英语人>词典>汉英 : 慈善 的英文翻译,例句
慈善 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
almsdeed  ·  beneficence

更多网络例句与慈善相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By the late Qing dynasty, great changes took place in charity thought in terms of social function of the charity, the way of upbringing, the almsman and the organization.


She said that there is a banquet, my friends know that I was the ambassador to charity and asked how to shop at her own place is also a charity collection box, so that some customers love to have donated more money in need, The next day I took her to the Charity, for consultative methods.


Therefore, developing our country charity, some measures as constructing the social culture environment that benefit to dona...


I believe that corporate philanthropy culture can be institutionalized, action oriented , educable and systematized. By setting up a culture of corporate philanthropy combine with integrating advantages in brand resources, technical, management strengths, talent and marketing, a business can ultimately get a win-win situation in both corporate brand strategy charitable and business.


Tian recently frequently occurred in every big entertainment media, but this is not the tian, nor his ventrally some drama, but about the positive news, tian tian has now been fascinated doing charity, and think you're doing charity was very uncomfortable, if the financial problems, not only can promote in the boiling point, also intend to establish charity relief fund, in order to help more children in need of help, let them live a happy life.


This week, researchers from the pure Pew C haritible T rusts 皮尤慈善信托基金 predited that 3% of all hom e o w ners were be in for closh foreclosure in the next few years.


The Atlantic Philanthropies, co-founded by Feeney, has given away $4 billion in a quarter of a century, including over $2 billion in the United States, more than $1 billion in Ireland, as well as large sums in Vietnam, Australia, South Africa, Thailand and Cuba, according to O'Clery's book.


But the most important is her philanthropy, She stood up for democracy, scarifying her market in mainland China; she devoted herself to charity, and founded , and she involved herself in many charity works.


There are three parts in the main body of the thesis: first the author discussed the origin of charitable spirit, the change in the spirit and acts of modern charities and its new features; meanwhile, the author also gave an introduction of the purpose and scope of charities; second, the author made a further discussion on basic causes of the development of almshouses and charitable associations in Chongqing during that period, their organizational system; and then discussed the breeding fields with modern features and some characters of clan, and some problems and disputes happened among them, and then discussed the relationship among government, civilian, and gentry. Finally, the author gave a summary of the difference and indifference of the charities in Chongqing and Shanghai by comparing of them.


Based on analysis of China"s charitable resources of demand and supply, the United States and Hong Kong, China from the development of the cause of charity advanced experience in the analysis of the New Institutional Economics vision of the development of China"s charity cause formal system, the informal system and the implementation of environmental systems exist The problem, and proceeded to put forward to the development of Chinas charity cause institutional framework.


更多网络解释与慈善相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bluecoat boy:慈善学校的男生

慈善学校/bluecoat school | 慈善学校的男生/bluecoat boy | 慈善学校的女生/bluecoat girl

bluecoat girl:慈善学校的女生

慈善学校的男生/bluecoat boy | 慈善学校的女生/bluecoat girl | 辞藻华丽的章节/purple passage;purple patch

charitable trust:兩- 公益信託;慈善基金 港- 慈善信託 台- 公益信託

charitable scheme 港- 慈善計劃 | charitable trust 兩- 公益信託;慈善基金 港- 慈善信託 台- 公益信託 | chartered accountant 兩- 特許會計師 內- 公證會計師


charitable /大慈大悲的/宽大的/慈善的/仁慈的/仁慈/ | charitableness /宽大/慈善/ | charitably /宽怒地/慈善地/


"处长"(Registrar) 指公司注册处处长;"慈善目的"(charitable purpose) 包括─(g)对社会有益但没有在(a)至(f)段指明的其他目的; (由1974年第74号第3条增补)"慈善组织"(charity) 指为慈善目的而以契据或其他方式成立的信托或组织;

charitable foundations:慈善基金

charitable contributions;慈善捐献;; | charitable foundations;慈善基金;; | charitable organization;慈善团体;;

Venture Philanthropy:风险慈善

这就是近两年在美国风生水起的被称为"风险慈善"(venture philanthropy)的新型企业公益模式的一个实例. 顾名思义,所谓风险慈善就是借鉴风险投资的方式运作企业的慈善事业,将企业的捐赠视为一种"投资",要求它产生最大的效益,既包括经济社会效益,


她继续提出慈善事业(charities)与企业的策略慈善(strategic philanthropy)之间的差别,并主张两者对于社群都是不可或缺的. 慈善事业或称作传统的慈善团体,是在回应社群中需求的改善. 慈善事业或称作传统的慈善团体,是在回应社群中需求的改善.

charity commission:慈善事务委员会

charity慈善,慈善团体 | charity commission慈善事务委员会 | Chartered Institute of Management Accountants特许管理会计师协会

Sisters Of Charity Of St. Vincent de Paul:慈善修女的聖文森特德保羅

Sisters Of Charity慈善修女 | Sisters Of Charity Of St. Vincent de Paul慈善修女的聖文森特德保羅 | Sisters of Christian Charity姐妹的基督教慈善機構