英语人>词典>汉英 : 恨之入骨 的英文翻译,例句
恨之入骨 的英文翻译、例句


hate sb.'s guts · hate someone to the core · cherish bitter hatred · consumed with hatred for ...
更多网络例句与恨之入骨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Women have such people so that fear, abhorred.


He doesn't suspect what I suspect at any rate, or he'd have spoken of it to anybody and everybody; but he's dreadful spiteful against my lady, for he says if she'd have let him have a place at Brentwood or Chelmsford, this wouldn't have happened.


His passionate hatred for Jedi led him to capture Leia Organa Solo during the invasion of Duro.


Their government abolished agricultural taxes, hated by farmers as a tool for extortionate fees.


Clamour of a lot of party should look for a person to shut my website, but network supervisory branch also is a person, right also hate sb's guts of medical treatment inside story of a plot, want me to did not break the law only, they shut my website impossibly.


The stage falls to be brushed together brush the delegate that is taking 200 to come from record company -- once, the pilfer edition that they bring to searching engine place downloads hate sb's guts.


Hate sb.'s guts


"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends."


Edward Hanslick, the critic whom he caricatured in Die Meistersinger and who hated him ever after, now lives only because he was caricatured in Die Meistersinger


Edward Hanslick, the critic whom he caricature d in Die Meistersinger and who hated him ever after, now lives only because he was caricature d in Die Meistersinger


更多网络解释与恨之入骨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

andrei tarkovsky:安德烈.塔科夫斯基

当拉斯.冯.提尔决定将>作为一份礼物献给俄国电影人安德烈.塔科夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)时,无疑是在给那些对>恨之入骨的人的伤口上洒了一大把盐,冯.提尔认为:"对于电影的世界来说,塔科夫斯基的地位就等同于上帝.

hate sb.'s guts:恨之入骨

eat dirt 吃亏 | hate sb ." s guts 恨之入骨 | be worried stiff 急得要死

hate sb.'s guts:对某人恨之入骨

reconfirm my flight 确认我的航班. | hate sb's guts 对某人恨之入骨 | road junction 十字路口

hate sb.'s guts:对...恨之入骨

444hamburgern. 汉堡包 | 446hate sb.'s guts对...恨之入骨 | 447havocn. 大破坏,蹂躏

happy hunting ground:理想之地,天堂

48.Hang by the wall 置之不用,束之高阁 | 49.Happy hunting ground 理想之地,天堂 | 50.Hate like poison 对.......恨之入骨


""词典编纂者(Lexicographer):著字典的人,一个对人无害的苦哈哈者. ""国税(Excise):一种人人恨之入骨的货物税,按抽税者的兴致任意调整. "包斯威尔在>中说,国税局的官员们被约翰逊尖酸刻薄的句子气得火冒三丈,他们和大法官商议,


政府在人民心中的地位就会颜面无存. 我们还觐见了国王,建议他谨慎行事,因为这是与他的皇位攸关的事. 他说自己无论如何也不会那样做的. 现在,梯也尔(Thiers)已经对我们恨之入骨了;大概是因为国王陛下把我们的谏言告诉他了.

twists and turns:迂回曲折, (人生中的)坎坷

see eye to eye with 和...有相同的见解, 与...的意见一致 | twists and turns 迂回曲折, (人生中的)坎坷 | hate someone's guts 对某人恨之入骨


倘若某一天,这个国家对玛利的朋友(很要好的)做了什么不友善(unkind)的事,可能玛利对这个国家的态度会从漠不关心到恨之入骨. 假设玛利是一个以情感宣泄为导向的人,她真的有可能会为了(很要好的)朋友而强出头,

be on bad terms:关系很不好

the apply of someone's eye: 某人的掌上明珠 | be on bad terms: 关系很不好 | hate someone's guts: 对...恨之入骨