英语人>词典>汉英 : 截肢术 的英文翻译,例句
截肢术 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与截肢术相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The choice of disarticulation or transosseous ampu- tation must be individualized for each patient.


The choice of disarticulation or transosseous ampu- tation must be indiidualized for each patient.


The malignant tumors included osteogenic osteosarcoma,metastasis tumor(six patients,two with pathologic fractures),chondrosarcoma,malignant fibrous histiocytoma (three patients,one with pathologic fracture),fibrosarcoma,and solitary myeloma.all patients received limb savage procedure with custom knee prosthesis including sevnteen cases of hinge joint and twenty?

结果 9 例良性肿瘤患者1 例失访,1 例死于其他不相关疾病,其余7 例病人随访时膝关节功能按Enneking制定的标准进行评定,优5 例,良1 例,差1 例,保肢成功率为100%;29 例恶性骨肿瘤患者,骨肉瘤患者失访7 例,2 例患者术后局部复发,行截肢术;其余20 例患者生存期间膝关节功能优10 例,良4 例,差6 例。7 例效果评价差的病人为有6 例为铰链式膝关节假体。

The malignant tumors included osteogenic osteosarcoma,metastasis tumor(six patients,two with pathologic fractures),chondrosarcoma,malignant fibrous histiocytoma (three patients,one with pathologic fracture),fibrosarcoma,and solitary myeloma.all patients received limb savage procedure with custom knee prosthesis including sevnteen cases of hinge joint and twentyone cases of posterior stability joints.Results One of nine patients with benign tumors was lost for followedup,one patient died of unrelated disease,the remained patients have excellent function in five patients,good function in one case,and one poor according to the Enneking evaluating system.the limb salvage rate was 100%.Seven patients were lost for followedup in twentynine of malignant tumors,two patient with malignant fibrous histiocytoma received amputation due to local recurrence nine months postoperatively.Ten patients had excellent function,four good and six poor among the followedup patients.The type of prosthesis in six of all patients with poor function was hinge.

结果 9 例良性肿瘤患者1 例失访,1 例死于其他不相关疾病,其余7 例病人随访时膝关节功能按Enneking制定的标准进行评定,优5 例,良1 例,差1 例,保肢成功率为100%;29 例恶性骨肿瘤患者,骨肉瘤患者失访7 例,2 例患者术后局部复发,行截肢术;其余20 例患者生存期间膝关节功能优10 例,良4 例,差6 例。7 例效果评价差的病人为有6 例为铰链式膝关节假体。

Peripheral sympathectomy was performed as a salvage procedure to prevent digit amputation.


Results 6 cases died perioperatively with a mortality of 6.21%,inc luding 3 with multiple system organ failure,2 wiuh low cardiac output syndrome,1 with renal failure.Among the alive cases,6 suffered from low cardiac output syn drome,6 with multiple system organ failure and 1 with renal failure,but all of t hem were successfully rescued by positive therapy,18 suffered from pulmonary inf ection and 3 with incision infection postoperatively,6 with tracheotomy,1 with l ower limbs necrosis and amputation.

结果 围术期死亡6例,病死率6.21%,其中多系统器官衰竭3例,低心输出量综合征2例,肾功能衰竭1例;存活患者中出现低心输出量综合征6例,并发多系统器官衰竭6例和肾功能衰竭1例,经积极治疗后治愈;术后出现肺部感染18例;手术切口感染3例;气管切开6例;肢体坏死而截肢1 例。

We had seven amputations, most due to severe crush injuries that had lead to vascular compromise and eventual infection, a situation that could have been preventable by early fasciotomy.


The results of four cases of amputation patients, 124 patients with successful limb salvage, the conclusion of the open fracture upper tibia and popliteal artery injury, should be carefully pre-operative examination, assessment of injury.

结果 4例患者进行了截肢,124例患者保肢成功。结论对胫骨上段开放性骨折并动脉损伤,术前应认真检查,对伤情进行评估。

Skin Flap for Transtibial (Below-the-Knee) Amputation 经胫骨截肢术的皮瓣 Load transfer following transtibial amputation appears to be enhanced when the residual limb has a large osseous surface area coered with a durable soft-tissue enelope composed of a well-cushioned mobile muscle mass and full-thickness skin.


Skin Flap for Transtibial (Below-the-Knee) Amputation 经胫骨截肢术的皮瓣 Load transfer following transtibial amputation appears to be enhanced when the residual limb has a large osseous surface area covered with a durable soft-tissue envelope composed of a well-cushioned mobile muscle mass and full-thickness skin.


更多网络解释与截肢术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amputation knife:截肢刀,切断刀

amputation 切断术 | amputation knife 截肢刀,切断刀 | amygdala 扁桃体

amputation knife:截肢刀,切断儀

amputation 切断术 | amputation knife 截肢刀,切断儀 | amygdala 扁桃体

HD: hip disarticulation:髋关节离断术

4. BE: blow elbow, 肘下截肢 | 5. HD: hip disarticulation: 髋关节离断术. | 6. SD: shoulder disarticulation, 肩关节离断术.


将来,另一种弥补术(prosthetics)可能使被截肢者使 用来自残余肌肉的电信号,这样他们就能更加自然地运动 人造手臂. 美国约翰. 霍普金斯大学的普罗塔哥拉斯.库 奇斯(Protagoras Cutchis)开发出了一种电极阵列,这种 阵列不同于以往的技术,

transerse capsulotomy:横行关节囊切除术

transpelic amputation 经骨盆截肢术 | transerse capsulotomy 横行关节囊切除术 | transpedicular conex anterior hemiepiphsiodesis 经椎弓根前凸半侧骨骺固定术

myoplastic amputation:肌瓣成形截肢术

myoelectric controlled signal 肌电控制信号 | myoplastic amputation 肌瓣成形截肢术 | myotonia 肌强直

osteochondroma excision:骨软骨瘤切除术

proximal humerus tumor excision 肱骨近端肿瘤切除术 | osteochondroma excision 骨软骨瘤切除术 | thigh amputation 大腿截肢术

amputated gene:截肢基因

\\"安瓿\\",\\"ampuole\\" | \\"截肢基因\\",\\"amputated gene\\" | \\"截断术,切除术\\",\\"amputation\\"

amputating saw:弓形截肢锯

amputating retractor 下肢截断拉钩 | amputating saw 弓形截肢锯 | amputation 切断术

Apotemnophobia- Fear of persons with amputations:害怕截肢术

Apiphobia- Fear of bees.害怕蜜蜂 | Apotemnophobia- Fear of persons with amputations.害怕截肢术 | Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders.害怕蜘蛛