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Their work is absurdist, extreme, grotesque, lyrical, critical, radical and cynical; but, above all, vital.
My memory said that I was a cynical bardian, I believe I did in that I'm now willling to believe everything I'm told. A naive tramp I am, sitting by the alameda waiting for Godot alone.
Some days ago AnAn told me that I have changed so much these days,I became cynical and blundering,I negatived him,and I belive that I was doing what I should do for my profit,but when I calmed down,I found somehow he is right,my will was shaken by the cruelly reality.
Tuesday and Wednesday you're feeling similarly antisocial, but not in a negative or cynical way.
So, in the spirit of Ambrose Bierce -- whose 'Devil's Dictionary,' originally published in 1906 as 'The Cynic's Word Book,' provided a guide to the political and cultural language of the day -- here is a Wall Street Journal Baedeker to acronyms, neologisms and bastardizations that shape the popular understanding of the pickle in which we remain one full year after the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
安布罗斯。比尔斯在1906年出版的魔鬼辞典《愤世嫉俗者词汇手册》(The Cynic's Word Book)中对当时的政治和文化用语给出了独出心裁的解释。按照这种精神,《华尔街日报》也在雷曼兄弟倒闭一周年之际编写了一个缩写词、新词和滥用词入门手册,这些词可以让人通俗、形像地了解雷曼倒闭给世人留下的烂摊子。
Other characters making regular appearances are Grampa Simpson, Homer's cranky father with his fantastically unbelievable tales of yesteryear and inclination to fall asleep at any given moment; Homer's college friend Barney Gumble, the still single, overweight, beer swilling, constantly burping barfly; Mo, the caustic, self-loathing bar-owner with the secret soft heart; Monty Burns, Homer's boss and the ancient, evil owner of the nuclear power plant; Chief Wiggum, Springfield's junk-food and donut-munching incompetent arm of the law; Apu Nahasapeemapetalon, the oft-held-up manager of the local 'Kwik-e-Mart' store; Krusty the Klown, popular with the kids but offstage a jaded, cynical hack with a long history of overindulgence, gambling and substance abuse; Kent Brockman, the spoiled, self-important TV news anchorman; Troy Mclure, the ageing Hollywood star with the faltering career and bizarre sexual fetish; Rainer Wolfcastle, the Scwarzenegger style action movie hero with the Germanic accent and ultra-right wing views; the list goes on and on
The Ledger, always cynically 愤世嫉俗地 intolerant 不能容忍的 of any effort to better 情况好转的 the city government, as savoring 品尝 of "goo-gooism," which was its special bete noire 为人所讨厌的人或物, could not well make the shooting a basis for a general attack upon police laxity 懒散, though it was in this that lay the special news possibility of the event.
It is but the total impression that the reader gets of the, quality of the writer's mind, his depth or superficiality, his insight or lack of insight and other qualities like wit, humor, biting sarcasm, genial understanding, tenderness, delicacy of understanding, kindly cynicism or cynical kindliness, hard-headedness, practical common sense, and general attitude toward things.
Cynics who tend to be suspicious and mistrustful of others, a character trait that scientists refer to as hostility, may have an increased likelihood of developing heart disease.
Moral corruption, so rampant in our society, has turned some people into misanthropes, others into reformers.
- 更多网络解释与愤世嫉俗相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
You are a cynical crapehanger:你是个愤世嫉俗的悲观主义者
Blackmail. I see it all over.|敲诈,这点我很清楚 | You are a cynical crapehanger|你是个愤世嫉俗的悲观主义者 | who always sees the glass half-empty!|你看到的永远都只是半空的水杯!
cynic noun:犬儒主义者, 愤世嫉俗者
cylinder noun. 圆柱 | cynic noun. 犬儒主义者, 愤世嫉俗者 | cyperss noun. 柏树
cynic: n.1:犬儒主义者 2.玩世不恭者,愤世嫉俗者
precedent: n.1.先例,前例 2.惯例 | cynic: n.1.犬儒主义者 2.玩世不恭者,愤世嫉俗者 | compliment: n.1.赞美(话),恭维(话),溢美之辞 2.敬意,贺词,问候
Be a cynic:是一个愤世嫉俗
Fame is your by-product名人堂是您的产品 | Be a cynic是一个愤世嫉俗 | Be a narcissist是一个自恋
愤愤不平be indignant | 愤世嫉俗的cynical | 丰富多彩rich and colorful
cynical a.1:愤世嫉俗的,悲观的 2.挑剔挖苦的
paradox n.1.似乎矛盾而正确的说法 2.自相矛盾的人或事物 | cynical a.1.愤世嫉俗的,悲观的 2.挑剔挖苦的 | cynic n.愤世嫉俗者
cynical a.1:愤世嫉俗的,不信世间有真诚善意的,怀疑的,悲观的 2.挑剔挖苦的
insatiable: a.无法满足的,贪得无厌的 | cynical: a.1.愤世嫉俗的,不信世间有真诚善意的,怀疑的,悲观的 2.挑剔挖苦的 | finicky: a.(吃,穿)过分讲究的,爱挑剔的,难讨好的
cynical a.1:愤世嫉俗的,悲观的 2.挑剔讥讽的
paradox n.1.似乎矛盾而正确的说法 2.自相矛盾的人或事物 | cynical a.1.愤世嫉俗的,悲观的 2.挑剔讥讽的 | cynic n.愤世嫉俗者
a bit cynical:有点愤世嫉俗
she's reserved.她很沉默,不苟言笑. | a bit cynical 有点愤世嫉俗 | nag sb. 烦扰某人