英语人>词典>汉英 : 扁平 的英文翻译,例句
扁平 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The metaphor of a flat world is worked relentlessly throughout this overlong book, but it is not its incessant repetition that is most troublesome. It is Friedman's failure to recognize that in many ways, some of them not difficult to observe, the world is becoming distinctly less flat.


Its flat tail fin to be divided into two forks, on both sides of the pectoral fin was like the palm of your hand flat, triangular dorsal fin.


IT systems have been thought of the precondition of platting organization. Process management has been thought of the necessary way to platting organization.


Objective To observe the situation of HPV DNA in epidermis of plane warts in different state and the relationship between spontaneous regression of plane warts and HPV activity.

摘 要]目的观察不同型别扁平疣皮损内HPV DNA的相对数量和分布情况,了解HPV-DNA的活性和扁平疣自愈之间的关系。

The flat ring mounts on one side of the flat ribbon cable and encloses an area of the cable that is sufficiently large for the mounting of the flexible circuit electrical components.


Also disclosed is an aqueous painting composition has a quickly drying ability even containing a colouring resin sheet, a flexible sheet shaped surface decoration material containing flat colouring resin sheet and is not turnup even the sheet is deformed.


Fruit strongly flattened; biennials or perennials; petals 4-6.5 mm; seeds usually flattened; cotyledons accumbent.


The advanced expression of Filaggrin may start the mechanism of apoptosis ahead of tune and the premature expression of TGK may accelerate the formation of cornified cell membrane,which will speed up the terminal differentiation of keratinocytes.Consequently,the hyperproliferative keratinocytes differentiate and exfoliate.


Furthermore, we also observed a kind of medium type cells intermediate between squamous and cuboidal cells, whose cytoplasm and nucleus were much better developed than those of squamous cells but less well developed than those of cuboidal cells.


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吊装带、合成纤维吊装带劲凯经销,欢迎您与劲凯联系,联系人:侯翔云电话:022-27716636我公司另有B型扁平吊装带;FF 型紧固带;EB 型扁平吊装带;EA-A 圆型吊装带;EA 圆型吊装带;FF 型紧固带;EB-B型扁平吊装带;EB 型扁平吊装带;EA-A 圆型吊装带;EA 圆型吊装带等多种产品欢迎采购!

更多网络解释与扁平相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bobby pin:扁平发夹

Hairgrip扁平发夹(英国) | Bobby pin扁平发夹 | Button扣子

lentil cabochon:扁平弧面宝石,扁平凸圆宝石

lenticular 透镜状的,扁豆状的,两面凸的 | lentil cabochon 扁平弧面宝石,扁平凸圆宝石 | Leo 狮子星座,狮子座,狮子宫

crossly wound vessel by flat ribbon:扁平钢带错绕式容器

扁坯slab | 扁平钢带错绕式容器crossly wound vessel by flat ribbon | 扁平区flatted spot

flat coil:扁平线圈

fixed resistor 定值电阻器 | flat coil 扁平线圈 | flat solenoid 扁平螺线管

flat solenoid:扁平螺线管

flat coil 扁平线圈 | flat solenoid 扁平螺线管 | flat-bottomed flask 平底烧瓶

lichen planus:扁平苔癣=>扁平苔癬

lichen planopilaris 毛孔性扁平苔癬 | lichen planus 扁平苔癣=>扁平苔癬 | lichen planus annularis 环状扁平苔癣=>環状扁平苔癬

Pancake engine:水平对置式发动机,扁平发动机

pancake coil 扁平线圈,饼形线圈,平卷线圈,盘香管,盘形线圈 | pancake engine 水平对置式发动机,扁平发动机 | pancake forging 扁平锻造

flat wart:扁平疣

扁平疣(Flat Wart)是一种病毒性皮肤病,因其主要侵犯青少年,故又称小伙子扁平疣.儒医称扁瘊,它的病原体和寻常疣同样,是由奶子状瘤病毒HPV3和HPV5感染导致的皮肤赘有生命的物质.表现为或分离分布、质地绵软、顶部平滑、粟粒至绿豆大、淡褐或的高出皮肤外貌的扁平

flat wart:青年扁平疣,扁平疣

flat warehouse 平房谷仓 | flat wart 青年扁平疣,扁平疣 | flat wave 平顶波


高尔基复合体又称高尔基器(Golgi apparatus)或高尔基体,是意大利科学家Camillo扁平膜囊(saccules) 是高尔基复合体的主体部分. 一般由3~10层扁平膜囊平行排列在一起组成液泡(vacuoles) 多见于扁平膜囊扩大之末端, 可与之相连.