英语人>词典>汉英 : 息票 的英文翻译,例句
息票 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

interest coupon · dividend coupon
更多网络例句与息票相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accrued interest is the accumulated coupon interest, paid to the seller of a ''.


In accordance with our existing level of interest rates, the biennial benchmark interest rates for time deposits of 4.14 percent, the Ministry of Finance issued the latest certificate (5) 3-year bonds with a coupon rate of 5.53% can be projected for the biennium of the bonds carry a coupon interest rate will be lower than 5.53%.


For example, the interest earned by a bondholder between semiannual coupon payments.


In case you don't believe me, contrast the difference in value between a 20 and 30 year bond with equal coupon payments.


Fixed Rate Bond A bond where the coupon's interest rate remains fixed for the entire term.


It may be issued at a discount, or it may be stripped of its coupons by a bank and then repackaged as a zero coupon bond.


The interest rate stated on a bond when it's issued. The coupon is typically paid semiannually.


Under uncertainty which the enterprise asset value follows an exogenous stochastic differential equation, total value of the enterprise equals to asset value added to present value of tax sheltering about coupons, minus present value of bankruptcy costs.


The second section analyzes the restraint conditions of establishing zero-coupon bond yield curve in China. In order to analyze the constraint conditions of establishing zero-coupon bond yield curve, we should firstly study the current situation and problems of Chinese bond market because the data estimating zero-coupon bond yield curve mainly come from bond market which can't be separated from the analysis of the development history of bond market. So the main content of this section includes the development history of bond market, the present problems of Chinese bond market and the restraint conditions of establishing zero-coupon bond yield curve in China.


It is not enough if we just only depend on static yield curve of zero-coupon bond which reflects the current term structure of interest rate and make it the lever for financial products with uncertain cash flow, especially the measurement of interest rate risk on financial products with random cash flow which is related to interest rate, but need to set yield curve of zero-coupon bond as dynamic models.


更多网络解释与息票相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bearer bond:息票债券;不记名债券

bear market 熊市;淡市 | bearer bond 息票债券;不记名债券 | bearer cheque 来人支票;不记名支票

bearer bond:息票债券;不记债券

bear 看淡股市者;淡友 | bearer bond 息票债券;不记债券 | bearer cheque 来人支票;不记名支票

coupon bond:息票债券

息票债券(coupon bond)简称为息票债券,是一种承诺在债券到期之前,依照债券的票面利率定期(通常为半年)向投资者支付利息,并在债券到期时偿还本金的债券.

Zero Coupon Bond:零息票债券

有时这种创新和创造意味着我们思维上的飞跃,这也就是当一种革命性的薪的金融产品问世时所具有的创造性,如第一份互换协议(swap)、第一种以按揭贷款(房地产抵押)支撑(mortgage-backed)的金融产品、第一份零息票债券(zero coupon bond)或者为杠杆赎买融资

deflate coupon bond:利息递延息票债券

definitive bond or certificate 正式债券或证书 | deflate coupon bond 利息递延息票债券 | depsoitary bonds 存款债券

full coupon bond:全额息票债券

full count out 满数输出 | full coupon bond 全额息票债券 | full coverage 完全承保


尽管如此,两者之间有一个非常重要的,也是很难对付的差别:债券有一个息票(coupon)和到期日,从而可以确定未来现金流. 而对于股票投资,投资分析师则必须自己估计未来的'息票'. 另外管理人员的能力和水平对于债券的影响甚少,

coupon rate:息票利率

例如,典型债券的持有者可以基于息票利率(coupon rate)和债券的面值来获得确定的现金流(cash flow). 而股票的持有者或股东则对公司在支付债券持有者及其他债权人以后的剩余收入享有要求权(claim).

interest coupons:息券,息票

interest cost利息成本 | interest coupons息券,息票 | interest coverage ratio偿付利息能力比率

Zero-Coupon Convertible Collateralized Securities:零息票可转换担保证券

Zero coupon bonds 零券息债券 | Zero-Coupon Convertible Collateralized Securities 零息票可转换担保证券 | Zurich Stock Exchange 苏黎世证券交易所