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感染者 的英文翻译、例句


infected person
更多网络例句与感染者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods:180 HCV patients and 40 healthy controls were selected for the research, and their serum BAFF levels were detected by ELISA. The level of serum HCV-RNA in HCV patients was detected through fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction and analyzed along with the clinical data of HCV patients.


Results The source of the greatest subjective pressure of the HIV infected mostly came from the problem of economy. In regard to the total scores of social health, coping style and social support, statistical significant differences were found between the infected group and the control group and between the family-member group and the control group. The scores of social resources, social contact and social support of the HIV infected were positively associated with that of the use of social support. The scores of social role's activity and social adaptation of the HIV infected were positively associated with that of positive coping style. The scores of social role's activity, social adaptation, social resources and social contact of the infector's family-members were positively associated with that of family-member's subjective. support.

结果 1HIV感染者及其家属的主观最大压力来源大都是经济问题。2在社会健康各维度、应对方式以及支持总分上,感染组、家属组与对照组之间的差异均有统计学意义。3HIV感染者的支持利用度的得分与社会资源和社会接触的得分、社会支持的得分正相关,积极应对的得分与角色活动、社会适应的得分正相关。4HIV感染者家属的主观支持的得分与角色活动和社会适应的得分、社会资源和社会接触的得分正相关,文化程度与社会支持的得分正相关。

1、It is showed that, health education need to be carried out urgently, widely, deeply and continually in HIV infectors' neighbors and common people in Shanxi Province. 2、Currently, health education to HIV infectors' neighbors and common people should pay more attention to care for HIV infectors, correct misapprehensive and teach prevent measures. 3、 we should take acceptable ways to develop health education, for example: develop affection of media, and dredge hot phone etc. 4、To control HIV infect rate, in the next phase, we should expansion education of safe sex and advocate sex morality.


METHODS: A randomized controlled study was carried out to compare the efficacy of a single dose of 3 or 2 tablets of albendazole composite versus a single dose of 400 mg of albendazole or 10 mg base/kg of pyrantel pamoate for treatment of intestinal nematodiasis including 1 864 cases infected with hookworm, 1 568 cases infected with Ascaris, 1 785 cases in...


objective to study the risk factors on esbl producing strains of k.pneumoniae and e.coli.methods aprospective survey on esbl producing strainsof k.pneumoniae and e.coli for a36-month period.results the resistance rates ofe.coli were:98.08%for ctx,73.08%for amc.the resistance rates of k.pneuˉmonialwere;95.74%for ctx,97.87%for amc.the use rate of third generation cephalosporins was much higher than those of esbls nonproducing strains(p.05).it induce esbls that3rd generation cephalosporins were used extensive.after strenghtening the antibiotic controls,esbls detection rate has gone down.conclusion the factors of infection of esbl-producing strains were the severity diseases,cellular immunological condition,improper medical manipulations.to prevent esbl-producing strains,reasonable antibiotics usage may be the effective measure.

目的 分析临床大肠埃希菌及肺炎克雷伯菌产esbls的危险因素,并加以控制。方法前瞻性监测产esbls菌的情况,并对感染者进行临床调查。结果产esbls的大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌的耐药率头孢噻肟钠为98.08%和95.74%,阿莫西林+棒酸为73.08%和97.87%,产esbls菌感染者头孢第三代的使用率(70.21%)显著高于非产esbls菌感染者(39.47%)(p.05);第三代头孢的大量使用诱导esbls的产生。通过加强抗感染药物的使用管理esbls检出率开始下降。结论严重的基础病、高龄、机体免疫力低下,长期住院者是esbls菌感染的易感宿主,皮质激素、化疗及介入性疗法是esbls感染的高危因素。滥用抗感染药是产生esbls的重要因素,合理使用抗感染药是防止esbls产生的主要措施。

Sera of human infected with Clnorchis sinensis (509 cases), Opisthorchis viverrini (47 cases), Paragonimus westermani (20 cases) Schistosoma japonicum (14 cases) and serum of 163 healthy students were used for ELISA.


Some HIV-infected persons into the body in about 2 ~ 4 weeks, the emergence of HIV viremia and immune system damage produced by acute symptoms such as fever, sweating, pharyngodynia, diarrhea, rash and swollen lymph nodes and so on, the majority of infected clinical symptoms were mild, continuous 1 ~ 3 weeks after the remission, but these symptoms are often mistaken for the common cold or some of the symptoms of common diseases, it will not cause people's attention, when infected and healthy looking from the outside there is not much difference.


Result: In the 3852 cases of paid blood donor There are 7 curriers of HIV are detected and they are all paid blood donor in past. The infection status of the other 3 pathogens HCV, 323 cases (8.39%), HBV, 231 cases (6.00%), TP, 50 cases (1.30%).

结果 在检测的既往有偿献血员3852例中,共检测出HIV感染者7例;其他三种病原体的感染状况分别是:HCV感染者323例(8.39%),乙肝携带者231例(6.00%),梅毒感染者50例(1.30%)。

I would also like to find a mind-infected people to stand up and tell others infected and normal people, not terrible, it would reduce discrimination against infected people.


This model can not only explain the pathogenesis of AIDS predicted by this hypothesis but also simulate other cases among HIV infectors including long-term nonprogressors, thoroughly recoverers and normal infectors with different latency.


更多网络解释与感染者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

liver abscess:肝脓疡

痢疾阿米巴主要寄生於肠道,大部份感染者症状不明显,但痢疾阿米巴可能侵入宿主的肠壁组织,引发肠道症状,轻微者腹部不适、间歇性下痢或便秘,重者伴随发烧、寒颤、血便或黏液软便,此外,也可能发生次发性肠外感染,其中以肝脓疡(liver abscess)最为普遍,更甚者为


因此此类传染病较常发生在学校、军队等物品可能不慎共享的场所. 例如:真菌感染的香港脚、细菌感染的脓包症(Impetigo)、病毒在表皮引起增生的疣,而梅毒的情况特殊,通常是健康个体接触感染者的硬性下疳(chancre)所致. 当检验结果为阳性,


把对手变成炮台的能力还在么?2,当隐形单位移动的时候,你能看见一些动画效果,这些效果提醒你了这些单位的存在. 感染者(Infestor)在地下移动的时候也有这类效果么?10,堕落者(Corruptor)的近况如何,把对手变成炮台的能力还在么?


但是衣原体、人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV、淋病、疱疹、肝炎(过度劳累)以及其他性传播疾病(STDs)包括HIV(引发爱滋病的病毒),会通过口交传播. 特别需要避免的是直接接触HIV感染者的体液. 庞贝城出土的男对女口交(Cunnilingus)画像

medical care:医疗照顾

若是感染者的基本生活有问题,或是面临情绪的困扰、人际关系问题、缺乏社会支持等,都会影响感染者服药的意愿,因此,医疗照顾(Medical Care)与社会性照顾 (Social Care) 必须并重.




(二)风疹(rubella)过去是第一位的,现在是第二位对胎儿引起脑发育障碍及先天畸形的病毒感染. 对胎儿影响的频度与感染时间有明显关系. 怀孕第一个月感染者50%胎儿受影响,怀孕头三个月感染者10~20%受影响,

vocalize PlayerZombieTaunt:給感染者用的?但沒聽過

vocalize PlayerYouAreWelcome o /不客氣 | vocalize PlayerZombieTaunt ? /給感染者用的?但沒聽過 | vocalize PlayerIncapacitated o /被打倒時的語音Damn it! I'm down!

Schistosoma haematobium:埃及血吸虫

根据WHO1975-1995年估计,全世界现感染疟疾人口为4亿至4.9亿,每年死亡人数为220至250万;血吸虫病流行于76个国家,受感染者约1.5亿,其中埃及血吸虫(Schistosoma haematobium)感染者1亿,曼氏血吸虫(S.

There's sightings of infected that have escaped the firebombing:有些感染者并没有被烧死

I knew you'd do it. Listen. I'm coming to you right now, but keep a looko... | There's sightings of infected that have escaped the firebombing.|有些感染者并没有被烧死 | - Give me an ETA. - About 60.|- ...