英语人>词典>汉英 : 成形发育 的英文翻译,例句
成形发育 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与成形发育相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The study included 30 normal subjects, 40 central pulmonary carcinoma with signs of central pulmonary artery infiltration, 5 pulmonary artery aplasia, 4 pulmonary arteriovenous malformation, 3 af...

其中正常 30例,中央型肺癌累及中央肺动脉 40例,肺动脉发育不良 5例,肺动静脉畸形 4例,肺动脉袖状切除成形术后 3例。

To determine whether the same molecular mechanisms are inoled in the formation process, the expression pattern of transcription factors regulating endoderm and gut deelopment in the mouse embryo was examined by in situ hybridization and compared with in io expression.


In some lower vertebrates the Epiphysis Cerebri - Pineal Gland - has a well-developed eye-like structure; in others though not organized as an eye, if functions as a light receptor.

在一些较低等脊椎动物Epiphysis Cerebri-松果体–具有像眼睛一样发育很好的结构;有些虽然不成形为眼睛,即使是作为光的受体。

Of the 26 cases, 20 were treated using the method of aliform separation of glans, of the other 6 cases whose glandes were poorly developed were treated using the method of aliform separation of glans combined with compacted ventral pedicle preputial flap.


In our experiment, we found two abnormal phenotypes that one only the last three segments develop into pupa, but the other segments are still keep the larva characters; another sample has differently develop speed between abdomen and backside, which resulted in the back develop into pupa but the abdomen were still the larva characters. When we add Az in the feed of injected EcR-dsRNA samples, in the 13 live larvae we found that 6 have the abnormal proleg phenotypes.


Methods: Selected 93 confirmed cases with hypospadias during May 2003 to Sep 2009. Patients in balanic type were treated with meatal advancement and glandularp lasty; patients with urethra orifice at 2/3 of corpus penis accompanied with slight chordee of penis were treated with Snodgrass method or Onlay method; patients with severe chordee of penis were treated with Duckett method; patients in scrotum or perineum type were treated with combination of Duplay and Duckett; severe hypospadia patients were treated with curved pedicle penis-scrotum and skin flap urethroplasty; patients with good outer plate of ventral prepuce and chordee of penis were treated with ventral pedicle hooded foreskin flap.


Methods: Selected 93 confirmed cases with hypospadias during May 2003 to Sep 2009. Patients in balanic type were treated with meatal advancement and glandularp lasty; patients with urethra orifice at 2/3 of corpus penis accompanied with slight chordee of penis were treated with Snodgrass method or Onlay method; patients with severe chordee of penis were treated with Duckett method; patients in scrotum or perineum type were treated with combination of Duplay and Duckett; severe hypospadia patients were treated with curved pedicle penisscrotum and skin flap urethroplasty; patients with good outer plate of ventral prepuce and chordee of penis were treated with ventral pedicle hooded foreskin flap.


Phenotypical observation of the worm development revealed no significant changes in the experimental worms, whereas the egg development was observed for the control C.


Although the B2C e-commerce business mode, as a growing mode, has shown great potential, it is not completely maturated and some unsolved problems is seriously hampering its development.


更多网络解释与成形发育相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


APL:acute promyelocytic leukemia,急性早幼粒细胞白血病 | Aplasia:发育不良,成形不完全 | Apoptosis:凋亡


本研究采用鹌鹑-鸡胚移植法探索咽囊内胚层对中耳听骨发育(诱导/成形)及中耳听骨与内耳整合的作用. 首先在整体标本中观察了正常鸡胚中耳听骨--耳小柱(columella)发育过程中的形态学改变与特征,建立了正常参照标准. 然后,采用鹌鹑-鸡胚移植法,


三、复合痣(compound nevus) 为上述两型痣的混牙龈瘤(epulis)是一个以形态及部位命名的诊断学名词. 牙瘤(odontoma)生长于颌骨内,它是由一个或多数牙胚组织异常发育增生而形成. 其中可含有不同发育阶段的各种牙胚组织,直至成形的牙;


三、复合痣(compound nevus) 为上述两型痣的混牙龈瘤(epulis)是一个以形态及部位命名的诊断学名词. 牙瘤(odontoma)生长于颌骨内,它是由一个或多数牙胚组织异常发育增生而形成. 其中可含有不同发育阶段的各种牙胚组织,直至成形的牙;

g hypopituitarism:低脑垂腺功鉒

低松果体功鉒g hypopinealism | 低脑垂腺功鉒g hypopituitarism | 发育不全,成形不全 hypoplasia

Defective development; Imperfect development; Incomplete formation; Hypoplasy; Hypoplasty:发育不全; 成形不全

Deep wound 深伤口 | Defective development; Imperfect development; Incomplete formation; Hypoplasy; Hypoplasty 发育不全; 成形不全 | Defervescing plague 退热性鼠疫


morphology 形态学 | morphophyly 成形发育 | morphophysiological variation 形态生理变异


organophosphate 有机磷酸盐 | organophyly 器官的系统发育 | organoplastic 器官成形的


organophyly 器官的系统发育 | organoplastic 器官成形的 | organoplasty 器官成形术

neural groove:神经沟

引起脑压升高,脑会受到压迫,人就会变得迟钝. 神经系统由胚胎组织的外胚层(ectoderm)发育而来. 发育的第一个徵兆是在胚胎发育第16天时出现神经板(neural plate). 后续几天,神经盘内形成一个凹沟,神经沟(neural groove)於是成形.