英语人>词典>汉英 : 感觉不良 的英文翻译,例句
感觉不良 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与感觉不良相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sensory and motor block ; muscle relaxation ; newborn Apgar grading and adverse reactions were recorded.

观察各组感觉和运动阻滞时间、腹壁肌肉松弛质量、新生儿Apgar 评分及不良反应。

Uni- or bilateral radial ray malformation including thenar hypoplasia, thumb hypoplasia/aplasia, triphalangeal, preaxial polydactyly, clubhand, deviation of the forearms, Duane anomaly, sensorineural or conductive deafness, and renal abnormalities


You're a Flourisher Flourishers have a positive outlook on life, a sense of purpose and community, and are healthier than "languishers"– about 10 percent of adults who don't feel good about themselves.


Eating too fast, it is easy to lead to indigestion caused physical discomfort.


Only one managed to escape, Minato Keita, and as she wandered the town fearing what he might reveal, she met Araya, who healed her spine.


Results Nice configuration and good function were maintained in all cases. Conclusion The technique of eliminating vertical scar with inferior pedicle nipple-areolar flap in reduction mammaplasty is a reasonable method to obtain nice breast configuration and good function.


The most frequent side effect was paresthesia.


Result:The grades of the abilities of mass motor and balance were positively correlated with the A reaction time,total reaction time of Stroop Test,and negatively correlated with the score of down-reciting in Wechsler Memory Scale.The standard score of lack of learning ability or mal-coordination was positively correlated with the D reaction time,total reaction time and the number of D errors and total errors in Stroop Test,and positively correlated with the standard grade in Ravin's Standard Progressive Matrices.The negative correlation was existed between the grade of touch excessive defense,emotionalinstability and the errors in C part and the reaction time in interference of word color in the Stroop Test.


Taking into account the CPU to a friend's piece of the loom in my normal running, which should be less bad, and then insert my CPU in CPU socket, and gently press on the CPU socket wrench, when feeling out Play CPU when a certain resistance, would be forced from the CPU socket in the pull-out (this action have a certain risk, attention weight can not be too tight socket wrench, pull up CPU to the vertical force, or bending the CPU pins is very troublesome a).


Significant correlation between directional control during rhythm weight shift, latencies in large platform translations and the clinical symptom score; Equilibrium Score in SOT1, SOT3, SOT4, SOT5 and SOT6, visual sensory organization ratios, directional control on LOS and RWS, the turn sway on SQT and the factor of poor social communication and physical complain of the Achenbach's Child Behavior Checklist; Equilibrium Score in SOT3, SOT4, SOT6, visual sensory organization ratios and sway velocity of COG during unilateral stance and C factor of C-WISC, instant memory of WMS, the interference of word meaning of Stroop Test and the standard score of Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices were observed.


更多网络解释与感觉不良相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anorexia Nervosa:神经性厌食

4.神经性厌食和神经性厌食-贪食综合征 神经性厌食(anorexia nervosa)是一种精神内分泌疾病,因体型或其他感觉缺陷的心理导致严格控制饮食甚至顽固拒食,出现极度营养不良、青春期发育停滞、女性闭经,男性第二特征不发育,促性腺激素和性激素均下降.



uterine hyperesthesia:子宫感觉过敏

uterine hypercontractility 子宫过强收缩 | uterine hyperesthesia 子宫感觉过敏 | uterine hypoplasia 子宫发育不良

uterine hypoplasia:子宫发育不良

uterine hyperesthesia 子宫感觉过敏 | uterine hypoplasia 子宫发育不良 | uterine inertia 子宫无力,宫缩无力


不良Poor:亮域和暗域间对比很少,整体感觉乃整区暗中带有少许亮域,具有突出(prominent)的明暗模式特征,使钻石看起来极不迷人. 桌面下区域经常呈现阴暗(黑暗中心),有时结合了极暗的腰上刻面与极暗的放射状主刻面. 由于腰上刻面太暗,


在这种情况下,我们作出另一种区分,区别懊悔(remorse)和后悔(regret). 我们违背伦理原则时,往往会感到懊悔. 诚然,我们对与伦理无关的不良决定感到后悔,但是伦理妥协往往给我们的情感带来不同的感觉. 它们就像刺球一样扎根于我们的记忆中.


dysentery; amoebic 阿米巴痢疾 | dysesthesia 感覺遲鈍;感受性不良 | dysfunctional 功能異常


\\"适应力不良(虹膜与视网膜)\\",\\"dysadaptation,dysaptation\\" | \\"感觉不良,感觉迟钝\\",\\"dysaesthesia,dysesthesia\\" | \\"血压异常\\",\\"dysarteriotony\\"

nutritional megaloblastic anemia:营养性巨幼细胞性贫血

三、神经系统症状 典型的表现为足与手指感觉异常,麻刺感、麻木、伴有大体感觉...营养性巨幼细胞性贫血(NUTRITIONAL MEGALOBLASTIC ANEMIA)的病因及发病机理: 叶酸缺乏的原因有:①摄入不足,冬末春初蔬菜少的季节较多见,营养不良、偏食、食物烹煮过度是叶酸缺乏的主要原因;

meralgia paresthesia:感觉异常性股痛

meningismus 脑膜刺激征 | meralgia paresthesia 感觉异常性股痛 | metachromatic leudodystrophy 异染性脑白质营养不良