英语人>词典>汉英 : 战线 的英文翻译,例句
战线 的英文翻译、例句


battle line
更多网络例句与战线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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These four tunnels proved that the North Korean army had been digging tunnels all along the truce line.


Germany's invasion of France, and the conflict over Alsace-Lorraine in particular, contributed to French concern over atrocities and the national investment in the war effort.


Germany started the war in order to plunder the Polish people and smash one flank of the Anglo-French imperialist front.


Of course it would be a misfortune for China's anti-Japanese front.


In their substance, a new spatiotemporal measurement is emerging: an invisible, but a permanent front of countersabotage and antiterrorist struggle with its specific inherent features: the enemy's expanding capabilities in influencing all the elements of the operational order of battle, composition of forces, logistic installations and communication facilities, their increasing vulnerability.


Therefore, we need to arouse the enthusiasm of those working on the educational front.


Their mission was twofold: one group would dash ahead to the Meuse to seize bridges, while the other fanned out behind American lines to spread rumors, changes signposts, in general accelerate the panic that hits rear-echelon forces when they hear that the front line has broken.


Each of these freedoms is a front along which the organism can search for better ways to refit itself in a coevolutionary environment.


From the phalanx to the legion, from the tercio to l'ordre mixte, from the panzer division to fronts in echelon, conventional warfare has featured coherent formations, each trying to break the other.


更多网络解释与战线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Real Robots - Battle Line:真实机器人战线

Real Robots - Final Attack|真实机器人 - 最后攻击|SLPS-01125 | Real Robots - Battle Line|真实机器人战线|SLPS-02139 | Shin Megami Tensei 2|真.女神转生 2|SLPM-86924

firing line:战线,火线

战死的精英一代/lost generation | 战线,火线/firing line | 战友/comrade in arms

Nhacra-Mores Front Line:尼亚克拉 - 莫雷斯战线

Nhacra Front;尼亚克拉战线;; | Nhacra-Mores Front Line;尼亚克拉 - 莫雷斯战线;; | Nhan Dan;人民报;;

overstretch; overextension:过度扩展;战线拉得过长

overstock;超量储存; ; | overstretch; overextension;过度扩展;战线拉得过长; ; | overtaken by events;(计划、主张)因事态发展而过时;OBE;

Patriotic front:爱国阵线[津巴布韦];爱国战线[老挝]

Patriotic freedom movement;爱国自由运动;; | Patriotic Front;爱国阵线[津巴布韦];爱国战线[老挝];; | Patriotic liberation movement;爱国解放运动;;

On the report it said Compton was being taken off the line because of trench foot:在报告上写着康普顿是因严重的战壕脚才离开战线

I know something happened to him when he ... | On the report it said Compton was being taken off the line because of trench foot.|在报告上写着康普顿是因严重的战壕脚才离开战线 | Didn't say anything abou...

Hold the line, Colonel, close the gaps:守住战线,上校 把缝隙填满

I don't have enough people, sir. We're spread too damn thin.|我的人手不足,长... | Hold the line, Colonel, close the gaps.|守住战线,上校 把缝隙填满 | This goddamn fog won't lift any time soon...|这场雾短...

With Buck off the line, there was no longer any possible alternative to Dike:由于巴克退下战线,再也没有替换戴克的可能

Hey Bull.|大牛 | With Buck off the line, there was no longer any possible alternative to Dike.|由于巴克退下战线,再也没有替换戴克的可能 | At least none we could see.|至少我们还看不到可能

Spread collar, Underarms, back yoke and front have mesh venting:散布衣领,腋下,背部和羁绊战线发泄网

Button down, Extended split hem, Action ... | Spread collar, Underarms, back yoke and front have mesh venting散布衣领,腋下,背部和羁绊战线发泄网 | 2 front chest pockets, Ron holder system adds free hand...

Kinara front:基纳拉战线

Kim Il Sung University;金日成综合大学;; | Kinara front;基纳拉战线;; | Kindai Sansyo, Ltd.;近代产业株式会社;;