英语人>词典>汉英 : 患得患失 的英文翻译,例句
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When there are incoming rounds the first thought is to take cover, which is well and good, but a suicidal or desperate criminal with nothing to loose, who is intent on taking you out(or your partner/ civilians)is very focused and without natural fear.


When we thinking when we consider their heart, all the experience and skills can not be the best play, a person's attitude determines the state of his life, then how can a person achieve this end?


Knowledge kills action, for in order to act we require the veil of illusion; such is Hamlet's doctrine, not to be confounded with the cheap wisdom of Jack the Dreamer, who through too much reflection, as it were a surplus of possibilities, never arrives at action.


Begin sometimes never , already let person discomposed , be mindful of personal gains and losses.


Or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.


If you could change one thing about your life that would make you feel more fantabulous, what would it be?Tag 6 others.


A long period of time, my heart is very impetuous, worry about the outcome.


Ms Wineapple's bravura critique of this landmark letter, matched by her incisive and readable analysis of the poetry, teases out the ambiguities of Dickinson's strange personality: her simultaneous desire to reveal and conceal herself, her coy dishonesties and blazing truths, her Olympian knowingness and need for reassurance.


But she looklike ice,like the snow.where 's she ,where am I ?Not at this time , I couldn't find angthing.Waiting for that time,November.At that time , the snow be true fall down from sky,as downcast.In that time , I can see it, but it's real snow.where's my milline, oh millior do notsee you ,do not set real gold apple.But you know , I waiting for you long time ,so long.As the warm dissolve time.


I always indecisive, Huandehuanshi, as if nothing Nabu Qi, Fang Buxia, Henfan.


更多网络解释与患得患失相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Autumn Crocus:秋水仙

9月21日 秋水仙(Autumn Crocus) 花语:青春无悔 花占卜:你拥有一段光辉灿烂的青春时光,带点野性及反叛的行为,不愿成为随波逐流的潮流跟风者. 你天性多疑,凡事必先经过认真考虑,才会付诸行动,加上你对人冷傲,总有患得患失的心态,尽管如此,


4月3日 喇叭水仙 (Daffodil) 花语 : 尊敬 花占卜 : 您是一个将爱情放在第一位!的人,重视爱情多於重视自己,您这全心全意投入的方式,一旦失恋时会受到很大的打击. 加上您患得患失的心情,选择对象时更应小心.




爱得深了,容易(facility)受伤害,爱得浅了,情感无处可依. 剧中的男女主人公正是在这条感情线上徘徊而始终找不到真爱的典范,而不甘背叛的灵魂对其内心的审判,终于让他们认识到,恰恰是这样的患得患失,使自己备受煎熬.