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悖理 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

contrary to reason
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These absurdly low prices are a direct result of massive government subsidies.


Bulgakov, while inheriting the outstanding tradition of satirical literature that originates in Gogolian and Shedrin, developed satirical art to the extent of bizarreness, absurdity and mysteriousness, which are closely related to the reality on the basis of a borrowing from European writers. Furthermore he also explored the application of stream of consciousness and surrealism of modernism.


For if a question is absurd in itself and calls for an answer where none is required, it not only brings shame on the propounder of the question, but may betray an incautious listener into absurd answers, thus presenting, as the ancients said, the B83 ludicrous spectacle of one man milking a he-goat and the other holding a sieve underneath.


Never mind now about Hurstwoods perfidy -- why had he done this?


Surreal creates peculiar absvrdity illusion visual form by using anti-logic super space-time unearthliness to disclose the subconscious and intuitional psychology in the representation of visual constitutive form.


更多网络解释与悖理相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


abstrusely /难解地/深奥地/ | abstruseness /深奥/奥妙/ | absurd /不合理的/悖理的/无稽的/荒唐的/可笑的/谬/妄/


absurdism /荒诞主义/ | absurdist /荒诞派/荒诞主义者/ | absurdity /不合理/悖理/可笑的事物/


absurdist 荒诞主义者 | absurdly 悖理地 | absurdlyfrivolouslyimpoliticlymindlesslynonsensicallysillily 愚蠢地

absurdly:荒谬地, 悖理地, 愚蠢地

absurdity | 荒谬, 谬论 | absurdly | 荒谬地, 悖理地, 愚蠢地 | absurdness | 荒谬, 愚蠢

absurdness:荒谬, 愚蠢

absurdly | 荒谬地, 悖理地, 愚蠢地 | absurdness | 荒谬, 愚蠢 | Abt system | 阿卜特式

detain: 1:留住,耽搁 2.拘留,扣押

relieved: a.宽心的,宽慰的,欣慰的,如释重负的 | detain: 1.留住,耽搁 2.拘留,扣押 | paradoxical: a.1.似非而是的,佯谬的 2.自相矛盾的 3.悖理的,反常的

Gravure Printing:照相凹版印刷

minor beat 用力较小的那一部分四肢动作 | gravure printing 照相凹版印刷 | sacrilege 冒渎, 亵渎圣物, 悖理逆天的行为, 渎圣罪

predominant a.1:占主导(支配)地位的 2.占绝对优势的,普遍的,显著的

paradoxical: a.1.似非而是的,佯谬的 2.自相矛盾的 3.悖理的,反常的 | predominant: a.1.占主导(支配)地位的 2.占绝对优势的,普遍的,显著的 | tranquil: a.1.平静的,安宁的 2.稳定的,静止的

timelessness: n.1:不受时间影响,无时间性,永不改变,永不过时 2.永恒,无始无终

concept: n.1.概念,观念,思想 2.发明,创造 | timelessness: n.1.不受时间影响,无时间性,永不改变,永不过时 2.永恒,无始无终 | paradoxical: a.1.似非而是的,似矛盾而(可能)正确的,佯谬的 2.自相矛盾的 3.悖理的,反...

paradisal:天堂的 (形)

paradigm 范例, 词形变化表, 模范 (名) | paradisal 天堂的 (形) | paradoxically 似非而是地; 反常地; 悖理地 (副)