英语人>词典>汉英 : 战斧 的英文翻译,例句
战斧 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hatchet  ·  poleaxe  ·  tomahawk  ·  poleax  ·  tomahawked  ·  tomahawking  ·  tomahawks  ·  battleaxe  ·  battleax

battle-ax · battle-axe
更多网络例句与战斧相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A battle-ax used in the Middle Ages consisting of a long shaft ending in an ax or a combination of an ax, a hammer, and a pick.


As the first rays of light broke over the mountains many hours later, all that remained of the Kurgan force were the broken bodies of the dead. Orc and Kurgan corpses littered the battlefield and at the centre, standing triumphant on a mound of the dead, was Grimgor. He was truly a dreadful sight, bathed in blood from head to toe, with his axe raised high above his head as he howled at the rising sun.


Ostmen were Vikings who settled the coastal towns of Ireland who wore mail with a helmet and armed themselves with axes and throwing javelins who fought from horseback.


This Sanctuary to Giltine inspires through dread increased public lawfulness. Samogitian axemen and Szlachta are both recruitable now.


The Temple to Giltine greatly increases public lawfulness and all troops recruited gain a moral bonus. Samogitian axemen, Szlachta and Giltines chosen are all recruitable now.


These worshippers remind people that the death goddess is waiting for them and thus a large law increase is inspired through fear. The sanctuary of Giltine attracts both Samogitian axemen and Szlachta.


Kerns are Irish light Infantry made up of freemen armed with small hand weapons.


Unfortunately, Tomahawks are as good as dead if anything gets near them, and they aren't very reliable if the Buses are on the move.


"This battle axe appears other-worldly..."


Everybody recognizes a dwarven soldier by his super ply crafted mithril chain mail and the double sided battleaxe since hundred fifty years ago, in the first big orc wars, a big troop under king Balin Thunder axe sliced the encornered army of the duke of Rivellon out the orcish waves they were trapped in.

每个人都知道侏儒战士从150年前开始就装备着他高超的手工制作的金属锁子甲和双面的战斧,在第一次ORC大战中,一支在Balin Thunder国王领导下的强大军队用他们的战斧与Rivellon的公爵带领的部队把兽族的敌军砍得七零八落。

更多网络解释与战斧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

battle axe:战斧

这种剑比较华丽,单握的剑柄,盾般的护手和细长的剑身说明了它只能刺击,西班牙和法国的某些十字剑还有较阔的剑刃,可以进行切削,但威力弱的可以,不过,这种剑作为"文明"点的冷兵器被一直保存到今战斧(battle axe)随着时代的发展,手斧在肉搏战中显露了它的不足-太过短小,

Axe mastery:战斧掌握--支配斧頭

Sword mastery--剑术掌握--支配長劍;简称: SM | Axe mastery--战斧掌握--支配斧頭; | Mace mastery--钉头槌掌握--支配釘頭槌;

Axe mastery:战斧掌握--支配斧

Blade Fury--狂暴之刃--刃之怒; | Axe mastery--战斧掌握--支配斧?^; | Mace mastery--钉头槌掌握--支配???^槌;


battle 战役 | battle-ax 战斧 | battle-axe 战斧

headsman's axe:酋长战斧

miracle mace 奇迹权杖 | headsman's axe 酋长战斧 | a forester's axe 森林人之斧


pole-vault 撑竿跳 | poleax 战斧 | poleaxe 战斧


pole-star /北极星/ | poleax /战斧/屠斧/ | poleaxe /战斧/屠斧/


poleax /战斧/屠斧/ | poleaxe /战斧/屠斧/ | polecat /臭鼬之一种/


国P-40"战斧"(TOMAHAWK)战斗机是美国40 年代初的一种主要△美国P-38"闪电"(LIGHTNING)战斗机是第二次世界大战中一种性△美国P-47"雷电"(THUNDERBOLT)战斗机是第二次世界大战后期的△美国P-61"黑寡妇"(BLACKWIDOW)是一种双尾撑活塞式的夜间战△美国F7F"老虎猫"(TIGERCAT)


美国海军BGM-109"战斧"式巡航导弹(Tomahawk)是一种全天候潜艇或者水面舰只发射的对地攻击巡航导弹. 在发射之后,由导弹的固体燃料助推向前推进导弹,最后再由小型涡轮风扇发动机推进导弹,完成导弹的最后飞行. "战斧"巡航