英语人>词典>汉英 : 感知 的英文翻译,例句
感知 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
esthesia  ·  apperceive  ·  apperceived  ·  apperceives  ·  apperceiving  ·  perceptions  ·  subitizing  ·  aperception

更多网络例句与感知相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to enrich perceptive abilities of artificial fish and exhibit vivid animation, a kind of virtual smelling perception system of artificial fish was proposed based on analysis of the olfaction mechanism of natural fish and perception system of "robot fish".


Artificial fish for computer animation is created with artificial life. In order to enrich perceptive abilities of artificial fish and exhibit vivid animation, a kind of virtual smelling perception system of artificial fish was proposed based on analysis of the olfaction mechanism of natural fish and perception system of "robot fish".


Secondly, this thesis take a demonstration research based on the theory analysis, as a result we find that the dirve factors of customer value—perceived quality, perceived brand image, perceived social value, have direct and remarkable effect.


This perceptional analysis of the errors advocates the positive role of perceptional teaching and training in the augmentation of the production acceptability, and calls for in L2 teaching the reemphasis of the perception priority and the diversification of perception teaching methods.


The perception module collects information from information table. At the same time, in order to lighten follow-up calculation amount of procedure, the attention focus mechanism is used to cull superabundance objects, and the bounding box is used to realize the judgement of visibility.


The Seven Star Garden and The Elephant Hill of four star tourist areas in Guilin were chosen to conduct a questionnaire survey. What we want to explore and validate through this study is as follows:⑴How many individual and tourist area factors will influence tourists perception of crowding in tourist areas ?⑵Whether and how perception of crowding will influence the tourist emotions ?⑶Whether perception of crowding has influence on tourist area experience factors ?⑷Whether perception of crowding has influence on evaluations of tourist satisfaction, revisit desire and recommendation desire ? It is found with questionnaire-settled and data statistic analysis that:①"relaxing spirit"and"enjoying beauty"of tourist motivation factors, crowding tolerance and crowding anticipation have remarkable effect on perception of crowding;②"Tourists on the tour road","tourist behavior"and"tourist area space"have remarkable effect on perception of crowding;③The pleasure emotion and arousal emotion of tourists have remarkable effect on perception of crowding;④The perception of crowding has remarkable effect on the sight, entironment, service and establishment of the tourist area in tourist area experience.


The authors extended the representing framework Rof the KRA model so as to divide the perception into primary perception and abstraction perception. In the process of primary perception,Wunder the primary perception system P is mapped as P where the attributes of the objects in Wdo not change. In the process of abstraction perception, Wunder the abstraction perception system P* is mapped as P*. The objects in P*are abstraction objects, the types of which are related to the abstraction objects database predefined by the agent.

针对KRA抽象模型的表示框架进行扩展,将感知过程分解为初步感知过程和抽象感知过程两部分:初步感知过程将该模型提供的一个框架R表示世界W在初步感知系统P的作用下映射为P,该过程不改变W中具体对象的实体属性;抽象感知过程将P在感知系统P*的作用下映射为P*, P*中的对象称为抽象对象,抽象对象的类型根据感知者预先定义的抽象对象库Oa的不同而不同。

At the moment, however, I want to focus on perception and make three points. The first is a point about the intimacy of the connection between perception and action. It involves an argument designed to show that, contrary to what we might suppose, there is no logical or conceptual gap between our conscious perceptual awareness and our corresponding agential capacities. Needless to say, the argument is designed to make the agential approach to direct perception less unintuitive. The second point is made with the same aim, but proceeds from the opposite side. That is, I argue briefly for the inadequacy of the sense-datum conception of visual perception (the source of virtually everyone's "pre-theoretical" intuitions, regardless of their theoretical commitments). And I do so on phenomenological grounds.


Data information sensing agents, which simulate human brain''s function, have the function of apperceiving status messages and memory scene.


In the theoretical model, the consumer expectation is presage latent variable, it affects the consumer\'s sensation quality evaluation, simultaneously is the weight of sensation quality satisfaction appraisal system; Housing price-income ratio sensation, consumer value and consumer sensation quality joint influences consumer satisfaction degree.


更多网络解释与感知相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acknowledgment response:感知性反应 action close (鼓励)行动性结尾

acknowledgment response 感知性反应 action close (鼓励)行动性结尾 | A abstract or executive summary(报告)摘要或结语 | acknowledgment response 感知性反应

DDD pacemaker:双腔起搏器,双腔感知的全自动型起搏器

DC countershock 直流电击复律 | DDD pacemaker 双腔起搏器双腔感知的全自动型起搏器 | DDI pacemaker 房室顺序起搏器双腔感知但心房感知仅能抑制心房不能触发心室

perceivable unit:可感知单元 可感知单元

penumbra 半影 半影 | perceivable unit 可感知单元 可感知单元 | percent position 百分比位置 百分比位置


传统水印是人眼可以看得见的,而数字水印可以分为可感知的(Perceptible)和不易感知的(Inperceptible)两种. 可感知的数字水印,主要用于当场声明对产品的所有权、著作权及来源,起到一个宣传广告或约束的作用.

perceptual map:感知图

perceptions of consumers 消费者感知/理解 | perceptual map 感知图 | perceptual organization 感知组织

Perceived usefulness:感知有用性

该模型包括两个重要因素:感知有用性(Perceived Usefulness)和感知易用性(Perceived Ease of Use),它们决定了使用系统的个人意图,同时感知易用性直接影响着感知有用性.

psychosensory disturbance:感知综合障碍

(四)感知综合障碍(Psychosensory disturbance)患者对客观事物整体的感知是正胡的,但对这一事物的某些个别属性,如形象、大孝位置、距离及颜色等的感知与实际情况不符.

perceived value:感知价值

(3)感知价值(Perceived Value) 感知价值体现了顾客在综合产品或服务的质量和价格以后对他们所得利益的主观感受;感知价值的观察变量有2个,即:"给定价格条件下对质量的感受"和"给定质量条件下对价格的感受".

Perceived Quality:感知质量

品牌的强势度 品牌感知度 品牌感知度是指消费者对品牌的"感知质量"(perceived quality). 它是消费者对品牌所传达的信息与同类产品相比的优势综合体验,决定着品牌的效应价值比. 而消费者品牌感知特别是体验到原品牌质量越高,

Perceived Quality:感知到的质量

perceived customer value 顾客感知价值 | perceived quality 感知到的质量 | perceived value 感知到的价值