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息肉的 的英文翻译、例句


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Objective To evaluate the efficacy and outcomes of endoscopic treatment for large alimentary canal polyps.

目的 对胃肠道巨大息肉的内镜下治疗进行临床研究,探讨内镜下治疗胃肠道巨大息肉方法的选择及其安全性和有效性。

Objective To investigate the pathological characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory fibroid polyps of the gastrointestinal tract.


Objective:To compare the therapeutic effects of surgical procedure with selfretaining laryngoscope and fiber laryngoscope invocal polyp.


Objective:To study the effect of endoscopic ligation for early stage carcinoma and benign polyp of stomach.


It is time-consuming to measure polyps manually, and we need to know polyp size before recommending treatment.


At present,with the increasing studies on neuropeptide,many of them have shown that substance Pand vasoactive intestinal peptideare closely related to the occurrence of nasal polyps and colorectal polyps which are similar to the occurrence and pathology of vocal cord polyps.This article will discuss these aspects in order to investigate the relationship between SP,VIP and vocal cord polyps.


Cholesterol polypoid was the most common in the pathological types, accounting for 85% of nonneoplasm nature.

胆固醇息肉占非肿瘤性息肉的 85 %,肿瘤性息肉多为接近 1 0mm的单发病灶,3例胆囊癌中 2例为腺瘤癌变。

The effect of endoscopic plasma radio-frequency therapy for gastrointestinal polyps is obvious and very safe, and bequite with high-frequency eletrosetion, plasma radio-frequency electrosetion could be used on special locations and excelled to the comparisonal group in therapic time,be good for clinical using as the preferred method to therapy for gastrointestinal polyps.Key words: polypus recti; endoscope; radio–frequency therapy; cutting


There are a world of different for clinical manifestation and imaging manifestation in carcinoma of ulreter and polyp of ureter, polypus were cured in opening operation and laparoscopy or intracavitary, hut carcinoma of ulreter should were selected to opening operation or laparoscopy in first, intracavity operation of recuring rate was higher and had more complications.


If we can control the produce of cytokines (TGF-β1 , VEGF et.al) in the vocal cord polyps,we may find a new way to treat it.


更多网络解释与息肉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


本组资料中,单发性息肉及部分多发生息肉的局部内膜呈过度增生而形成赘生物(neoplasm)即息肉,而息肉周围内膜呈正常形态,可证实其对E、P的效应有差异. 此外,本组EP 32例中,子宫增大25例,占78%,尤其是绝经后的EP 5例子宫均未萎缩,

rectal polyp:直肠息肉

直肠息肉(rectal polyp)泛指自直肠黏膜突向肠腔的隆起性病变(图1). 息肉种类很多,亦很常见. 直肠是息肉的多发部位,并常常合并有结肠息肉. 肿瘤性息肉有恶变倾向.


从息肉数目不同可分为:单个和多发性. 息肉数很多时叫作息肉病(polyposis). 胃肠道息肉(polyps)是指胃肠道粘膜面局限性隆起并向腔内凸起的病变. 这是一个临床名称,并无组织学涵义,不可将它与腺瘤混淆.

adenomatous polyp:腺瘤性息肉

胃息肉分为增生性息肉(hyperplastic polyp)腺瘤性息肉(adenomatous polyp),也可以将其中呈乳头状生长者称为乳头状息肉(papillomatous polyp). 实际上,有些作者将一部分呈扁平隆起状的腺瘤划为腺瘤型异型增生,亦有扁平腺瘤(flatadenoma)之称.

exfoliative dermatitis:剥脱性皮炎

因此临床上所谓的大肠息肉并不说明息肉的病理性质,通常临床医生所说的息肉多为非肿瘤性息肉.肿瘤性息肉统称为腺瘤. 红皮病(erythroderma )又称剥脱性皮炎(exfoliative dermatitis).是一种严重的全身皮肤发生弥漫性潮红、水肿、浸润伴大量脱屑的炎症性皮肤病.

hyperplastic polyp:增生性息肉

胃息肉分为增生性息肉(hyperplastic polyp)腺瘤性息肉(adenomatous polyp),也可以将其中呈乳头状生长者称为乳头状息肉(papillomatous polyp). 后两者可能发生癌变,而增生性息肉仅仅是胃粘膜的一种单纯性过渡增生,是由炎症引起的,

polypoid:息肉样型的 息肉状

polypoftrachea 气管息肉 | polypoid 息肉样型的 息肉状 | polypoidadenocarcinoma 息肉状腺癌


polypoidpolypous 水螅似的 | polypous 息肉的 | polypous 鼻息肉的


polypous 息肉的 | polypous 鼻息肉的 | polyppolypus 水螅

polypous gastritis:息肉性胃炎

polypous 息肉的 | polypous gastritis 息肉性胃炎 | polyprocessor 多重信息处理机