英语人>词典>汉英 : 慈善家 的英文翻译,例句
慈善家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
philanthrope  ·  philanthropist  ·  philanthropists  ·  charitarian

更多网络例句与慈善家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I want to hear and understand the benefactor's words.


The philanthropist too often surrounds mankind with the remembrance of his own castoff griefs as an atmosphere, and calls it sympathy.


Tian Jiabing, is a patriotic, civic-minded entrepreneur and philanthropist.


The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits (2004) was a counterblast against two types of intellectual laziness: that of corporate titans who were ignoring the bulk of humanity and that of humanitarians who regarded profit as a dirty word.


I don't care who asks me, county council or provincial government or whoever they are, that's my answer, and it's final!


It is sad and discreditable, but some of the Philanthropists often become weary of well-doing.


"Dix: american philanthropist, reformer, and educator who was a pioneer in the movement for specialized treatment of the mentally ill."


Yet he doesn't come across as a do-gooder.


He lent enormous sums toforeign traders (up to a million silver dollars at a time) in exchangefor a share of the shipments.


Mr and Mrs Fink are active philanthropists but have, in the past, tended to focus their efforts on medical research.


更多网络解释与慈善家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lady Bountiful:女慈善家, 女施主

ladies first [口]女士们优先 | lady Bountiful 女慈善家, 女施主 | lady in the case 案件中心的女人; 跟女人有关的事件


street-walker 不是街道散步的人,而是街头拉客的妓女 | do-gooder 不是做好事的人,而是不现实的慈善家 | baby-kisser 不是亲吻孩子的人,而是善于笼络人心的政客


hardliner强硬分子 | humanitarian人道主义者,慈善家 | hawk鹰派成员,主战派成员

Melinda Gates ):蓋氏基金會慈善家

22. Bill Gates: 蓋氏基金會慈善家 | 23. Melinda Gates: 蓋氏基金會慈善家 | 24. Nancy Pelosi: 美國國會議長


lycanthrope 变狼狂患者 | philanthrope 慈善家 | misanthrope 厌恶人类的人,厌世者


虽然在承担项目时接受政府的资助,但只是将政府作为在筹资活动中的"慈善家"(Philanthropist)角色,在具体活动内容上不受政府过多的干预. 在我国,随着政企的分开和政社的剥离,政府在私营领域和社会领域逐渐后撤,非营利组织不仅在活动空间方面会得到扩展,

The Philanthropist:大慈善家 (新剧首播)

The Listener 读心人 (新剧首播) 13 | The Philanthropist 大慈善家 (新剧首播) ?? | 'Til Death 至死不渝 ??

A Joyful Philanthropist:快乐的慈善家

16.A Joyful Philanthropist/快樂的慈善家 | 17.Barefoot Contessa/赤腳舞仙 | 18.The Glaciers In Alaska Are Tourist Spectacle/阿拉斯加的冰川--旅遊奇觀

10 The Philanthropist:大慈善家 剧情 # 1季全

HV 大慈善家 剧情 # 1季全10 The Philanthropist | HW 六度空间 剧情 # 1季全7 Six.Degrees | HX 体育之夜 体育 # 1季全13 Sports.Night


Ideation / 勇於接受新觀念--躍躍欲試的好奇寶寶 | Includer / 包容--有容乃大的慈善家 | Individualization / 尊重個別差異--因材施教的伯樂