英语人>词典>汉英 : 悬案 的英文翻译,例句
悬案 的英文翻译、例句


lis pendens · pending criminal case · unsettled law case · outstanding issue · unsettled question
更多网络例句与悬案相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is an unsettled law case.


The 13 pieces of mise porcelain wares unearthed from the crypt of Famen Temple Pagoda solved this problem.


Where did the Maya go?/ written by Cynthia Carroll ; illustrated by Da niel Luna.


Have some confidence in me, for I have succeeded to some extent in my study of the law, according to the verdict of my examinations, for I know the difference between the question put and the question pending, for I have sustained a thesis in Latin upon the manner in which torture was administered at Rome at the epoch when Munatius Demens was quaestor of the Parricide; because I am going to be a doctor, apparently it does not follow that it is absolutely necessary that I should be an imbecile.


It was put down as an unsolved case.


How am I supposed to solve the unsolvable|murder mystery and redeem yourself?


Cotton mill of Yu Zaihua Japan purchases loan cotton when, province of Japanese foreign affairs considers to accept at first in order to solve Sino-Japanese the economic unsettled case between, but what Japanese military headquarters objects strongly and urge the Euramerican group such as Song Ziwen is nonofficeholding.


The mystery baffled police until a local townswoman solved the case.


更多网络解释与悬案相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Michael Rapaport Anita Barone:家庭战争

铁证悬案 Kathryn Morris Danny Pino | 家庭战争 Michael Rapaport Anita Barone | Heroes英雄 Isaac Mendez Simone Deveraux

It means that with your follow-through|on unsolved murders:意思是就你们那群人|和"误解的悬案

- Well, good thing you got my back then, huh?|- What's tha... | It means that with your follow-through|on unsolved murders...|意思是就你们那群人|和"误解的悬案" | I don't have much hope|for that girl in...

pending case:悬案

anchor chair 锚支座, 支座 | pending case 悬案 | contortive 扭歪的, 曲解的

a murder of crows:悬案追凶

棋逢对手 knight moves | 悬案追凶 a murder of crows | 秘密战士 stealth fighter

Cold Case:铁证悬案

.大卫冯安肯之前拍过.多部膾炙人口的电视影集如<< CSI 犯罪现场>>(CSI)、<<铁证悬案>>.(Cold Case)、<<光.头神探>>(The Shield)、<<数字搜查线>>.(NUMB3RS)等.

cold case files:铁证悬案

哈里闯鬼屋,harry and the haunted house | 铁证悬案,cold case files | 美少女圣记,devadasy

A Cold Case:铁证悬案

- 2006 - The Risk Pool - 危险赌注 | - 2005 - A Cold Case - 铁证悬案 | - 2004 - The Terminal - 幸福终点站

Cold Case Season 2:铁证悬案 第2季

铁证悬案 第1季 Cold Case Season 1 | 铁证悬案 第2季 Cold Case Season 2 | 铁证悬案 第3季 Cold Case Season 3

Cold Case Season 4:铁证悬案 第4季

铁证悬案 第3季 Cold Case Season 3 | 铁证悬案 第4季 Cold Case Season 4 | 铁证悬案 第5季 Cold Case Season 5

sub judice:尚未决定; 悬案

sub 作替身, 替代 (动) | sub judice 尚未决定; 悬案 | sub par 次等的, 比一般水平低一点, 比实际价格低一些的 (经济用语)