英语人>词典>汉英 : 所有事物 的英文翻译,例句
所有事物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与所有事物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Three main laws of materialist dialectics are a unity that is connatural and connected closely with each other. And herein, only the law of negation of negation is the "one and only law of motion", which generalizing the development progress of everything as a whole, while the other two laws is just a certain part of it.


For in a manner all things are implicated with one another, and all in this way are friendly to one another; for one thing comes in order after another, and this is by virtue of the active movement and mutual conspiration and the unity of the substance.


To regard all things and principles of things as inconstant modes or fashion s has more and more become the tendency of modern thought.


In this kind of Dao field , all the things exist in the form of unity of oppositeness . If one thing cannot build a relationship of unity of oppositeness with other things , then it will be extinguished the moment it is formed .


In this kind of Dao field, all the objects exist in the form of unity of oppositeness. If one object cannot build a relationship of unity of oppositeness with other objects, then it will be eliminated the moment it is formed.


Within polarity all things are always expressed, and this is what these two forms demonstrate.


Then will the earth tremble, and the sea bear no ships; heaven will not support the stars in their orbits, all voices of the Gods will be forced into silence; the fruits of the Earth will rot; the soil will turn barren, and the very air will sicken with sullen stagnation; all things will be disordered and awry, all good will disappear.


When I directly recognize Suchness or Emptiness, or the wetness of my own being, right here, right now, then I have discovered the ultimate truth of all other waves as well. Emptiness is not a Really Big Wave set apart from little waves, but is the wetness equally present in all waves, high or low, big or small, sacred or profane-which is why Emptiness cannot be used to prefer one wave over another.


How quickly all things disappear, in the universe the bodies themselves, but in time the remembrance of them; what is the nature of all sensible things, and particularly those which attract with the bait of pleasure or terrify by pain, or are noised abroad by vapoury fame; how worthless, and contemptible, and sordid, and perishable, and dead they are- all this it is the part of the intellectual faculty to observe.


But among the things readiest to thy hand to which thou shalt turn, let there be these, which are two. One is that things do not touch the soul, for they are external and remain immovable; but our perturbations come only from the opinion which is within. The other is that all these things, which thou seest, change immediately and will no longer be; and constantly bear in mind how many of these changes thou hast already witnessed. The universe is transformation: life is opinion.


更多网络解释与所有事物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我的朋友, 你们或许会认为不属于爱及手足情谊(brotherhood)的思维就不是出自于造物者. 这是不可能的, 朋友, 所有产生的思想都是出自造物者. 所有产生的东西都出自造物者. 祂是所有事物, 存在所有地方, 祂是所有意识, 所有存在的思想,


当然,在我们已知的所有事物当中,除了非法的(HARAM)与可疑、可憎的(MAKROOH)事物之外,其余的便是合法的(HALAL)事物. 至圣穆罕默德*说:"合法的事物是明显的,非法的事物也是明显的. 介于两者之间却有一些令人可疑的事物,


Born to be a man 為了生而為人 | Loveliness 那所有美好的事物 | Brushed away the sand 拂去我曾沾染的沙塵


19 the full monty所有的东西 | monty必定的事物(尤指赛马时必赢的马) | 20 ask for the moon异想天开

public nuisance:公眾厭惡的事物

Public Libraries Act 公共圖書館法案 | Public nuisance 公眾厭惡的事物 | Public ownership 公共所有權

public ownership:公共所有權

Public nuisance 公眾厭惡的事物 | Public ownership 公共所有權 | Public policy 公共政策

All around things # # to tantalize my brain:所有的东西让我不解

# They were not # # to be believed #|你们不会相信 | # All around things # # to tantalize my brain #|所有的东西让我不解 | # It's a world unlike # # anything I've ever seen #|那是我从未见过的事物

Panophobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything:所有事物恐惧症

Panthophobia- Fear of suffering and disease.患病恐惧症 | Panophobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything.所有事物恐惧症 | Papaphobia- Fear of the Pope.教皇恐惧症

Hail,locusts, Smiting of the first born:冰雹 蝗虫 击杀所有头生的事物

Why not?What else can god throw at me?|为什么不呢? 否则上帝还能赐... | Hail,locusts, Smiting of the first born.|冰雹 蝗虫 击杀所有头生的事物 | Of course it all depends On how evil you've been.|就看你是不...

efficient cause:动力因

"动力因"(Efficient Cause)指的是改变事物的动力及起因,研究"是什么改变了什么、而又是什么造成了这个改变",范围包括了所有事物间的媒介,包括有生命的或无生命的、动力的起源或是被改变的事物.