英语人>词典>汉英 : 感应运动的 的英文翻译,例句
感应运动的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Based on matrix analysis of motor and general theory of alternating current machines,3-phases induction synchronous motor is substituted for symmetrical 2-phases motor with even gas,then the equation for instantaneous torque of induction synchronous motor step motion is obtained.


AC motor of induction motor, its strong induced current magnetic field generated in the rotation, the rotor of the magnetic force on the copper line for cutting, according to Lenz's Law, the induced current has taken place against the rotor magnetic field and the effect of relative motion Therefore, while the rotor is rotating with the magnetic field.


In this paper, the induction heating using double stove of 45 steel before forging has been analyzed considering the workpiece movement and the volatilization of magnetic force line in the end in this simulation.


The results show that electric development depends highly on ice phase microphysical processes, and inductive and noninductive charging mechanisms play a role in evolution of electric structure inside thunderstorms.


Through designing,counting and explaining the vacuum induced furnace,which used in the mixing test with protected glove-box, this paper expatiates design on the vacuum furnace structure specially used to investigate nuclear material's pyrometallurgy and chemistry performance,emphasizes on several essential point and design project of the mixing vacuum induced furnace relating with the moving parts of the glove-box. Thereby,It tries to offer a compact and applied reference case for the type of scientific research equipment designing and developing,and advise to improve certain deficiency in the actual application of induced furnace.


Eventually, they hope to create a fingerless glove equipped with electrode sensors that can automatically translate hand motions into digital or handwritten text.


A sensor over the primary sensorimotor cortex, a region of the brain associated with voluntary movement, was the most accurate.


Application of PMAC time-base control in the NC machining of noncircular section parts;2. This system solved the problem about the motion s devolving, it is the applying of function of PMAC on accurate and time-base controlling that ensured the synchronization of motion.


Both numerical control induction machine tool X-Z axis and slew workbench of part drive by numerical contral, the coil feed motion is drived with servo motor which joins to ball screw assemblly to carry out.


Headlines features of the 5500 include an instant swap key for switching the phone into different modes, a 3D sensor which enables pedometer functionality for sports tracking and an alternative interaction method, text to speech capabilities for various functions, and an active (stainless steel and rubberised casing) orientated design.


更多网络解释与感应运动的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

asynchronous motor:电动机

异步电动机(asynchronous motor) 异步电动机是由定子侧接入三相交流电源,定子绕组流过的三相对称电流产生三相磁动势(定子旋转磁动势)并产生旋转磁场. 该旋转磁场与转子导体有相对切割运动,根据电磁感应原理,转子导体产生感应电动势并产生感应电流.


到了20世纪20年代,回旋加速器(cyclotron)和电子感应(betatron)相继发明,有了把电子加速到极高能量的可能. 回旋加速器是利用高频感应电压给电子加速增能和用磁场使带电粒子做绕圈运动这两种作用建立起来的. 电子在圆形环中运动,



moment of momentum:动量矩

角动量(angular momentum)又叫动量矩(moment of momentum),它是描述物体运动信号由于是在自由旋进过程中感生的,故称为:自由感应衰减(Free induced decay)或简称


柯达的技术可以感应人眼球的实际运动. 这种技术并不需要对图像感应器的核心做根本性的修改. 它只在通常的红绿蓝像素阵列当中添加一些"全色的"(panchromatic)像素. 然后用一种软件计算,重建出全彩色的图片.

cerebellar cortex:小脑皮质

这个实用的地图,以结构和功能两大方向来解析大脑,其内容以环绕脑部的大小脑皮质为主要结构,因为通常认为大脑皮质(cerebral cortex)是人类思想、学习、情感、知觉、感应及运动的中枢,而小脑皮质(cerebellar cortex)则主导了接收外部信息进而

magnetic bearing:磁浮轴承

磁浮轴承(Magnetic Bearing)是以磁性力完全非接触式支持旋转体的轴承,其广义上的定义是可支持直线运动物体的轴承及局部有机械性接触的轴承. 其作用原理是借磁场感应产生的磁浮力来抵抗重力场及转轴运动时产生的作用力,将转轴悬浮起来,