英语人>词典>汉英 : 成为过时 的英文翻译,例句
成为过时 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
obsolesce  ·  obsolesced  ·  obsolesces  ·  obsolescing

更多网络例句与成为过时相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Those same characteristics are abundantly evident in less well-known movies that should not be overlooked. Mr. Ledger was hilarious and eccentric in Catherine Hardwicke's "Lords of Dogtown," playing a shaggy old-timer on the Venice Beach surf-and skateboard scene, and affably mischievous in Terry Gilliam's "Brothers Grimm," alongside Matt Damon.

这些特殊的特质在不应该被忽略却鲜为人知的电影中表现出来,希斯在Catherine Hardwicke 执导的电影《冲破颠峰》中诠释一个可笑古怪的人物就是一个例子,电影里在Venice 海边滑水的场景中,他成为了一个毛发过盛、过时的老掉牙人物,却又在Terry Gilliam执导的《神鬼克星》,和Matt Damon 一起成为一个淘气可亲的角色。

Now that democracy is the norm in the Americas, that tradition is anachronistic.


In a system that had become as archaic as it was ultimately cruel.


If you bought a High Quality film camera, chances are it was worth more after 10 years than when you bought it because of inflation or collectibility.


In recent times there has been much talk about the "Redundant Male", the suggestion being that with new, artificial fertilisation techniques men will soon become obsolete.


A sliding cursor with an alignment line can record an intermediate result on any of the scales.


PSEB's current company database has become obsolescent and cannot support planning and other important activities.


The institutions of the PLO, which were to represent all groups among the Palestinian people, have become outdated and of little importance.

" "机构的巴解组织,这是代表所有群体之间的巴勒斯坦人民,已成为过时的和没有多大的重要性。

Again it will be automation that will displace many of the low skilled and semiskilled workers in the present economy.


But in a multiprocessors system,there may be several processors have read the same data,and then one processor will write it. This time,the copy of the data in the caches of other processors will be out of date.


更多网络解释与成为过时相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


.人们自我安慰(console)的本能大部分时间能平复伤口,但有时也能成为不思进取的合理解释. .善于推功揽过,实际上是中华传统美德. 谦逊(humble)点总不是错,能学到东西. 推功在当今推崇个性,张扬自我的社会稍有些过时,有功,


有人告诉我们:它已过时,而且自从凯因斯(keynes) 以后,资本主义知道如何计划它的经济. 在八十个年头里面,"经济"计划被看作是马克思帽中的蜜蜂(a bee in Marx's bonnet译者按:指胡思乱想). 如今,这只蜜蜂被捧高而几乎成为圣虫(divine insect),


于是,数码设备推出了第一台大批量生产的迷你电脑(Minicomputer),革命的一页从此掀开. 到了20世纪70年代,在大型主机上处理数据的做法已经过时,迷你电脑的操作遍布商业领域的方方面面. 数码设备一举成为世界第二大电脑生产商,紧随IBM之后.


我认为,到了20世纪前期(大约20、30年代),蓬勃发展的美国"音乐剧"(musical)成为美国戏剧的新的代表,也成为美国人的一种新的自我文化认同. 反观"歌剧",它乃是欧洲的,是一种过时的、遥远的表征,换句话说,也就是"非美国的"、"非现代的".

Neoclassical Synthesis:新古典综合派

但是20世纪50年代之后,这种牢固不移的新信仰迅速成为过时的谈资,以希克斯(John Hicks)、汉森(Alvin Hanson)以及萨缪尔森(Paul Samuelson)为代表的新古典综合派(neoclassical synthesis)发展了一整套的方法(尤其以IS-LM模型为代表),

obviate: v.1:排除 2.使成为不必要,避免 viable:能活的

obsolete: a.1.废弃的,淘汰的 2.过时的,老式的 | obviate: v.1.排除 2.使成为不必要,避免 viable:能活的 | obviate: v.1.排除,消除 2.避免,使成为不必要

obviate: v.1:排除 2.使成为不必要,避免 viable:能活之

obsolete: a.1.废弃之,淘汰之 2.过时之,老式之 | obviate: v.1.排除 2.使成为不必要,避免 viable:能活之 | obviate: v.1.排除,消除 2.避免,使成为不必要

We pass along the way:经过时,谁都小心避开

Life is filled with stumbling blocks 暗藏的绊脚石,旅途上密布深埋, | We pass along the way, 经过时,谁都小心避开. | But it can become a stepping stone 可这些石块,却可成为生命的伸展台,


obsidian 黑曜石 | obsolesce 成为过时 | obsolescence 废弃