英语人>词典>汉英 : 手术后的 的英文翻译,例句
手术后的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
postoperative  ·  postsurgical

更多网络例句与手术后的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this case report, we described an oral cancer patient who had a thoracic duct tear during RND, which caused a severe post -operative chyle leakage, and was cured by minocycline sclerotherapy.


Immediate postoperative complications within one week include perinasal swelling (60 patients), perinasal pain (32 patients), perinasal ecchymosis (26 patients), periorbital swelling (6 patients) and epiphora (3 patients). Most of the complications disappeared within 3 months except intermittent tingling sensation in one patient and residual deformity in three patients.


Ginsburg was in court Monday, 18 days after her surgery.

在她手术后的18天, Ginsburg 将会在星期一回到法庭。

The early stage of postoperative inflammatory ileus mainly occurs in about 1~2 weeks after operation.


Complications included 1 total skin graft loss and 2 cases of partial loss of Terudermis.


Methods: Sixty-three cases of left hepatolith underwent operations of left-half hepatectomy, Roux-en-Y cholangio-jejunostomy and removal of stones by cholangiotomy under the condition of hemihepatic blood flow occlusion at normal atmospheric temperature.


Methods: Sixtythree cases of left hepatolith underwent operations of lefthalf hepatectomy, RouxenY cholangiojejunostomy and removal of stones by cholangiotomy under the condition of hemihepatic blood flow occlusion at normal atmospheric temperature.


Removed veins research demonstrate the main reason of transplanted vessel stenosis is the hyperplasic of endothelium. Which is a popular reaction when set vein into arteral circulation. It is caused by the transmission of smooth muscle cell to endothelium and proliferate and release extracellular matrix. These are two characteristics in pathology erg middle layer of sue proliferates and migrate to endothelium in early and excel of end thulium aggregate in cater stage. The colic and the motivation of end thulium hyper is the hyper of sac.


Among them, 66.75% patients had dyspareunia and vagina xeransis in the following 3 months, and 33,27% 6 months later, but the incidence rate didn't return to pre-operation level (6.1%).


She was initially treated with unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and a contralateral wedge resection for tumor invasion, followed by 6-course of the PVB (cisplatin+ vinblastine+ bleomycin) regimen, second operation, and an additional 6-course EP with complete remission.


更多网络解释与手术后的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

postnasal scissors:后鼻剪

postmortem knife 尸体解剖刀 | postnasal scissors 后鼻剪 | postoperative 手术后的

postnasal sci ors:后鼻剪

postmortem knife 尸体解剖刀 | postnasal sci ors 后鼻剪 | postoperative 手术后的


postnasal sci ors 后鼻剪 | postoperative 手术后的 | postoperative bronchioscopic a iration 术后支气管镜吸引术


做完手术后,脑内一般还有些积液残留,需要每天配以穿刺(PUNCTURE)手术将残留带出,痛苦程度可想而知. 残留造成的炎症使时老师高烧不止,有时会烧得说些胡话. 她和大家说话时,看得出来是强忍住疼痛,但思维依然清晰,能叫得出大家的名字,

Jason Richardson:贾森.理查德森

"在进行了右膝的关节镜手术后,山猫队的头号得分手贾森-理查德森(Jason Richardson)将缺席接下来一周的比赛. 球队的一名发言人表示,并没有发现结构上的损伤. 不过理查德森将肯定错过星期五与犹他爵士的比赛,而是否会在星期日与奥兰多魔术队的比赛中复出还不得而知.


前房出血(hyphema)是眼科的常见疾病,多发生于眼外伤和内眼手术后,其诊断较容易. 出血少如治疗短期吸收者,多无后遗症;出血多或出现继发性青光眼、角膜血染等并发症时治疗较复杂,如治疗不当导致视功能严重损害.


postpuberty 少壮时期 | postsurgical 手术后的 | postural drainage 体位引哩

painful pissing:痛苦的小便(插入输尿管或前列腺手术后)

1、pages 页;专页;专栏;记录;小听差;仆童 | 2、painful pissing 痛苦的小便(插入输尿管或前列腺手术后) | 3、panel point 节点


"成人呼吸窘迫综合征"(ARDS)常出现在重大创伤手术后,是身体各方面机能差而导致的呼吸功能不全. 成因大致有创伤后炎症、大量失血、长途转运等,死亡率较高,是手术后最危险的关卡. 应对办法除了治疗原发病外,更要帮助病人克服低血氧期.


visualisation <主英>使看得见,清楚地呈现在心 | cicatrise <主英>生成瘢痕,愈合 | postoperative 手术后的