英语人>词典>汉英 : 扇风机 的英文翻译,例句
扇风机 的英文翻译、例句


fan blower
更多网络例句与扇风机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Straight form type the characteristic advantage of horn fan air exhauster: 1, simple case of lumber of FRP fibre glass, acid-proof alkaline, anticorrosion. 2, the efficiency that prevent rain is extremely tall, do not have the worry of ooze water.


Ventilator working methods are out of style, pressure type and mixed into three kinds.


A formula for optimum cross section of ran offtake is given in terms of thecoefficients of characteristic equation showi...

现场实验证实,B 接近0.5的 K45系列风机用作无风墙铺扇通风,与用JF型风机相比,能耗降低到一半以下。

This article mainly introduces the application of domestic high voltage inverter in coal mine ventilator.


Series of anti-corrosion Explosion-proof fans, exhaust gas treatment tower at home and abroad to introduce advanced technology, manufacturing, stainless steel fan, glass steel series: centrifugal fan, axial fan, roof fan, FT30 Axial fan, FRP fan horn, exhaust treatment tower.


At present in tape transport planes, to coal, emulsion pump, local fan a successful application.


The company is specialized in producing fan series (axial fans, centrifugal fan, mixed flow fan ramps, fire high-temperature exhaust fan, air blower, roof fan, air-conditioning fan, explosion-proof fan, wind tank chassis, etc.), fan series (industrial exhaust Fan, industrial fans, etc.), accessories (Motors, Feng Ye, flange, net enclosures, Baiye, outlet, the wind pipe and regulating valves, fire dampers, silencers, wires, etc.).


Main products has: Entire voluntarily burn oil hot wind machine , full-automatic fire coal hot wind machine , semi-automatic fire coal hot wind machine , wet curtain , large-scale wind machine (be used for the factory, raise livestock , flowers and plants waits for lieu to cool down , is ventilated), greenhouse special use circular current wind machine , axial-flow type ventilating machine , carbon dioxide generator , plant diseases and insect pests ozone prevention and cure machine after eight big series more than 30 species products.


This paper applies approximate equation to describe the characteristic curve of an axial flow fan, for the purpose of determining its working system,and is intended to apply the equation method for enlarging the extent of the analy-tical method, commonly used for determining the working system of axial flow fan and the ventilating syetem of a mine.


The use of differential pressure compensator resolved the difficult problem that partial fan was damaged when fiexible air duct was withdrawn in long blind heading series ventilation , which renewed the mutil partial fan ventilating method.


更多网络解释与扇风机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fan palm:扇叶蒲葵

扇风机风道 fan drift | 扇叶蒲葵 fan palm | 扇贝,扇贝壳 fan shell


fang 通风井 | fanner 扇风机 | fast 快速的;坚固的

waddle fan:摇摆扇风机

"wad","锰土 ; 不纯硬锰矿" | "waddle fan","摇摆扇风机" | "wagon","铁路货车"

fan evase:扇风机出风筒

fan engine 扇风机 | fan evase 扇风机出风筒 | fan evasion stack 扇风机出风筒

fan blade:扇风机叶片

fan 扇风机 | fan blade 扇风机叶片 | fan cut 扇形掏槽

fan blade arm:风扇叶片支架

fan blade ==> 风机叶片,风扇叶片,风扇叶子板 | fan blade arm ==> 风扇叶片支架 | fan blower ==> 扇风机

fan blower:扇[形鼓]风机

扇形喷雾器 fan atomizer | 扇[形鼓]风机 fan blower | 风扇测力计;风扇功率计 fan dynamometer


fan ventilator ==> 风扇式通风机,风扇通风器 | fan wheel ==> 扇风机风轮 | fan window ==> 扇形窗

low pressure fan:低压扇风机

低压动力机 low pressure engine | 低压扇风机 low pressure fan | 低汽压充气电缆 low pressure gas field cable

recirculating fan:循环扇风机

recirculating blower 循环鼓风机 | recirculating fan 循环扇风机 | recirculating heater 循环加热器