英语人>词典>汉英 : 恢复室 的英文翻译,例句
恢复室 的英文翻译、例句


recovery room
更多网络例句与恢复室相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Minutes later, Epstein and Jane walked into the recovery room.


After your surgery, you will wake up in the Recovery Room.


The next day, when I work-up in my recovery room, I was amazed to see my friends and co-workers surrounding me with foods and fruits in my table.


Continuous infusion of epinephrine was used in the post-anesthesia recovery room to maintain the BP.


If you have had a general anaesthetic you will be taken to a recovery room immediately after your operation. When you wake up you may find that you have an oxygen mask over your mouth and nose. You may also find that your mouth feels very dry.


Unfortunately, the uterine bleeding was noted despite the administration of an oxytocin infusion. Thus, 400μg of misoprostol was given rectally, and the uterine bleeding gradually ceased over the ensuing 60 min.

但患者在恢复室时仍有阴道出血,经使用oxytocin注射无效,然后在肛门塞入misoprostol 400μg,一小时内出血渐渐停止,但清除阴道血块时却发现整个胎儿和小部份胎盘,2小时后患者一切正常才出院,估计出血约350ml。

The severity of arterial desaturation and incidence of hypoxemia during the early postoperative period are closely related to the surgical procedures.


Generalized myoclonus contractions occurred in the postanesthetic care unit but without knowable abnormalities in the study of brain computed tomography scan, brain magnetic resonance image, and brain magnetic resonance angiography.

病人在麻醉后恢复室发生全身myoclonus contractions,但是脑部电脑断层,脑部核磁共振,和脑部血管摄影等影像检查都没有发现任何异常。

Eligibilityfor postanesthetic care unit bypass and data on time-to-postoperativepain, ambulation, home readiness, and incidence of adverse eventswere collected.


The hemodynamics during induction anesthesia and maintenance anesthesia,and time for stopping administration of anesthetic until full spontaneous respiration,eye opening,trachcal extubation,orientation and discharging from the postanesthetic care unit were compared.


更多网络解释与恢复室相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Burns Intensive Care Unit:心导管插入实验室

烧伤加护病房Burns intensive Care Unit | 心导管插入实验室Burns Intensive Care Unit | 心脏恢复室Cardiac Cath Lab

Recovery Room:恢复室

E.Dandy(1886-1946)创建了拥有3张床位的术后恢复室(Recovery Room),1927年,芝加哥Sarah Morris医院创立了第一个早产儿病房,随后类似形式的病区也延伸到其他需要加强护理的医学学科,例如,各种专科性或综合性的"术后恢复室".

Anesthesia Recovery Room:麻醉恢复室

20 手术恢复室 Postoperative Recovery Room | 21 麻醉恢复室 Anesthesia Recovery Room | 22 污物间 Biohazard Waste

Postoperative Recovery Room:手术恢复室

18 外科手术室 Surgical Operating Room | 20 手术恢复室 Postoperative Recovery Room | 21 麻醉恢复室 Anesthesia Recovery Room

Non-Convulsive Recovery Room:无抽恢复室

16 无抽诊室 Non-Convulsive Consulting Room | 17 无抽恢复室 Non-Convulsive Recovery Room | 18 老年艺术治疗厅 Geriatric Art Therapy Hall

RR recovery room:恢复室

RN registered nurse 护理师 | RR recovery room 恢复室 | R/T radio-therapy test 放射治疗

recuperate v.1:复原,恢复 2.弥补,挽回 3.重新得到

occupation n.1.工作,职业 2.(人)从事的活动,消遣 3.占领,占据 | recuperate v.1.复原,恢复 2.弥补,挽回 3.重新得到 | cab n.1.出租汽车 2.司机室,驾驶室 3.轻便马车

Cardiac Rehab:心脏恢复室

心导管插入实验室Cardiac Lab | 心脏恢复室 Cardiac Rehab | 小儿健康护理 Child Health Nursing


周日4:00pm 储存室(storeroom)在门板上用铁锤进入,里面太暗了. 使用火柴点燃煤油灯. Eeeeeekk!!现在我的心脏总算恢复正常了. 看这面具,再向左看看见一个黑暗的墙角. 打开窗户,把竹子从窗前移走. 再转向刚刚那个角落,发现一个橱柜.

