英语人>词典>汉英 : 惩戒性的 的英文翻译,例句
惩戒性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
disciplinarian  ·  exemplary

更多网络例句与惩戒性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, exemplary damages are inconsistent with the compensatory theory of TPA.

在此外,惩戒性的损害赔偿是不符合补偿理论的TPA 。

In the third part, we will consider the various issues arising with respect to exemplary damages, and we will summarise our main findings and suggestions in the Conclusion.


The nature of restitutionary1 and exemplary damages, the relationship between these two problematic categories of damages, as well as the possible ways forward (particularly with regard to the award of exemplary damages in the context of a breach of contract) raise a plethora of issues that could be thoroughly examined only in a book or, at the least, a small monograph.


We should add, however, that our primary focus will be on exemplary damages, having already canvassed a number of issues with regard to restitutionary damages in an earlier article in this journal.A few additional issues with respect to restitutionary damages do arise, however, and we will consider them briefly.


B If willful and malicious misappropriation exists, the court may award exemplary damages in the amount not exceeding twice any award made under subsection.


Hill and Finkelstein JJ thus turned to consider whether the award of exemplary damages could stand solely on the basis of the respondents'tortious conduct.

希尔和finkelstein的JJ ,因此转而考虑是否授予惩戒性的损害赔偿可以站在仅仅依据该respondents'tortious进行。

Issues pertaining to both restitutionary and exemplary damages were raised in a fact situation that embraced both the contractual and tortious contexts.


They considered that Gyles J had awarded exemplary damages in both contract and tort, but that Australian law was to the effect that exemplary damages could not be awarded for breach of contract.Accordingly, even if the respondents had committed breaches of contract, exemplary damages could not be awarded in respect of them.

他们认为, gyles律政司已颁发惩戒性的损害赔偿,在双方的合同和侵权,但澳大利亚法律是大意是惩戒性的损害赔偿可能不会获批违约contract.accordingly ,即使受访者曾犯下违反合约的行为,惩戒性的损害赔偿可不会获批,在尊重他们。

Shook a monitory finger at him; an exemplary jail sentence.


But for Mr Brown, a stumbling economy will be an especially chastening experience.


更多网络解释与惩戒性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




chasten /惩戒/抑制/磨练/ | chasteness /贞节/纯洁/简洁/ | chastening /惩罚性的/矫正性的/精练的/

chasteness:贞操, 纯洁, 简洁

chastener | 惩戒者 | chasteness | 贞操, 纯洁, 简洁 | chastening | 矫正性的, 惩戒性的, 精练的

punitive damages:惩罚性损害赔偿

严格地说,本文的研究对象应称为"惩罚性损害赔偿"(punitive damages)、"惩戒性的赔偿"、"证实性的赔偿",也称"示范性的赔偿"(exemplarydamages)或"报复性的赔偿"(vindictivedamages),是指由法庭所作出的赔偿数额超出实际的损害数额的赔偿②,

executory interest:未来有效的权益

遗嘱执行人,不论是原本指定的或是藉承办的-----the executor, original or by representation | 未来有效的权益-----executory interest | 惩戒性的损害赔偿-----exemplary damages


chastening /惩罚性的/矫正性的/精练的/ | chastisable /应惩罚的/该惩戒的/ | chastise /笞责/惩罚/


chasteness /贞节/纯洁/简洁/ | chastening /惩罚性的/矫正性的/精练的/ | chastisable /应惩罚的/该惩戒的/

chastening:矫正性的, 惩戒性的, 精练的

chasteness || 贞操, 纯洁, 简洁 | chastening || 矫正性的, 惩戒性的, 精练的 | chastisable || 应惩罚的, 该惩戒的