英语人>词典>汉英 : 房间 的英文翻译,例句
房间 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
apartment  ·  chamber  ·  room  ·  chambers  ·  rooms  ·  apartments  ·  Heya

house of office
更多网络例句与房间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My brother was to sleep in the bedroom with my parents and my two sisters and I had the other bedroom, as there were only two beds in the room, I was to sleep on a camp bed between the two.


Then they tucked the old man into a beautiful room, which was the spare room, and in the night some time he got powerful thirsty and clumb out on to the porch-roof and slid down a stanchion and traded his new coat for a jug of forty-rod, and clumb back again and had a good old time; and towards daylight he crawled out again, drunk as a fiddler, and rolled off the porch and broke his left arm in two places, and was most froze to death when somebody found him after sun-up.


Trinity: are you sure this line is clean?cypher: yeah, of course i''m sure.trinity: i better go.

上面的镜头是trinity的303房间,303和neo的房间101,还有动画片里那个"失败的the one"---侦探,他的房间是201,这些都是有含义的。

With the storehouse, or record house (where the records are still to be uncovered), there is a chamber or passage from the right forepaw to this entrance of the record chamber, or record tomb.


A noble place; inside as well as out, a noble place--a house in which you incontinently lost yourself if ever you were so rash as to go about it alone; a house in which no one room had any sympathy with another, every chamber running off at a tangent into an inner chamber, and through that down some narrow staircase leading to a door which, in its turn, led back into that very part of the house from which you thought yourself the furthest; a house that could never have been planned by any mortal architect, but must have been the handiwork of that good old builder--Time, who, adding a room one year, and knocking down a room another year, toppling down a chimney coeval with the Plantagenets, and setting up one in the style of the Tudors; shaking down a bit of Saxon wall there,and allowing a Norman arch to stand here; throwing in a row of high narrow windows in the reign of Queen Anne, and joining on a dining-room after the fashion of the time of Hanoverian George I.


ROOMS - Great apartment rooms with attached kitchenette. Large, comfortable, decent bathrooms, though the rain-shower needs upgrading. Mini-bar present, and the house-maid did a good job daily. Also, pans, adaptor etc. are available with house-keeping.


Taking a room with floor panel heating system in Beijing as an object, analyses the effects of the panel surface temperature, mean radiant temperature and indoor air temperature on human thermal comfort by establishing thermal balance equations of human body and heating room respectively.


Butlers' pantries that can serve as baking centers, and craft rooms combined with laundry rooms are also popular.


These factors, which vary from room to room, day to day, even hour to hour, include: Outdoor and indoor temperatures, indoor heating level and type of heat (forced air, baseboard, wood stove, etc), location of air ducts, location and insulation of windows/doors, ceiling height, how well the room is closed off and sealed, etc. The maximum RH level possible in your room depends on your unique room environment.


A computer and communication room 21 can be provided; an installation for air treatment and air and water purification advantageously can be provided in a room 22 that is in a position that is adjacent to a room 23 that constitutes a protective airlock or an insulation part.


更多网络解释与房间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

room air conditioner:房间空气调节器

房间空气调节器(room air conditioner)是一种用于向房间(或封闭空间、区域)提供处理空气的机组. 它的功能是对该房间(或封闭空间、区域)内空气的温度、湿度、洁净度和空气流速等参数进行调节,以满足人体舒适或工艺过程的要求.

room key:房间钥匙

room number 房间号码 | room key 房间钥匙 | suite 一套房间

room key:房间钥匙 nyz中国英语学习网

room number 房间号码 nyz中国英语学习网 | room key 房间钥匙 nyz中国英语学习网 | suite 一套房间 nyz中国英语学习网

room key:房间钥匙 atP无忧研修网

room number 房间号码 atP无忧研修网 | room key 房间钥匙 atP无忧研修网 | suite 一套房间 atP无忧研修网

single room:单人房间

suite 一套房间 | single room 单人房间 | double room 双人房间

vacant room:空闲的房间、或剩余的房间

Double room :双人间; | Vacant room :空闲的房间、或剩余的房间; | Suit :合适的;

Four Rooms:四个房间

我说的是一部叫"四个房间"(Four Rooms)的名不见经传的影片,谁能想到两位Clut大导的初次"亲密接触"居然是一部文艺片?<<四个房间>>原本应该很有趣. 影片讲述除夕之夜一间酒店的四间房间里发生的故事:第一个房间里几个仙女(包括麦当娜和莉莉.泰勒)试图凑齐几样东西以便施法让一个变成石像的仙

chambre insonoris:閑 隔音房间

29、chambre bien meubl閑 家具布置齐全的房间 | 30、chambre insonoris閑 隔音房间 | 31、chambre bien ensoleill閑 阳光充足的房间


27.Mooel Oeilvert,星之图案房间内 | 28.Mojito 沙漠宫殿,沙漏房间 | 29.Mogsam 沙漠宫殿,图书馆左边房间

ocean view:海景(房间)

Ocean front面朝海洋的(房间) | Ocean view海景(房间) | Wet bar(旅馆房间里有自来水和水槽的)小吧台