英语人>词典>汉英 : 恩波利 的英文翻译,例句
恩波利 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Milan now have to look ahead to Saturday's match against Empoli and since the goalless draw earlier in the season, the situations is radically different.


Lino Marzoratti spoke at the end of Empoli-Milan: 'It was kind of a unique game for me: I grew up in Milan 's youth ranks and I have a lot to thank the Rossoneri club for.

利诺 马拉佐蒂在恩波利和米兰比赛结束后谈到:这对我来说是一场特殊的比赛:我在米兰青年营中成长,我对红黑俱乐部有很多感激之情。

MILAN - Defender Lino Marzoratti has spoken about going on loan to Empoli for next season to gain experience:'I have had a positive impression on my arrival, I have found a relaxed environment where I have develop and mature, it's the ideal place to work.

米兰 -后卫里诺。马佐拉蒂谈到自己下赛季将被租借到恩波利以赚得一点经验这件事:我对我自己的到来很乐观,我找到了一个宽松的环境去成长并成熟起来,这是个理想的工作地点。

For now I'm only focused on tomorrow'sgame, and bringing the team to Serie A.


He said: Some new players have joined the Tuscan team, players that will certainly want to do well.


Daniele Balli also spoke about Empoli-Milan in an interview that was published on empoli's official website:'It will be a difficult game and everyone will have to do their best.


The Tiber is the third-longest river in Italy, rising in the Apenine mountains in Emilia-Romagna and flowing 406 kilometres (252 mi) through Umbria and Lazio to the Tyrrhenian Sea ...

阿諾河(意大利语: Arno ),或译为阿爾諾河,是意大利托斯卡尼地區的河流,除了台伯河以外,阿諾河是義大利中部最重要的河流之一。佛罗伦斯、恩波利与比萨也位在阿諾河畔。

Roma are enjoying their view from the top of the table after a fifth gameday 1-0 victory over Empoli hurdled them past Inter after their 1-1 draw at Cagliari .


The Rossoneri struggled to make themselves dangerous. The first dangerous moment came in the 18th minute, when a shot by Pato troubled Bassi quite a bit. A minute later, the Empoli keeper was again a protagonist, as he failed to hold onto a cross by Oddo, and Pato was ready to take advantage.


The 31-year-old had moved several times during his career, but now has found a home form himself at the Rome-based club. Formerly he had played for Pro Patria, Fermana, Saronno, Como, Treviso, and Empoli.


更多网络解释与恩波利相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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Felice Piccolo:切沃 恩波利

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列波士顿(BOS)/印第安那波利斯(IND)克利夫兰(CLE)/明尼阿波利斯(MSP)/格林斯伯勒(GSO)/辛辛那提(CVG)/华盛顿(WAS)/费城(PHL)底特律(DTT)/关岛(GUM)/ 巴尔的摩(BWI)孟菲斯(MEM)哥比伦亚(CMH)/沃恩堡(FWA)斯普林菲尔德(SGF)



Lino Marzoratti:卡利亚里 恩波利

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Lino Marzoratti:马佐拉蒂DF恩波利卡利亚里完全所有

09-7-16Marco Mancosu曼科苏MF卡利亚里恩波利租借- | 09-7-16Lino Marzoratti马佐拉蒂DF恩波利卡利亚里完全所有- | 09-7-16Lucio卢西奥DF拜仁慕尼黑国际米兰完全所有-

Lino Marzoratti:恩波利

Aleksandar Kolarov (拉齐奥) 10W | Lino Marzoratti 恩波利 2W | Callsen-Bracker 勒沃库森 1W




1.与美国恩波利亚州立大学(Emporia State University)合作举办"1+2+1"交流学生项目:该校每年从我校生物、物理、化学、信息、数学、艺术类、管理类等专业和相近专业大一学生中,选拔20余名学生赴该校进行学习.

Jazz Pori:谢斯波利 謝斯波利

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