英语人>词典>汉英 : 战利品 的英文翻译,例句
战利品 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
booty  ·  capture  ·  conquest  ·  plunder  ·  prize  ·  scalp  ·  spoil  ·  trophy  ·  plundering  ·  captured  ·  captures  ·  plundered  ·  plunders  ·  prized  ·  prizes  ·  prizing  ·  scalped  ·  scalps  ·  spoils  ·  trophies

spoils of war · captured equipment · war trophies
更多网络例句与战利品相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a corner alcove, Jabba kept a number of trophies.


Are they the booties when Qing government set anabasis on Thailand??


The early introduction of many new furniture or a large number of manufacturing, the use of color and soft furniture, decorative fabrics, patterns, including asymmetric disconnected curves, flowers, twisted vortex ornaments, shells, the Chinese-style decorative arts, musical instruments (violin, horn angle system, drum), a symbol of love, wreaths, shepherd scenes booty ornaments (Battle of the decorative layout of the symbol), flower and animal.


Of trophies, standards, and armorial beasts


"He must be after Balor's head as a trophy."


Self booty white bighead, the sovereign will of tension value of self-reflection, should the prize ignored or devalued, would be a self-neglect or derogatory.


This commission reformed the spoils system, which had rewarded supporters of a winning party with "spoils," or posts in that party's government.


Difficulty and Loot: There will also be numerous small tweaks to monster difficulty and loot distribution throughout many of the existing missions and explorable areas.


Past 30,Jewelcrafting items seem to be at roughly a"quest reward"level,and as of yet there are no"ringers"that would warrant taking off dungeon loot for.


Past 30, Jewelcrafting items seem to be at roughly a "quest reward" level, and as of yet there are no "ringers" that would warrant taking off dungeon loot for.


更多网络解释与战利品相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



booty:战利品, 获得之物

boottree | 靴楦鞋楦 | booty | 战利品, 获得之物 | booze up | 纵酒狂欢


Yo-ho-ho 完全无意义的词汇,有趣的口头语. | Booty 战利品,从他人处夺得的物资或财产. | Cat O'Nine Tails 一种处罚的刑具,将九条打结的绳子绑在一个把手上,用以鞭打敌人的后背.

Phat Lewt / Phat L00t "Leet" term meaning the best loot:最好的战利品

Pet An NPC controlled by a character. E.g. a summoned wolf. 角色掌握的NPC 比如召唤出的狼 | Phat Lewt / Phat L00t "Leet" term meaning the best loot. 最好的战利品 | Pigeon An ICQ message ICQ的信息

Prime Target:战利品擎天柱

50 Triple Takeover 争权夺利 | 51 Prime Target 战利品擎天柱 | 52 Auto-Bop 汽车人

Prime Target:擎天柱的战利品

2x34 (50) 争权夺利 Triple Takeover | 2x35 (51) 擎天柱的战利品 Prime Target | 3x12 (77) C小调大屠杀 Carnage In C-Minor

Prime Target:战利品擎天柱 (也作 擎天柱的战利品)

50 Triple Takeover 争权夺利 | 51 Prime Target 战利品擎天柱 (也作 擎天柱的战利品) | 52 Auto-Bop 汽车人


以色列地面部队司令部(GFC)最近披露了一种用于装甲车辆的主动防护系统,名为"战利品"(Trophy). 该系统包括搜索雷达和跟踪雷达,以及位于搜索雷达和跟踪雷达之间的可活动的对抗武器发射器,可为坦克装甲车辆提供360度的全方位防护和顶部防护.


trophic 营养的 | trophied 战利品装饰 | trophy 战利品

spoils:掠夺物 战利品

plunder 掠夺物 | spoils 掠夺物 战利品 | booty 战利品