英语人>词典>汉英 : 恶魔 的英文翻译,例句
恶魔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
afreet  ·  Apollyon  ·  Asmodeus  ·  Belial  ·  demons  ·  devil  ·  Iblis  ·  afrit  ·  bhut  ·  cacodemon  ·  daimon  ·  Eblis  ·  devils  ·  daemon  ·  fiends

Old gentleman · evil person
更多网络例句与恶魔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lord Warlock Makira,The president of Evil Parliament,who's good at controlling.He's composed by two part of organism,the left head responsible for wizardry and controls, the right head responsible for close range melee attack and defence.In the five years of state apprartus divided by the war,he was under the archmage Heymogrally's charge,eliminate many questions which left by the Devils, for example, the controls of plague,the virus crisis of the state apparatus etc.,but he was almost killed by the Lord Devil Saker in a hard thuggism mission.Because of the ruin of the virus,he was punished by the blindness and putrefy ,from that time he always wear on a evil mask on his face,became a evil warlock focus on hunting Devils.


Lord Warlock Makira,The president of Evil Parliament,who's good at controlling.He's composed by two part of organixx,the left head responsible for wizardry and controls, the right head responsible for close range melee attack and defence.In the five years of state apprartus divided by the war,he was under the archmage Heymogrally's charge,eliminate many questions which left by the Devils, for example, the controls of plague,the virus crisis of the state apparatus etc.,but he was almost killed by the Lord Devil Saker in a hard thuggixx mission.Because of the ruin of the virus,he was punished by the blindness and putrefy ,from that time he always wear on a evil mask on his face,became a evil warlock focus on hunting Devils.


You can select a "Special Summon-only" Archfiend like "Fiend Skull Dragon" or "Toon Summoned Skull" with "Archfiend"s Roar, but only if they were Summoned properly earlier in the Duel.


New Talent: Master Demonologist - Grants both the Warlock and the summoned demon an effect as long as that demon is active.


Of, relating to, or suggestive of a fiend; diabolical.


Hereafter, the devil more and more did not pay attention to the young girl The final devil proposed bids good-bye, the young girl listens to reach this point the speech, her world bang collapsed down, dizzy, the young girl does not have the language Calmly leaves free the wind dissolutely to provoke own tears The young girl again closely examines the devil whether has liked own, even if is a little piece, the devil only is Leng Leng saying: Does not have, always also does not have Young girl's tear cannot stop in light of this, secretly pledged, certainly must recall own love Finally, the devil gave the young girl an opportunity to change oneself, she also gave the young girl month-long the time, however a month was young girl's birthday In this period of time, the devil to the young girl unusual indifference, is heartless The young girl always not helps sob, but in her heart is very clear, if own lose in this agreement, meant she will lose him!


Of,concerning,or characteristic of the devil ;satanic.


Taken into the care of the Makimura family after the death of his parents, Akira Fudo is leading the life of a high-school student when , upon the death of the father of his good friend, Ryo Asuka, he undergoes fusion with a demon, but through strength of will retains his human spirit to become "Devilman".


One day the demon cheat on JACK in a tree, the tree stumps, threatening to cross a demon, then he can start with JACK, let evil demons to cast let JACK will never let him down for crime.

一天 JACK 把恶魔骗上了树,随即在树桩上刻了个十字,恐吓恶魔令他不敢下来,然后 JACK 就与恶魔约法三章,让恶魔答应施法让JACK 永远不会犯罪为条件让他下树。

Heres my new thread a knight theme tale instead of samurai and hope disney will like it:Long ago in England Demons lead by demonic evil knight has almost conqured medieval england fortunately a special type of knights from the Knights of round table defeated theme in many battles during the last one the evil knight and his demonic minions were cornered in a gap dimension this makes the knights with the help of merlins magic seal them for all eternity,But it believed that if the seal is broken then many years later they will be free again and continue the rampage But legend has it the descendants of the red knight will carry on the family tradition and defeat those demons once and for all for they are the power rangers.

下面是我的关于&骑士传说&主题新的线索,希望Disney能喜欢:很久以前的英国,邪恶的恶魔骑士领导的恶魔们统治着大地,但幸运的是他们差不多被一只来自英国中世纪的圆桌骑士团通过数次大大小小的战役给打败了。最后一次,恶魔骑士和他的奴仆们被驱逐到一个山谷口,这使得圆桌骑士团可以借由梅林的魔法来一劳永逸的封印他们。但是他相信如果封印一旦被解除,那么多年后他们就会重获自由并再次他们的&暴政&,但红色骑士的后代将会继续担负起家族流传下来的宿命去再次打败并封印那些恶魔,因为他们就是Power Rangers!

更多网络解释与恶魔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abhor the daemon:诅咒这恶魔

Daemon!!!!!恶魔!!!!! | Abhor the daemon!!!诅咒这恶魔!!! | By the Emperor - A DAEMON!!!帝皇啊(相当于Oh My God吧)---一个恶魔!!

Demon Bastion:魔鬼大门 -- 恶魔棱堡(魔棱)

Demon Tower 恶魔之塔 -- 恶魔棱柱(魔柱) | Demon Bastion 魔鬼大门 -- 恶魔棱堡(魔棱) | Howling Kennels 嚎叫犬舍 -- 哀嚎犬舍

Demon Hunter:恶魔猎手

恶魔猎手是被暗夜精灵社会排斥的黑暗战士.他们在很久以前就和黑暗力量立下契约,要用自己可怕的力量于混乱力量对抗到底.他们弄瞎了自己的眼睛,从而得到了可以迅速发现恶魔的能力.虽然恶魔猎手可以算得上是暗夜......恶魔猎手 恶魔猎手(Demon Hunter)是魔兽争霸游戏中的

Demonic Embrace:恶魔之拥

Demonology: 恶魔 | 5 = Demonic Embrace 恶魔之拥 | 7 = Demonic Embrace, Imp Healthstones 恶魔之勇,增强生命石


圣堂武士都是虔诚的信徒,信仰的...恶魔(Demons)当地狱之门开启后, 蜂拥而至的恶魔们席卷了整个大陆的表面,他们拥有各不相同的体型、外貌、能力和力量. 观测者仔细得将这些令人憎恶的魔鬼分成了四大类别,同时也代表了恶魔族群中的两大不同阶层.

Diabolic Edict:恶魔赦令 diabolic 恶魔的,魔鬼性格的

Tormented Soul 受折磨的灵魂 torment 折磨,痛苦 | Diabolic Edict 恶魔赦令 diabolic 恶魔的,魔鬼性格的 | Diabolic Edict 恶魔赦令 edict 法令,命令


是其中一个故事是讲述魔界的恶魔(Demon)打算侵占人类的世界就能变成有恶魔能力的恶魔人(Devilman),主角-不动明(Fudou Akira)就是其中一个故事是讲述魔界的恶魔(Demon)打算侵占人类的世界就能变成有恶魔能力的恶魔人(Devilman),

Devilman Lady:恶魔人淑女又译女恶魔人

* Devilman 恶魔人 - デビルマン | * Devilman Lady 恶魔人淑女又译女恶魔人 - デビルマンレディ | * Di Gi Charat 滴骰孖妹

Satanically:恶魔般地 (副)

satanic 撒旦的; 恶魔似的, 极恶的 (形) | satanically 恶魔般地 (副) | Satanism 恶魔崇拜; 恶魔般之性格 (名)


Presidents)、王子(Princes)、公爵(Dukes)、恶魔(Devils)、使魔(Imps). 可以看出,其实在很多小说和动画漫画中登场的恶魔王和恶魔王子,其社会职位并不是很高哦~~~~~~~~在恶魔等级最上位的,是所谓的"地狱七君主",