible castration for pedophiles.


更多网络解释与手术癖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cacodemonomania 魔附妄想 | cacoepy 发音不准 | cacoethes operandi 手术癖

cacoethes operandi:手术癖

cacoepy 发音不准 | cacoethes operandi 手术癖 | cacogenesis 畸形

cacoethes O p e r andi:手术癖

cacoepy 发音不准 | cacoethes O p e r andi 手术癖 | cacogenesis 畸形


cacoethes operandi 手术癖 | cacogenesis 畸形 | cacogenesis 劣生