英语人>词典>汉英 : 意思 的英文翻译,例句
意思 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与意思相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Don't dip your pen in the company ink,是一个常用语,意思是:One should avoid romantic relationships in the workplace .


Transport 有一个意思是To move to strong emotion; carry away; enrapture.


Overstretch 在朗文词典的意思是:to try to do more than you are able to, or to use more money, supplies etc than you havee.g. an overstretched social services department


The common ways are: using pun to translate pun, using substitute, using paronym to compensate pun, using shifting, preserving both the surface meaning and underlying meaning, preserving either the surface meaning or the underlying meaning, using explanatory translation, and the last choice is adding notes.


This is a language where 'cleave' can mean to cut in half or to hold two halves together; where the simple word 'set' has 126 different meanings as a verb, 58 as a noun, and 10 as a participial adjective; where if you can run fast you are moving swiftly, but if you are stuck fast you are not moving at all; where 'colonel,' 'freight,' 'once,' and 'ache' are strikingly at odds with their spellings.

在英语里,"劈"既可以是指一切为二的意思,又有把两样东西粘合在一起的意思;一个简简单单的"SET",作动词时,就有126种不同的意思,而作名词用时,又有58个意思,作为分词形容词是,则又有10种意思了;英语里,如果说你跑地快,说明你移动的迅速,但是快这个次在与粘用在一起时,这时的快就不是原来那个意思了;名词colonel、 freight和once则与它们的拼写形成鲜明的对比。

"Bow" several English senses, but the obsolete Scottish dialect sense traces back to much older words meaning "dwelling", while some senses come from the same root as the English word "bough", meaning the limb of a tree +"truckle" Eng. to take a subordinate position


The views of this papers are: the lack of act-intent leads to the unestablished contract; whether the contract will be established under the different shapes of the lack of indication-intent should be considered differently, and the paper does it in detail; except the lack of important elements, the the lack of effect-intent doesn't lead to an unestablished contract, but leads to an invalid or withdrawed contract.


It concludes that the essence of coprincipal lies in the fact that more than two doers regard acts of each counterpart as own ones and mutually utilizes, so as to form a uniform and organic unit and actualize component of special offence. So intention liaison is essential to coprincipal. But there is no reason to confine it to liaison of criminal intent, because it is joint act that is the central element of coprincipal. Intention liaison is only a coupling factor which facilitates joint act and explains whether act is joint. Provided that intention liaison can help to make more than two doers utilize and reinforce mutually so as to form into a uniform and organic unit, we will have full reason to regard the intention liaison as the one in terms of joint crime. Aggregation and filtration is essence of intention liaison.


We find that relations among words, syntactic relations such as predictation, co-ordination, and associative relations such as synonymy, homonymy, antonymy, and relations among objects reflected by words play a very important role in the semantic shift.


Groundbreaking research by two french geophysicists promises to shed some light on the mystery.using 80 metres of deep sea sediment core, they have obtained measurements lots of magneticfield intensity that span 11 polarity reversals and four million years.the analysis reveals that intensity appears to fluctuate with a clear, welldefined rhythm.although the strength of the magnetic field varies irregularly during the short term, there seems to be an inevitable longterm decline preceding each polarity reversal.when the poles flip―a process that takes several hundred thousand years―the magnetic field rapidly regains its strength and the cycle is repeated.

答案为d。这一题目是根据上下文判断词意的题。flip的意思是&快速翻转&,它所在的句子的意思是&当两极互换――这一过程需要上万年的时间――磁场会很快重新恢复它的强度,新的一轮循环又开始了。&因此在四个选项中: a.decline的意思是&拒绝;变小、变弱&,b.intensify的意思是&变得更强烈、加剧&,c.fluctuate的意思是&涨落、波动&;d.reverse的意思是&使反转、倒退、颠倒&,例如:writing is reversed in a mirror。写出来的字在镜子里是颠倒的。d的意思与flip最接近。

更多网络解释与意思相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a bad sailor:字面意思:坏水手 实际意思:晕船的人

8. dog days 字面意思:狗的日子 实际意思:三伏天 | 9. a bad sailor 字面意思:坏水手 实际意思:晕船的人 | 10. blue blood 字面意思:蓝色的血 实际意思:贵族出身的人

camp out:出去扎营 当然 就是 露营的意思了

17. cap in hand 帽子在手里?哈哈 是恭敬地 的意思 | 18. camp out 出去扎营 当然 就是 露营的意思了 | 19. call sb's names 呼唤某人的名字?错, 这是 骂人 的意思 相当中文的 问候你妈妈的意思嘎嘎

hook, line and sinker:全部的意思,可是它还带有受骗的意思

lock, stock and barrel 全部的意思 | hook, line and sinker 全部的意思,可是它还带有受骗的意思 | Greasy spoon 指那些有点像夫妻老婆店那样的小饭馆

make a clean breast of sth:把胸洗干净?不是 是完全承认某事 的意思 坦承的意思

38. bubble over with enthusiasm 兴致勃勃 相当于中文的美得冒泡 | 39. make a clean breast of sth 把胸洗干净?不是 是完全承认某事 的意思 坦承的意思 | 40. brain trust 大脑相信?哈哈 智囊团 的意思

boil away boil:沸腾,煮的意思 boil away 是汽化的意思

43. a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳 | 44. boil away boil沸腾,煮的意思 boil away 是汽化的意思 | 45. boil over 这个可不是烧过头的意思 不过有点类似 是发火的意思

沸腾,煮的意思 boil away 是汽化的意思:boil away boil

43. a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳 | 44. boil away boil沸腾,煮的意思 boil away 是汽化的意思 | 45. boil over 这个可不是烧过头的意思 不过有点类似 是发火的意思

have (carry) a chip on one's shoulder:叫阵,叫板的意思. Chip的意思是木板

one's brain child. 字面意思为"某人大脑生出的孩子",引申为"某人的计划,注意,设... | have (carry) a chip on one's shoulder. 叫阵,叫板的意思. Chip的意思是木板. | He likes blowing his own trumpet. 他喜欢自吹...

white caps:字面意思:白帽子 实际意思:白浪

5、black words 字面意思:黑色的话 实际意思:不吉利的话 | 6、white caps 字面意思:白帽子 实际意思:白浪 | 7、white feather 字面意思:白色的羽毛 实际意思:怯懦表现

great cats:字面意思:巨大的猫 实际意思:狮、虎、豹等猫科动物

20. black eye 字面意思:黑眼睛 实际意思:丑事 | 21. great cats 字面意思:巨大的猫 实际意思:狮、虎、豹等猫科动物 | 22. carry the house 字面意思:搬家 实际意思:博得全场喝彩

a leader of the new school contends:中,school是"学派"的意思,而不是"学校"的意思

a leader of the new school contends中,school是"学派"的意思,而不是"学校"的意思; | when the qualities to be measured中,quality是"特征"的意思,而不是... | elegant system中,elegant是"完美,完善"的意思,而不是"...