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恶兆 的英文翻译、例句


ill omen
更多网络例句与恶兆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abominate v,憎恶abhor,detest,execrate,loathe

ab+omin(=词根:omen 预兆)→不好的兆头→憎恶;参考:ominous:预兆的,恶兆的另类记忆:bomb联想:人们都很憎恶炸弹。

Just as Strindberg in his madness had recognized omens and portents in the very flagging of the Pension Orfila, so, as I wandered aimlessly through this muddy lane bespattered with blood, fragments of the past detached themselves and floated listlessly before my eyes, taunting me with the direst forebodings.


And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.

33:6 并在欣嫩子谷使他的儿女经火,又观兆,用法术,行邪术,立交鬼的和行巫术的,多行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,惹动他的怒气

We, the Hernystiri, remember the days of the giants, and the days of the northern curse, the White Foxes, so now we speak plainly: evil is abroad in this ill-omened winter and spring.


That is ominous for students and the people who fund them.


However, things are now changing. The Aztecs, in fear of a great calamity, have been repeatedly raiding Tarascan lands in search of sacrifices to quench the thirst of their gods.


Bad omens are also part of Halloween celebrations.


Soon, his daughter (Ivana Baquero of "Pan's Labyrinth") starts behaving ominously, and Dad begins to suspect that the burial mound in a nearby field might have something to do with it.

很快,他的女儿(Ivana Baquero饰演)开始了恶兆的举止,父亲开始怀疑这与住所附近的古坟有关。

A comet has been seen streaking through the heavens, the temple of Huitzilopochtli was destroyed by a great fire, and another temple was destroyed by a bolt of lightening!


However, it seems unlikely that any one of them could overcome the mighty Aztec empire, and many Aztecs think the omens are but a test of their faith.


更多网络解释与恶兆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ominous, boding ill, portentous:恶兆的

22. 吉兆的 Propitious - auspicious | 恶兆的 Ominous, boding ill, portentous | 23. 好斗的 Pugnacious - bellicose, belligerent

The boss threatened to fire him:老板威胁要开除他

threaten vt. say what will be done to hurt or punish威胁;恐吓 | The boss threatened to fire him. 老板威胁要开除他. | vt. indicate that something unpleasant is likely to happen 恶兆

fraught with:充满,带有,预示着(危险、恶兆等)

constellation n. 荟萃;[天]星座;星群 | fraught with 充满,带有,预示着(危险、恶兆等) | self-proclaimed 自称的


ill-matchedincoordinate 不配合的 | ill-omened 恶兆的 | ill-starred 运气不佳的


ill-natured 心地不良的; 歪曲的 | ill-omened 不吉的; 恶兆的 | ill-spent 浪费的


omen 预兆 | ominous 恶兆的 | ominously 恶兆


ominous 恶兆的 | ominously 恶兆地 | omissible 可省略的

being or exhibiting an omen : PORTENTOUS:预兆的, 恶兆的

obstacle n.障碍, 妨害物 something that impedes progress or achievement | ominous adj.预兆的, 恶兆的 being or exhibiting an omen : PORTENTOUS; | on the spot adv.当场, 在危险中, 处于负责地位

be or exhibiting an omen : PORTENTOUS:预兆的, 恶兆的

obstacle n.障碍, 妨害物 anything which impedes progress or achievement | ominous adj.预兆的, 恶兆的 be or exhibiting an omen : PORTENTOUS; | on the spot adv.当场, 在危险中, 处于负责地位

threaten to:有. . 的恶兆

40. 即将来临 just around the corner | 41.有. . 的恶兆 threaten to | 42.逐渐变得 increase to