英语人>词典>汉英 : 慕名而来 的英文翻译,例句
慕名而来 的英文翻译、例句


be attracted to a place by its reputation as a scenic spot · come to sb. because one admires his fame
更多网络例句与慕名而来相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The most medieval cities of Italy leaved behind the Roman Empire,and they kept some traditions by the administration of the Roman empire, thereby beginning the civicism very early.


I've been here for you. I'm consistent and you know it.


Not only the galleries had their own artistic styles, but also the participating artworks were world famous, such as "The Thinker" by Auguste Rodin,"Scenery of Fontainebleau" by Pierre-Auguste Renoir,"The Girl in Corsetry" by Picasso,"Crossing the River" by Luo Zhongli,"Water Village" by Chen Yifei, which surprised the art field and attracted many art collectors, critics and art enthusiasts from China and abroad to celebrated the magnificent artistic grand banquet.


As word of his talent spreads, he soon attracts the attention of record producers, publicists, and even Jelly Roll Morton (Clarence Williams III of " The General's Daughter "), the father of Jazz, who wants to challenge the prodigy to a piano duel.

当他的天才被广为传诵后。慕名而来的人络绎不绝,唱片制造商、广告策划员,甚至是当时爵士乐的教父Jelly Roll Morton(Clarence WilliamsⅢ饰)也向这位钢琴界的奇才下了战书。

The delicacy fried chicken although has attracted the customer which multitudinously comes to see a famous person with admiration.


Because the good reputation of your school is very good, I am a since then of, I feel this, the bilingual class suits me fine very much, because I get to overpraise on a match with big vernacular speech of the east city District, public English a class has already tested, and pass.


Many come with a Docking station or port replicator -- somewhere to store and access your computer.


Independent and indentured contractors soon began strip-mining both planets of their resources.


Who come here especially for the customer, not the thumbs-up does not.


He too was a youth with a high opinion of himself.


更多网络解释与慕名而来相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


相当于波尔多产区的四分之一,但是它出产的酒百步以内就是两种味道. 许多游人慕名而来参观这里的'葡萄酒之路':这条'路'上出产法国最有名和出口量最大的两种酒:沙布利(Chablis)和. 普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸.

Uther Lightbringer:乌瑟尔.光明使者

NO.11 安东尼达斯(Antonidas)-英雄属性-大魔法师-人类联盟(HUM)NO.12 乌瑟尔.光明使者(Uther Lightbringer)-英雄属性-圣骑士-人类联盟(HUM)在骑士团成立之后,大批洛丹伦最优秀的人类骑士先后慕名而来,其中就包括达纳斯和瑞文戴尔.而一些年轻骑士,


古希腊皮萨城邦的国王俄诺玛诺斯(Oenamaus),有一个美若天仙的女儿希波达弥亚(Hippodamia),慕名而来的求婚者络绎不绝. 国王听预言家说他将死于女婿之手,于是想出一个既不让女儿出嫁,求婚者又无法指责他的办法. 他要求求婚者与他进行驾车比赛,


1906 年,基律纳(Kiruna)发现铁矿(Kiruna是举世闻名的旅游胜地,体验真正的北极生活,其中的冰旅馆更像是北极圈内的一颗璀璨钻石每年都接待世界各地慕名而来的游客.