英语人>词典>汉英 : 息肉 的英文翻译,例句
息肉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
polyp  ·  polypi  ·  polypus  ·  polyps

更多网络例句与息肉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effective intervention is removing all the GI polyps, smaller polyps can be removed by electrocautery snare, and larger, broad-based polyps will require an enterotomy.


Reoccupy much general carves position of observation color blood stream, all patients all have chromatic much general to strap supersonic examination result and operation pathology result. 2 results histology of lens of antrum of the 1 palace in diagnosing 38, pathology diagnoses 2 · for polyp of the film inside the uterus 36, supersonic diagnose accord with rate for 94 · 7%, by accident examine 2 (5 · 3%), hyperplasia of the film inside its neutron palace is ill 1, tumour of the flesh below uterine mucous membrane 1. 2 acoustic image of 2 · behave chart of acoustic image of polyp of the film inside the uterus to be tit shape, mulberry shape or glossal shape more now, polypous diameter 6~38mm, average diameter 13 · 4mm, single shot 26, send 10 more.


Methods Fifty-six patients with colon polypus (214 polypus) were subjected to perform CTC and colonoscopy.


Pathological changes can happen at whole secrete urethral, when happening in urethral, ureter and renal pelvis, say respectively for polypous shape urethritis, polypous shape ureteritis and polypous shape pyelitis.


To choose 28 cases of patients whose polyps had diameter larger than 2 centimeters and have wide fundus also with long stalk, pyknic stalk or partial stalk.

选择息肉直径≥2 cm的长蒂粗蒂或亚蒂的宽基结肠-直肠大息肉28例,尼龙圈套扎组16例,息肉蒂基底部黏膜下层注射组12例,近期随访8例。

The SA, larger than hyperplasic polyps obviously were found in patients 21.63% with diameter (larger than 1 cm). The incidence of pedunculated polyps in SA (8.33%) was higher than that in hyperplasic polyps (5.71%), but less than that in adenomatous polyps (40.84%).

SA直径>1 cm者占21.63%,明显大于增生性息肉(8.57%);SA表现为有蒂息肉所占的比例(8.33%)略高于增生性息肉(5.71%),但都低于腺瘤性息肉(40.84%)。

At present,with the increasing studies on neuropeptide,many of them have shown that substance Pand vasoactive intestinal peptideare closely related to the occurrence of nasal polyps and colorectal polyps which are similar to the occurrence and pathology of vocal cord polyps.This article will discuss these aspects in order to investigate the relationship between SP,VIP and vocal cord polyps.


Sessile and 17 semi-pedunculated polyps were only treated with APC, whereas 21 pedunculated polyps were treated with piecemeal polypectomy and polyp remnants were also treated with APC. Follow-up endoscopies had been performed 1 month after the treatment completion. Results: Complete ablation was achieved in all poplys in the course of one session.


Cholesterol polypoid was the most common in the pathological types, accounting for 85% of nonneoplasm nature.

胆固醇息肉占非肿瘤性息肉的 85 %,肿瘤性息肉多为接近 1 0mm的单发病灶,3例胆囊癌中 2例为腺瘤癌变。

Methods: 458 postmenopausal endometrial polyps were all treated by transcervical recection of polyp,and diagnosed by pathology.The presence of ER,PR, Bcl-2 and Ki-67 were detected by immunohistochemical staining.Following up these cases, 160 cases recured in three months to three years after treatment.These recurrence were treated by large dose mifepristone.After three months, 55 cases remainder EP were detected by hysteroscopy and treated by TCRP,then detected the presence of above receptors in the same way.


更多网络解释与息肉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

polypoid adenoma:息肉状腺瘤

1.腺瘤性息肉(adenomatous polyp) 此种息肉从组织学结构实系腺瘤,故又称息肉状腺瘤(polypoid adenoma),较为常见. 其中大约有75%发生在直肠及乙状结肠. 多为单个,少数为多发. 息肉直径一般在2cm以内,大多有蒂,状如草莓,色红,易出血.

inflammatory polyp:炎性息肉

(4)非瘤性息肉:如增生性息肉(hyperplastic polyp)和炎性息肉(inflammatory polyp),均属非瘤性息肉,一般可自行消失. 2.平滑肌瘤(leiomyoma) 十二指肠平滑肌瘤起源于胚胎间叶组织,发病原因不明,平滑肌肿瘤由一组平滑肌组成,分界明显,常为单发,

rectal polyp:直肠息肉

直肠息肉(rectal polyp)泛指自直肠黏膜突向肠腔的隆起性病变(图1). 息肉种类很多,亦很常见. 直肠是息肉的多发部位,并常常合并有结肠息肉. 肿瘤性息肉有恶变倾向.


息肉数目不同可分为:单个和多发性. 息肉数很多时叫作息肉病(polyposis). 胃肠道息肉(polyps)是指胃肠道粘膜面局限性隆起并向腔内凸起的病变. 这是一个临床名称,并无组织学涵义,不可将它与腺瘤混淆.

adenomatous polyp:腺瘤性息肉

息肉分为增生性息肉(hyperplastic polyp)腺瘤性息肉(adenomatous polyp),也可以将其中呈乳头状生长者称为乳头状息肉(papillomatous polyp). 实际上,有些作者将一部分呈扁平隆起状的腺瘤划为腺瘤型异型增生,亦有扁平腺瘤(flatadenoma)之称.

hyperplastic polyp:增生性息肉

息肉分为增生性息肉(hyperplastic polyp)腺瘤性息肉(adenomatous polyp),也可以将其中呈乳头状生长者称为乳头状息肉(papillomatous polyp). 后两者可能发生癌变,而增生性息肉仅仅是胃粘膜的一种单纯性过渡增生,是由炎症引起的,

pedunculated polyp:软纤维息肉; 有茎息肉

Pedopathy; Foot affection 足病 | Pedunculated polyp 软纤维息肉; 有茎息肉 | Pedunculated wart 有茎疣

polypoid:息肉样型的 息肉状

polypoftrachea 气管息肉 | polypoid 息肉样型的 息肉状 | polypoidadenocarcinoma 息肉状腺癌

Polypous disease:息肉病; 息肉发生

Polypous angioma 息肉状血管瘤 | Polypous disease 息肉病; 息肉发生 | Polypous lipoma 息肉状脂瘤

Polypous angioma:息肉状血管瘤

Polypous adenoma; Polypoid adenoma 息肉状腺瘤 | Polypous angioma 息肉状血管瘤 | Polypous disease 息肉病; 息肉发生