英语人>词典>汉英 : 截瘫 的英文翻译,例句
截瘫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与截瘫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jamalo is now a paraplegic, crippled after her home became a battlefield during a violent attack between the Taliban and US forces over 5 months ago.


Jamalo is now a paraplegic, crippled after her home became a battlefield during a violent attack between the Taliban and U.


Objective: To provide anatomic basis for C7 nerve transfer to anastomose anterior lumbar spinal nerve in vertebral canal to restore the lower limb function of paraplegia.


In the 58 cases, only 20 (34.48%) patients had good function recovery; 26 (44.83%) suffered from so-called paraplegia sydrome including anchylosis, muscular atrophy, bed sore, secondary infection, osteoporosis, and the symptoms showed a tendency to aggravate.


And has been bedridden since 1988. In 1999, with the aspiration of helping individual


The bedsore is also one of paraplegia common complications.


To carry out comprehensive psychological intervention for traumatic paraplegia patients could enhance the activity of treatment and rehabilitation of patients.


Amongst these, 26 had symptoms compatible with spinal cord involvement. However, two cases with primary progressive pyramidal paraparesis were excluded because after the diagnostic work-up they were found out to have other possible underlying causes (one had constrictive meningeal thickening because of a very remote subarachnoid haemorrhage, and the other had positive family history suggesting an autosomal dominant disorder).


To explore the influence of early systematic rehabilitation nursing on paraplectic patients' life quality and the value of early systematic rehabilitation nursing in clinical implication,64 cases of paraplegia were randomly divided into the group of early rehabilitation nursing and the group of traditional nursing.


To explore the influenceof early systematic rehabilitation nursing on paraplectic patients' life quality and thevalue of early systematic rehabilitation nursing in clinical implication,64 cases ofparaplegia were randomly divided into the group of early rehabilitation nursingand the group of traditional nursing.


更多网络解释与截瘫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1.四肢瘫 (tetraplegia) 四肢及躯干均受累,上下肢严重程度类似2.双瘫 (diplegia) 也是四肢受累,但两下肢受累较重,上肢及躯干比较轻3.截瘫 (paraplegia) 双下肢受累明显,躯干及上肢正常4.偏瘫 (hemiplegia) 一侧肢体及躯干受累,


memory defects, amnesia 记忆缺损,遗忘症 | paraplegia 截瘫,下身麻痹 | projectile vomiting 喷射性呕吐

Spastic Paraplegia:痉挛性截瘫

spastic gait 痉挛步态 | spastic paraplegia 痉挛性截瘫 | spasticity 痉挛状态

Spastic Paraplegia:痉挛性截瘫,痉挛性截瘫

spastic paralysis 痉挛性麻痹,痉挛性麻痹 | spastic paraplegia 痉挛性截瘫,痉挛性截瘫 | spastic pseudosclerosis 痉挛性假硬化,痉挛性假硬化,雅各布氏病

spastical paraplegia:痉挛性截瘫

spastic paraparetic gait 痉挛性截瘫步态 | spastical paraplegia 痉挛性截瘫 | speech expression 语言表达


paraplegia 截瘫 | paraplegic 截瘫的 | parapraxis 动作倒错


异地产生,错生 paraplasia,heteroplasia | 后躯麻痹的,截瘫的 paraplectic,paraplegic | 截瘫 paraplegia

Pott'sparaplegia:波特氏截瘫 脊柱结核性截瘫

Pott'sparalysis 波特氏截瘫 | Pott'sparaplegia 波特氏截瘫 脊柱结核性截瘫 | Pott'spuffytumor 波特氏头皮肿胀

paraparetic gait:截瘫性步态

paralytic gait patterns 麻痹性步态型 | paraparetic gait 截瘫性步态 | paraplegia 截瘫

spastic paraparetic gait:痉挛性截瘫步态

spastic paralysis 痉挛性瘫痪 | spastic paraparetic gait 痉挛性截瘫步态 | spastical paraplegia 痉挛性截瘫